8 the most common relationship problems (and how to repair them)

Perfect couples do not exist and it's something we should all know. It does not matter how happy they are and put in place people could look when they also have problems. The key is to note these problems, solve them and continue working on them. If you both have implemented and do your best to make it work - happier you will be and better your relationship will be. Just to get your trip from improving your relationship, here is a list of the most common relationship issues and how you can repair them.

Perfect couples do not exist and it's something we should all know. No matter how happy they are and put in place people could look when they came out and believing, they also have problems. The key is to note these problems, solve them and continue working on them. If you both have implemented and do your best to make it work - happier you will be and better your relationship will be. Just to get your trip from improving your relationship, here is a list of the most common relationship issues and how you can repair them.

1. Communication
This is the most common problem and probably the most important thing in a relationship. Think about it, if your communication is zero - everything else suck too. The most common reasons for bad communication are usually very easily resolved. You must define rules in place. For example, you can not really communicate on a movie or while scrolling on your phone. You have to book a little bit of time and spend it talking about everything you have problems. If you have already moved together - just turn off your TV, put your cell phones in airplane mode and spend time talking. If you live separate, set a specific date where instead of going out for a dinner or movie that you are going to walk in the park and talk. Public places are also good in case all serious conversations turn into a strong fight, you will be too embarrassed to raise your voice and consequently to speak calmly.

2. Parents
Having good relationships with your partner's parents is a good idea, but keep in mind that it's not exactly indispensable. We do not say that you can just ignore them from the beginning, but if you have tried your best to hear you with them and they are simply coarse and hostile to you - you do not have to bear that. But do not reject this problem, inform your partner of how you feel or how their parents make you feel and explain why you want to spend less time with them or why you do not want to attend their dinner family. We are sure your partner will understand and maybe talking with his parents to try to solve this problem.

3. Sex
It never seems to be a problem at the beginning, when it's new and exciting. But with time, some couples find that they do not often have enough, or it happens much less regularly. The problem here could be that your needs are different. One of you could have a higher libido and the other lower. It's normal and you can certainly work with it as long as you communicate your needs. A good way to get this spark is to try something new and different, make suggestions on your fantasies, who knows, maybe a lot of them overlapping, you will discover something you will be interested To try .

Four times
Depending on your level of activity, your career, your hobbies and your life arrangement, you might want to spend a lot of time from your stay or, on the contrary, you do all together and that it becomes a little boring . If you live together and you are both freelancers, you may suffer the question of spending too much time together - yes, it's a problem. We all need a little time alone, so get hobbies that will come out of the house and make your business separately. It's good for the soul. If you think you spend too much time, you have to plan. Make an appointment with each other, literally pass in your calendar and see when can you find the time to see you more often. Relationships take work and efforts, things do not really want to click on the spot as in the movies.

5. Money
Money is considered a very delicious topic that is not discussed in a polite business, but it's a ridiculous taboo that should not exist in your relationship. If you live together, you should talk about money openly. You have joined expenses like invoices and shreds, you go out of the dates, you have subscriptions - all these things should be managed and spoken. Set an hour, such as each first Sunday of the month and plan to schedule your expenses, set a budget. Your money should be joined, but you can definitely put aside some for individual expenses. If one of you is better to save money, and the other has more mentality "Treat yourself" - you can talk to it and learn from each other.

6. Household tasks
Most of us have jobs to go over the week and the idea of ​​spending your cleaning days is not really attractive. But the house must be done, and a lot of time that responsibility falls on the more meticulous and neat partner. If one of you is cleaner and the other is a disordered person who does not care if you do not have the vacuum in 3 weeks, earlier or later, you will have a fight on that. You must make a list of household tasks and divide them between you. You can definitely choose the tasks you like, for example if you prefer to aspire, while the other person does not bother you wash the dishes - great, but divide enough, so no one looks like what they do more. Another good option, if you can afford it, simply hire a cleaning service.

Trust is a very important element of a relationship. It's easy to lose and can be very difficult to win. So you have problems that you have to find the root and talk about it with your partner. In fact, in fact being honest and do things you say you want and support your partner when they need it can do a lot of confidence. Small things like paste to the plan that you have made both, allowing them to know if there is a change of plan that you can not avoid, calling on to say that you will be late at home because of work is also very important to make your partner feel safe in the relationship. Do not be far and cold, do not give them reason.

8. The future
At one point, the conversation of the future must happen, it's just a fact. Some people choose to have it right away, others think it's too heavy on a topic first and that it costs only a few years in a relationship. Anyway, it's an important conversation to understand what your goals are in life, how do you see your current life, what are your career projects? Maybe one of you wants to move towards another city or other city, while the other wants to stay put and create a business. Do you want children? When and how much. You must know the answers to all these questions to feel safe on the future of your relationship.

Categories: Relationships
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