Drink that this can reduce the fatal risk of heart disease, a new study indicates

This beloved daily drink has part of the global cardiology community that was still buzzing another advantage.

If one of the first things you do every day is a cup of something that helps youto wake up, Now you might have another reason to follow your routine. A new study that examined thediet Habits of nearly 469,000 people found that a particular drink helped reduce the risk of early death ofcardiopathy andcerebral accident-TWO of the five main causes of death in the United States, according to theCenters for Disaster Control and Prevention.

A new study has been presented Friday atEuropean Cardiology SocietyAnnual meeting of the revelation of three other possible benefits ofCoffee consumption. The research team accessed the UK Biobank database data for a study that the primary author said "is the largest study to systematically assess the cardiovascular effects ofCoffee Consumption in a population without cardiac disease diagnosed. "The average age of the sample was 56 and 55.8% of participants were women.

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The author, Dr. Judit Simon of the heart and Vascular Center at Hungary Semmelweis University noted that half a cup of three cups of coffee a day "was independently associated with lower risks. stroke, death of cardiovascular disease and death from any cause. "

coffee cups

The drinkers of this amount of coffee experienced 12% lower risk of early death from any cause, as well as a 17% death risk of death from cardiovascular disease and risk of risk of risk. Incident of 21%.

To help you explain why coffee can help prevent heart disease, stroke and total overall death, Simon indicated that his team had examined magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) of more than 30,000 participants. On the basis of these readings, they concluded: "Imaging analysis indicated that participants did not drink coffee regularly, daily consumers had healthy size and operating hearts. This was consistent with the reverse the harmful effects of aging. "

Other recent studies have suggested that a similar amount to mild to moderate coffee consumption is a healthy target for daily drinkers. Get regular coffee news delivered directly to your inbox withSubscribe to our newsletter.

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