The giant wasps who will kill the crops descend this summer - here where
Flying insects will reappear to chase away the infamous gross cicadas.

The return of summer reports the return of the warmer time and outdoor activities that make the season so pleasant. However, this also means that some animals and insects will also benefit from the most comfortable conditions. And this summer, the giant wasps who kill scar should descend into certain parts of the United States while they are starting to hunt. Read the continuation to find out which locations will be affected and other important information on this unique species.
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A rare double brood of cicadas will emerge next month.

For many, the buzz buzzing a cicada is synonymous with hot weather. But this year, some places should obtain many more insects than usual as Double brood lighting In what some experts call a "cigale apocalypse".
From next month, the XIII brood will emerge for the first time since 2007 alongside the first appearance of Brood XIX since 2011. In total, these two larger swarms will appear in At least 16 states Through the Midwest, the Southeast and the East Coast, in addition to the annual newborn, by Cigada Mania.
Experts have recently moved their forecasts, now claiming that bugs should appear at the end of April instead of May or June as previously planned. They will probably appear first in South States , including northern Louisiana, northern Mississippi, northern Alabama and Georgia, Gene Kritsky , PhD, professor emeritus of biology at Mount Saint Joseph University, said People .
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The wasps of giant cigada killers will also emerge to hunt their favorite prey.

Despite their overwhelming figures, cicadas always play an essential role in the food chain by attracting predators that feast on the sudden buffet of insects. This includes the oriental cigada killer ( SPHCIUS SPEPIOSUS ), a giant wasp who lives to do exactly What his name suggests .
According to the extension of the University of Illinois, flying insects can reach 1.5 inch length and have a black thorax wrapped in three yellow bands. Only women have a dart, which they use to paralyze the crops before bringing them back to long burrows that they widen under the trees teeming with their prey. This is where the cicadas meet a dark fate. AE0FCC31AE342FD3A1346EBB1F342FCB
"One or more are placed in a burrow that the wasp creates, preferring the areas of naked soil", " Frank Meek , a technical services manager for the Orkini antiparasitic company, told the Local Company of Chicago NBC WMAQ. "An egg is laid on the alive paralyzed cicadas (s) which hatch in a wasp larva. The larva then consumes the insects and the supergs live."
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Wasps will probably appear more than a month after the appearance of the first broods.

Even if the double historically large brood will start well before summer, it is unlikely that you will see wasps of oriental cigada killers as early. They usually hatch each year End of June or July And having a large habitat which takes place everywhere in the east of the rocky mountains in the United States wherever the cicadas are found, according to the Smithsonian Institution.
But despite being qualified hunters, it is unlikely that wasps will help reduce the impact of the double brood.
"At that time, periodic cicadas died," Kritesky told WMAQ. "It is possible that a very late periodic scar can be taken by an early Cigada wasps, but the two normally coincide together. Consequently, the wasps will have no effect on periodic cicadas."
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Eastern cicada killers can still create problems.

As a lonely wasps, the killers of the East Cigada live in burrows have generally dug in slopes near the sidewalks, roads and lawns with loose soil. However, this activity can also become a problem if too many people are present, which goes to wasples a designation of "minor devastating", according to the institution of the Smithsonian.
Despite their sometimes annoying burrows, wasps are always a vital part of the food chain. They are also described as relatively "soft", which makes women equipped by Stinger less likely to cause a painful discharge, according to the extension of the University of Illinois.
"If he turned out or escaped, they can sting in defense," Meek told WMAQ.
If you notice the flying insects that start to dig into your courtyard, you can discourage them from making themselves comfortable by reducing the amount of dry or loose sand floor, depending on the extension of the University of Illinois. You can also turn off these areas with water to hunt them.

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