Science says creativity strikes its peak at age 57

It's later that you do not think for some.

We have all heard of people who have not becomesuccessful until they are older, often after decades of struggle in their field. But we always tend to think that if inspiration has not hit us by a certain age, it will probably never happen - and we would be wrong, scientifically speak, that is to say. In a new study published in the newspaperOfEconomist, the researchers found thatCreativity Peaks In your mid-1920sWhere yourmid 50's.

The researchers analyzed the life cycles of the 31 winners of the Nobel Prize in Economics to reach their conclusions. "Many people believe that creativity is exclusively associated with youth, but it really depends on the type of creativity you talk about,"Bruce Weinberg, professor of the University of the State of Ohio and author of the author of the study,said in a university newsletter. "Our research suggests that when you are the most creative, it's less a product from the scientific domain that you are in and it's more about how you approach the work you do."

Those who have had a more conceptual approach to their work and tended to use assumptions, evidence and equations were more likely to hit their creative peak in their young days. But those who were experimental did not hit their stride before later in life, when they used all the knowledge they had accumulated in order to "think outside the box".

The implications of the results are not limited to the field of economy, according to Weinberg. Research really relies on aprevious study which showed that while poets and physicists tend to produce their best jobIn their 20 yearsBiologists and novelists tend to do it when they reach the end of the Middle Ages. But Weinberg's new study identified the creative ages tends to hit his summit. For conceptual laureates, it was often at the age of 25 or 29 years. For experimentals, it was not until they are57.

So, if you areIn your 40s And you still have not found this good idea that will make you famous, do not worry, you have a lot of time. And for more evidence that success does not necessarily promote young people, see40 people who became famous after 40 years.

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Categories: Health
Tags: Over 50 / Science
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