10 inspiring biography films on athletes

Who goes down in history? - Those who break stereotypes and bear the palm. The following films tell that the stories of people who have changed in one way or another the lives of others, broke the prejudices or proved that nothing is impossible. These movies catch, teach and motivate ....

Who goes down in history? - Those who break stereotypes and bear the palm. The following films tell that the stories of people who have changed in one way or another the lives of others, broke the prejudices or proved that nothing is impossible. These films seize, teach and motivate. Here is the list of the best inspiring movies on the sportsmen.

Cinderella Man1. Cinderella man
"A life fight"
Fate does not always favor us. This can change success to the failure of the day in the next day, the joy of disappointment. The same thing happened to the main hero of the movie - Boxer Heavy Weight Jim Braddock.
After suffering several defeats in a row, it is obliged to leave the sport. During the Great Depression, Braddock is looking for any chance to get money and take any work to feed his family. However, he always hopes to return to the ring. And once, he receives a second chance: he becomes a favorite of the audience once again. At the last minute, he replaces another boxer and enters the struggle with the competitor as the world ...
I strongly recommend that everyone looks at this beautiful movie. It's not just the pleasure of spending time watching a big drama, but the film inspires and gives hope for the future. It also shows the importance of showing love to our nearest family. You can not wait with more anticipation and positivity when treating with the trails of life, the ups and downs - the bumps of the road we all meet.

42 film2. 42
"The true story of the legend of a sport"
In one of the interviews, Harrison Ford (he played as a rickey branch), said: "Baseball is a metaphor for America". But this movie does not just concern a game or a sport, it's a story of 2 men, a baseball coach and an executive rickey branch and a Jackie Robinson baseball player, who started changing the world .
Jackie Robinson was the same as most other baseball players: capable, sporty and crazy about the game ... The only difference is that it has a different skin color. But his talent and perseverance allowed him to lead the way for the destruction of racism and segregation in sport and society in general.
"42" - is a movie on many things. About perseverance, capacity, honesty, justice, equality, baseball, love ... Jackie Robinson was different from the color of his skin and his tremendous capacity to to play. He played better than others. And he was able to survive the press of those who were unhappy number 42 - is an immensely powerful drama full of spirit, presenting the powerful will of a man with real enthusiasm and a resolution.

3. Invincible3. Invincible
"How a daring dream ... has led to a sensational victory!"
After losing his wife and a job, 30 year old bartender, Vince Papal decides to realize his dream. It receives the opportunity to participate in a competition sponsored by the coach of a professional football team, the "Philadelphia Eagles". The head coach, Dick Vermeil, invited Anyonethat wanted to try for the team of Eagles - the test called "walk-on". Papal had not played football in high school or college, but the coaches of Eagles were extremely impressed by his natural talent, given by God. He was a miracle of all kinds, like professional sports athletes go.
This film evokes strange emotions - a feeling of heat with a little jealousy, because you realize that the emotions of the players of the eagles can not be shown through the lens of the camera and that you have trouble feeling the same emotions they lived. Marg Wahlberg has managed to show internal doubts and worries that torments the main hero. But when the team enters the stadium and starts the last game, everything disappears, because the only thing that matters is to win.

4. Miracle4. Miracle
"Do you believe in miracles?"
The events described in the film took place during a difficult period for the United States. The country's economy has gone through a painful crisis and revelations on President Nixon and his personal knowledge of the Watergate scandal. The situation in the country is not encouraging and the general atmosphere has been reflected in the field of sport. The American Olympic Hockey team was not just a pretender to win; In fact, it was not even a competitive team not missing to do so in the top 5 classified world teams. And then, a former average age coach of "Pittsburgh Penguins" was introduced to lead the team. He said he knew how to win the gold medal for the United States.
The team is located in bad condition, the declaration of Herb Brooks seemed strangely strange, to say the least. What can he be able to suggest? He decided to make a new team of young players from various university teams. Olympic officials were doubtful of his judgment and determine if his bold system would work. But they had no alternative. Herb Brooks started his "business" and after six months of training to his team in the Lake Placid Olympic Village, NY, people witnessed the event that became known as the "miracle on the ice cream "

THE FIGHTER5. The fighter
"Every dream deserves a chance of combat"
It's an amazing story! The real life path of Micky Ward at Welter Junior's weight crown in boxing really made all the twists, turns and drama that was transformed into a big movie! The story of Ward's is quite similar to the legendary Rocky Balboa character played by Sylvester Stalone. A common man, a working class guy all the way. He takes a hiatus of boxing construction, gets a surgical procedure to repair his hand and returns to boxing stronger than ever!
After undergoing a series of defeats because of the bad hand, Mickey managed to turn back to the ring, where his coach was his half-brother Dicky Eklund. Dicky was a former boxer whose career had been cut due to drug addiction. The help of his brother, the love of a server named Charlene, the care of his mother and his own indomitable will to win the authorized neighborhood to reach the highest heights of the sport.

6. The Express6. The Express
"You can reach everything, but ..."
It's the story of Ernie Davis, the black man who was a real natural athlete and could get results and be a champion in any sport. He chose American football where he excelled at Sryleuse University. This film is not only sports, but also the lives of Afro-American people in the United States in the 1940s and 1950s; About the difficulties encountered in the community and the quantity of more effort they had to exercise in order to overcome prejudices and prove their value as human beings. It's a real story about a guy capable of escaping and dealing with everything except for his own destiny. There are far too many films about racism in the United States, but this story of real life, an incredible camera work and an incredible direction makes that of the best sports drama of all time. Unfortunately Ernie, the first Black Man to win the Football Trophy of a coveted Heissman college in 1961, never played professional game. He had been writing by the red skins of Washington, exchanged towards the Browns of Cleveland, but his career and the short life of the Leukimia who was going on in 1962.

7. Dragon- The Bruce Lee Story7. Dragon: The story of Bruce Lee
"The mystery. Life. Love. The legend"
The film tells the life and the work of the Master of Martial Arts, the creator of a new style of combat - Jet Kune do, and the creator of a new kind of film - "Action", where the main things to focus In the movies are fighting.
This film does not show the life of a star, but the life of a common man; His character, his habits and his problems. We see how a person pushes - a little boy who was sent to the training in the Chun wing in his years of training. He continued to create his own martial arts style Kune Do (which means the path of the interceptable fist) with thousands of students and followers.
This thin film offers love, sport, wounds, overcomes difficulties and friendship. Bruce has established very high goals for himself and realized powerfully. A beautiful story of a brilliant person you want to shape yourself.

8. Rush8. Rush
"Do what you owe, come what can"

The 1970s, planet earth and it is the golden era for the formula 1. Cars: simplified form, brightening quickly, rotating quickly, which could all lead to a disaster. The fans, the Groopies-Girls who freely gave to bed just to say that they slept with a particular driver, the bottle of champagne at the finish line. Two great rivals in this sport: first, a charming English Playboy, named James Hunt and the Austrian disciplined perfectionist Niki Lauda - the two are at the limit of physical and psychological endurance to obtain the adulation of the fans. The winning races of Formula 1 were their Cock cocaine - the rush towards being at the top of the sport.

Winner was difficult and if you made an error? As long as you did not kill yourself, there was the next race or next season. These two genes were great competitors and lived the formula 1 to the maximum! And now at this wonderful champagne ...

9. Ali9. Ali
"I thought in myself and I believe in the goodness of others"
Muhammad Ali is a great American hero and an idol around the world, and at the same time, one of the most underestimated people of the twentieth century. Fighting for civil rights in his country of origin During the difficult years when high-level political and social events have changed the perspectives of people, Ali defended the oppressed and gave people the new hope. The story made him a living legend and it is now difficult to find at least one person on the planet who did not hear the proud name of Ali.

10. Wild10. Wild
"To overcome a great way to find yourself"

Cheryl Strayed is a novelist, a memoirist and a feminist activist who is best known for his book "Wild - de Lost discovered on the Pacific Peak Trail" about 1,100 miles on foot from the border Canadian. The film is slow but has its moments of strongly and frankly, really sweet and speaks to the heart. Reese Witherspoon played Cheryl in the movie version and did it perfectly! Chery's book message is brought to life by Witherspoon in an inspiring story. You just want to walk with Cheryl and you know it will be a great adventure.

This is not a real sports drama, but the metaphors are the same. Sport can help us overcome obstacles in life and sometimes it's an inner fight, we would work to achieve a dream that is bigger than we are.

The meaning of each of these stories has a common thread: overcome your inner fears and your doubts to survive in difficult conditions, to find your sense of purpose in life, never to give up despite all adversity and difficulties that you meet in your quest. You should always try to live to the maximum and push you always a little more difficult to reach your dreams.

Categories: Entertainment
Tags: Sport
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