≡ 9 simple recipes for happy relationships! 》 Her Beauty

Did you know that these 9 simple recipes can make you and your partner happier than before? Curious?

Do you already have a life partner? If so, you must often do daily activities together with your partner. Doing activities together will make you and your partner know each other. But the question is, are you and your partner happy? Well, these 9 simple recipes can make you and your partner happier than before! Curious? Immediately, see the first list below!

1. Sharing Unlikeable Homework

Like it or not, homework still must be done. If not, then the work will not be over. Examples such as washing and folding clothes, sweeping, or mopping the floor. Among the homework, there must be something you don't like. But have you ever thought of doing it together?

We do not mean to make you and your partner blame each other or bestow a hated job. But the form of true love is sacrificing for love. So try to do things that you and your partner hate together. If you hate sweeping the floor and your partner hates mopping the floor, then do both at the same time, you sweep and your lover mop the floor. Doing together activities that are hated indicate that you and your partner are willing to sacrifice for your relationship.

2. Try to budge

You must have been annoyed because your partner makes mistakes or annoying activities. Or maybe your partner forgot to do homework so that it makes you upset. If that happens, don't let you just let it. Keep thinking positively and show that what he does is not right.

Even though you are forced to do the work that your partner should do, still show sincerity and sincerity. Then talk about the problem when going to sleep. D eep-talk Before going to sleep is far more useful than you imagine. That way your partner will better understand which you like and vice versa.

3. Hugging every day

Did you know that the couple who takes 5-10 minutes to hug every day has the potential to be happier? Yes, this physical touch can stimulate the hormone happiness so it is important to set aside a few minutes to hug every day.

If you and your partner are accustomed to hugs for 5-10 minutes, then it is certain to continue! Even later you will hug more and longer every day, up to 20-30 minutes. Why can? Yes, the effect of hugs is indeed as comfortable as for couples. Don't believe? Try it!

4. Limit gadgets

Technology has become a lifestyle today. The communication tools that we use are more sophisticated and affordable, which makes our daily life not separated from gadget . Not only communication tools, certain game consoles are affordable and tempting to buy. Then what is usage gadget Due to the quality of the relationship from a partner? Of course this is very related!

Just imagine if your time and your partner are spent playing mobile, game console or laptop. Then you can be sure you and your partner will rarely have Quality time .

Our advice, set aside a few hours a day to turn off the entire technology and do it Quality time Together with a partner. Whether it's dating to Cafe Then talk about life or just talk casually in the bedroom while hugging.

5. Perform daily rituals together

Everyone of course has a daily routine, for example such as a toothbrush, making coffee, or wearing a night cream before going to bed. If you and the partner have the same ritual, do the ritual together. Believe me, this is guaranteed to be able to make the relationship more intimate.

In fact, happy lovers often perform daily rituals together. Whether it's a toothbrush in the morning while wearing sleepwear, making coffee before leaving for work, or other daily rituals. Do not be prestige or doubt, doesn't the joint activity mean you and him love each other?

6. Appreciate each other

Have you ever thought that a partner actually likes to be appreciated? Humans naturally like praise, even with only 2 words, "You are cool!", That alone is enough to encourage our partners.

Remember, appreciation does not need special moments. Little things or daily activities that he do should be appreciated. Like when your partner managed to sew himself, making delicious dishes or tidying up a messy table. That way, love relationships will become more harmonious.

7. Always say thank you

Don't underestimate the slightest good of our partners. Whether it's just making coffee in the morning or throwing trash, don't forget to say "thank you" yes! Because two words Miraculously actually has a deep meaning.

The word "thank you" also indicates that you respect our partner's hard work. Even though it seems trivial, you don't forget that he has sacrificed time and energy for you. Especially when making coffee, his fingers could accidentally touch the hot teapot. So always say the word "thank you" yes.

8. Say The words 'magic' before separating

Many lovers who forget to say these 'magical' words before separating, whether they go to the office or just to the market. As a result, intimacy in marriage becomes increasingly dim. Before that happens, you should try to pronounce the words 'Magic' to your partner every time you want to separate. What are the words 'magic' like?

"Be careful on the way, ok. I love you." Those are the words 'magic' that can make the relationship more intimate. Especially if accompanied by a warm hug, kiss on the forehead or hand, and stroking your head. Gosh, it's really romantic!

9. Sex a couple's hobby

Before giving a promise to live together alive, surely you already know the hobby of your partner, and vice versa. But have you ever thought of diving into his hobby? If he likes to play billiards or play Mobile Legends, then try to do it too.

Conversely, if you have certain hobbies such as watching soccer matches, basketball, or badminton, then try inviting a partner to follow it. Even though a partner might not enjoy it later, but he knows that you want to share fun with him.

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