≡ 6 health problems with which Kiwi could help you》 Her Beauty

This fruit makes an exotic appearance to your dish, because it is full of nutrients and antioxidants that are beneficial for your body.

Originally from China but popularized in New Zealand, Kiwi is a fruit that might seem exotic to many, but currently it is possible to get almost everywhere. If where you live you find it frequently in supermarkets, here we give you several reasons for you to include it in your diet that go beyond its delicious sweet and acidic taste and its striking appearance. In fact, these are actually 6 health problems that Kiwi consumption could help treat. You can add this fruit to your milkshakes and salads, or simply to enjoy it naturally.

1. Sleep difficulties

A study published by the National Biotechnological Information Center of the United States (NCBI) reported that a group of adults were feed two kiwis an hour before going to bed and everyone reported a “significant” improvement in time of general sleep, sleep efficiency and the ability to fall asleep faster. This is because this exotic fruit is rich in serotonin, a precursor neurotransmitter of melatonin, the hormone that regulates sleep and vigil cycles. In addition, it has a high content of vitamin B and folate, both related to the treatment of sleep disorders.

2. Digestive disorders

The Kiwi is rich in fiber. More specifically, a Kiwi is composed of a third of soluble fiber, which acts as a beneficial prebiotic for intestinal flora, and two thirds of insoluble fiber, which helps healthy training of feces and intestinal movement. Therefore, it is an ideal fruit if it suffers from constipation. In addition, the Kiwi contains an enzyme called Actinida that facilitates the digestion of protein rich meals. If, on the contrary, you suffer from irritable intestine syndrome, then be careful with your consumption, because you could be more sensitive to fiber than other people. Check with your doctor.

3. Flies and colds

Popular belief is that consuming large amounts of vitamin C helps avoid flu and colds, but recent investigations point out that it is not so and does not prevent these diseases from being contracting. What vitamin C does is help reduce its duration and intensity and protect the body from collateral damage thanks to its antioxidant power. Kiwi, being a great source of both vitamin C and E and K, folate, carotenoids and phytochemicals, helps strengthen the immune system. Studies point out that by making respiratory diseases last less, Kiwi serves to improve lung function, even in patients with asthma.

4. Muscle pain

For athletes, Kiwi is an excellent option when maintaining optimal potassium levels, something that we normally only associate with banana. This mineral is important for muscle functioning during exercise and subsequent recovery. In addition, potassium is also an electrolyte that maintains the healthy balance of fluids in cells, which helps to regulate blood pressure. All this is essential for well -being, whether or not a athlete. On the other hand, Kiwi also contains vitamin K, an essential nutrient that improves the absorption of calcium for bone health.

5. Cardiovascular health

Kiwi is also beneficial for the heart. Several studies have discovered that, thanks to their content in antioxidants, potassium and vitamins C and E, regular Kiwi consumption can help increase the so -called good cholesterol (high density lipoproteins, HDL) and reduce fats (triglycerides) in the blood. This, over time, reduces platelet aggregation that can cause atherosclerosis. It has also been detected that antioxidants protect against cell damage, thus reducing the risk of cardiovascular diseases.

6. mood

Researchers at the University of Otago, New Zealand, determined that eating Kiwi for at least four days improves mood and vitality. The study, published in the British Journal of Nutrition , explains that vitamin C acts as an antioxidant and eliminator of free radicals and is an essential cofactor in numerous enzymatic reactions, including dopamine synthesis and the metabolism of the tryptophan, all this necessary for serotonin synthesis, the so -called “hormone of the happiness". The study participants obtained better results when consuming the vitamin C of the kiwi than those who only ingested supplements, so it is believed that the other antioxidants and enzymes contained in this fruit enhance the effect.

Categories: Food and travel
Tags: feeding / fruits / / Health /
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