Hobby Lobby Employee explains why it's "just a dear dollar tree now"

Buyers have noticed a new inventory that seems abnormal for the craft store.

Unless there is a small local business to which you can head when you want new threads, fabric or paint, you can count on a channel like Joann Or Hobby Lobby for your handicraft and craft needs. These options are excellent when you are in line or prefer to fill up on supplies in person rather than ordering online, but now, buyers say that Hobby Lobby is moving away from his craft store roots, introducing New products that they are not exactly delighted to. In the light of certain buyers attracting attention to the diversification of visible stocks of Hobby Lobby, an employee offers a certain clarity.

In relation: 8 Warnings to buyers of ex-employees of Hobby du Hobby .

Tiktker Stamper LYNDSEY (@ lyndsestamper1) began discussion with a April 11 video , spinning at Hobby Lobby and asking his viewers to explain "what is happening".

"It was a craft store, now I don't know what it is," says Stamper in the video, in panoramic for shelves full of dishes, glassware, bedding, training equipment , t-shirts, bathroom supplies, kitchen utensils, toys and bedding.

In response to Stamper's request, Tiktker @ Astheworldburns - who declares that he is an employee of Hobby Lobby - attributes the modifications to the acquisition of inventory of Hobby Lobby from a chain now disappeared.

"As a person working at Hobby Lobby, let me explain what's going on," he said in a April 12 video , noting that employees are not too satisfied with the new inventory either.

According to @astheworldburns, about a year ago, Hobby Lobby acquired the inventory of a chain which "entered". Although he does not explicitly indicate which channel is a chain, he suggests that the retailer is Bed Bath & Beyond, who deposited for the bankruptcy of chapter 11 In April 2023 and closed its last stores in July. AE0FCC31AE342FD3A1346EBB1F342FCB

"They have passed and Hobby Lobby has acquired their whole inventory - all this - and now it floods our stores," viewers told @astheworldburns. "It has been reconditioned, renowned, some of the things they are able to do with it, but yes, that's where it comes from."

Overstock.com bought Bath Bath & Beyond's brand , Intellectual property and electronic commerce platform in June 2023 for $ 21.5 million, Reuters reported. The inventory, on the other hand, was sold through Business exit sales , by Wall Street's journal . The profits went to reimburse the companies of Wall Street which lent the money of the channel.

In relation: Joann buyers fear drastic changes in the middle of the bankruptcy: "I refuse to go to Hobby Lobby."

Stamper and @astheworldburns are not the only ones to have resumed new products, some buyers stressing that prices also leave desire.

"It's just a dear dollar now," a commentator wrote on the video of Astheworldburn. On Stamper's video, another said that their pastime lobby "looks like Michaels met with home goods."

Some customers have also noted that they had struggled to find the craft supplies for which they came. Stamper said that she had similar experiences, responding to a comment and saying: "I go so often because they never have what I am looking for."

Another added: "For the first time today, I went to Hobby Lobby and I went out without anything! They had more toys and plates than interior decoration."

But while some craftsmen have been pushed by the addition of household items and sheets, other buyers have no problem with this.

"Very well by me! I love Hobby Lobby and I loved BB & B so it's a victory for me!" A user commented the video of Astheworldburn. Another agreed, writing: "I love Hobby Lobby! It's always a craft store ... It's just more."

Better life Contacted Hobby Lobby to comment on the situation of stocks and update history when we hear.

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