8 best supplements for hair growth, say doctors

Increasing your vitamin intake could cause shiny locks.

For so many of us, our hair is linked to our emotions. This is why people often cut it after a breakup or opt for the Va-Va-Foom volume to feel sexy. So when our locks are dull, it can be wreaking havoc on our well-being. That you are dealing with soft strands, Suddenly thinning Or hair that just doesn't seem to grow, you may try the latest shampoos and serums. But doctors say that luscious locks can start from the inside, and they recommend the best supplements for hair growth. Read the rest to learn the natural remedies that can make a rebound in your "do".

In relation: 9 surprising things that can cause hair loss, say the experts .


woman's hands holding two iron tablets and a glass of water
Mia Studio / Shutterstock

Iron helps stimulate circulation and move oxygen to body cells more effectively. When you have a deficiency, the health of these cells, including those that stimulate hair growth ( as well as nail growth ), suffer.

A simple blood test can tell you if you have an iron deficiency. Dermatologist Melissa Piliang , Md, says Cleveland clinic that this is particularly common in women.

To obtain iron during your diet, Piliang recommends eating "two portions of 4 ounces of red meat per week". Other sources of iron include Greens with dark leaves and beans. If this does not improve your levels, you can speak with your doctor to take a iron supplement .


Hand adding collagen powder to a mug of coffee on a wooden board

Danielle Kelvas , MD, primary care doctor at The HCG Institute and editor -in -chief medical at DKMD Consulting , shared with Better life that she once lost her hair in tufts because of stress - and that what helped her repel was Stack powder in his diet.

"Collagen is the protein of the backbone that constitutes the hair, the skin, the nails and a large part of our bones," she explains. "Collagen can come from cows, fish, eggs and pigs. If someone has an allergy to crustaceans, I would avoid collagen derived from fish. The types of collagen of Bovine original 1,2 , 3.4 are the best. "

This can be a particularly important supplement if you notice lightening hair as you age, because the body naturally produces less collagen as we age, according to the Cleveland clinic . Lack of collagen can also cause wrinkles and dull skin.

Vitamin C

sliced oranges with vitamin c pills

The advantages of vitamin C for hair growth are double. First of all, this nutrient helps your body absorb iron.

He "also works in your body to produce collagen, which is necessary to support the growth of new strands as well as the health of existing growth of hair", explains Don grant , Md, Online pharmacy clinical place Independent pharmacy.

Your risk of vitamin C deficiency also increases as you age. Foods rich in vitamin C includes citrus fruits, cruciferous vegetables and peppers; You can also speak with your supplement health care provider.

In relation: 12 supplements that you should never take together, say medical experts .


Biotin pills

Perhaps no supplement is no longer associated with hair growth than biotin or vitamin B7. Biotin helps the body metabolize fat, carbohydrates and proteins, and a deficiency can cause hair loss.

However, it is unlikely that a biotin supplement contributes to hair growth if you are not deficient. According to a 2017 study Published in the journal Skin appendix disorders "There is limited research to support the usefulness of biotin in healthy individuals."

Your doctor can help you determine if you have low biotin levels and require a supplement. And you can "get this nutrient from whole grains, almonds and meat products," said Anna Chacon , Md, dermatologist and writer to mypsoriaSeSam.

In addition, there are a lot of shampoos made with biotin, and they can help regenerate hair follicles.

Vitamin B12

A closeup of someone taking two vitamin capsules into their palm from a white bottle
Gumbariya / Shutterstock

Your body does not produce naturally Vitamin B12 , but most people get enough nutrients through poultry, meat, fish, dairy products and fortified breakfast cereals, according to the Mayo clinic .

However, plant -based foods do not contain vitamin, so those who follow a vegetarian or vegan diet may not obtain adequate quantities. "Elderly people and people with digestive tube conditions affect the absorption of nutrients are also sensitive to vitamin B-12 deficiency," said Mayo Clinic. In these cases, a deficiency can affect hair growth.

"Vitamin B12 supplements help produce oxygen -rich red blood cells, which transport oxygen to your hair follicles," explains Grant. "It is a biological process that promotes hair growth by producing new hair cells."

Vitamin D

Senior woman holding omega-3 fish oil nutritional supplement and glass of water in her hands.

According to Michael May , Md, medical director At the Wimpole clinic, vitamin D is essential in cell regulation and the immune system; If you have a deficiency, it could cause hair loss. AE0FCC31AE342FD3A1346EBB1F342FCB

The easiest way to increase your vitamin D consumption is by sun exposure (with SPF, of course). "Fatty fish, red meat and egg yolks are also rich in vitamin D," explains May. "Those who follow a vegan or vegetarian diet should learn to appreciate fungi, which are one of the only vegetable sources of vitamin D."

If the diet alone does not increase your levels of vitamin D, an supplement can help hair growth. It is also believed that nutrient can prevent hair from turning Prematurely gray .

In relation: The 5 best styles to lighten the hair, say the experts .


woman taking vitamin
Person ISTOCKs

Doctor of naturopath Janine Bowring , ND, recently took the direction of her Tiktok account To share supplements that promote hair growth, including lysine or L-Lysine.

According to Mont Sinai , it is "is an essential amino acid, which means that it is necessary for human health, but the body cannot do it. You must draw lysine from food or supplements. Lysine are the constituent elements of proteins. "

Among his functions, lysine "plays an important role in the formation of collagen", they explain. Therefore, if you don't get enough lysine in your diet, it could cause hair loss.

Lysine is in red meat, pork, poultry, eggs, soy and fish like cod and sardines. In addition to potentially helping hair growth, lysine "also helps beautiful skin and reducing your wrinkles", notes the inclination.


Smiling young woman taking medication at home with glass of water
EternalCreative / ISTOC

Nutrafol is the brand name of a popular hair growth supplement. The ingredients are numerous and include a type of owner of ashwagandha , Saw Palmetto, Curcumin (the ingredient active in turmeric) and the peptides of marine collagen. Supplements also contain biotin, vitamin D, vitamin C and L-Lysine, among other vitamins. There are supplements specially designed according to your age, gender and deep cause of your hair loss.

But Nutrafol is not only a popular product. 2022 search Published in The Journal of Clinical and Aesthetic Dermatology found that the supplement had provided "significant improvements" to "hair growth, coverage, density and volume" of study subjects. Participants included 47 men aged 20 to 55 and 51 premenopausal women aged 20 to 45, all with "thinning of soft to moderate hair".

A Separate study in 2022 published in the Journal of Drugs in Dermatology concluded that Nutrafol has also shown positive effects on hair growth for menopausal and postmenopausal women.

Best Life offers the most up -to -date information for high -level experts, new research and health agencies, but our content is not supposed to replace professional advice. Regarding the medication you take or any other health issue you have, always consult your health care provider directly.

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