The fitness coach shares the first 3 snacks to burn belly fat

Crostilles will not help you, but these healthy treats will do so.

They say that the abs are not made in the gymnasium - they are made in the kitchen. This adage, it turns out that it is less What you do in the kitchen And more about what you don't do it TO DO. You can have steam broccoli and chicken in the oven for the three meals, but if you do not be moderation during the snacks, you can cancel all your progress harshly won.

"The only thing that most overweight people have in common is that they eat constantly throughout the day," Gerard Hall , a coach and influencer of fitness, said in a now viral tiktok . "It is better to eat meals, not snacks."

But let's be reasonable here. Snating is one of the greatest pleasures of life; No one, even those who seek to lose weight and eviscerate belly fat, should not give snacks entirely. There are also good news on this front. According to Hall, three snacks are not only acceptable but actively support belly grease meats, allowing you to have your cake (not literally) and eat it too.

In relation: If you want to lose weight, "avoid these foods like plague," said the fitness expert .

Belly fat is different from other fats

woman outside squeezing belly fat

The first thing you need to know about belly fat is that it is somewhat different from the fat found elsewhere on the body. In general, human bodies have two types of fat. The subcutaneous fat is the fat layer that exists just below your skin. But around your abdomen, more deeply in your intestine, you will find a visceral fat.

Visceral fat is biologically intended to protect your organs, so it is in fact healthy to have part of it on your frame. (Your organs greatly appreciate protection!) But it belongs to you to keep the visceral fat levels under control.

According to Mayo clinic , a high fatty ratio is correlated with a litany of health problems, including, but without limiting itself, sleep apnea, high blood pressure and heart disease.

Fusion of belly fat does not require a special diet or a tailor -made diet. THE Cleveland clinic Note that, for the most part, the methods of belly fat loss are more or less the same as the methods to lose any other type of fat: exercise regularly, sleep full hours and adopt a balanced diet. With regard to your diet, exchange your standard snacks for the following three recommendations can help you.

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Hard boiled eggs

Hard-boiled eggs on wood surface
Olexandr Panchenko / Shutterstock

You are probably counting on eggs as the cornerstone of a breakfast rich in fat and rich in protein, or as an additional protein on an existing meal (like fried rice). But most of the egg dishes are plagued by oil or butter, none of which are allies faithful to your quest for melting belly fat. The solution? Cook them hard!

"If you have trouble controlling your hunger, you should always keep hard eggs stored in your refrigerator," recommends Hall. "Whenever you are hungry and it's not meal time, simply take an egg or two and eat the egg whites."

"Egg whites have barely calories [but] will fill you," he adds.

You haven't completely mastered the art of boiling an egg? Don't worry: our colleagues at Eat this, not that! Have a recipe for perfectly hard -to -science eggs. And you can do them in a lot. According to American Department of Agriculture , hard eggs can be kept in the refrigerator up to seven days, as long as they are not left at room temperature for more than two hours.

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Cottage cheese

Bowl of Cottage Cheese

"[Cottage cheese] is an excellent snack to have before bed because it has no carbohydrates and it provides a long action protein called Caséine," said Hall.

What is casein? Compared to well -known food foods like whey and animal proteins, casein is a bit of a calm flyer. According to Cleveland clinic , Casein has several advantages under the radar. In addition to all the standard protein advantages, such as reduced hunger and increased muscle growth - the box is also made up of nine essential amino acids And is a solid source of bone strengthening calcium. AE0FCC31AE342FD3A1346EBB1F342FCB

In relation: 10 Best foods to eat in the morning for faster metabolism, say nutritionists .

Natural peanut butter

Open Jar of Peanut Butter on counter with peanuts strewn about
Sweet Marshmallow / Shutterstock

There is a reason why peanut butter is appreciated by hikers, climbers and other distance athletes: nothing fills you faster or keeps you more full. (It is in addition to the generous protein / calorie ratio.)

"Two to three spoonfuls of natural peanut butter should be enough to take hunger to the meal," notes Hall.

You will just want to be very careful to make sure you only Get the natural type of peanut butter. Check the list of ingredients for unhealthy additives such as salt, sugar or palm oil. If the brand you look at, another.

Best Life offers the most up -to -date information for high -level experts, new research and health agencies, but our content is not supposed to replace professional advice. If you have health questions or concerns, always consult your health care provider directly.

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