Joe trader nuts sold in 16 states are recalled for possible salmonella
Low sodium cashews would have failed the routine FDA tests.

Because they can be easily appreciated on travel or to satisfy a desire for the end of the evening, the cashews of trader Joe are a pillar on many grocery lists . But if you recently hung a bag, you will want to prevent yourself from making a homemade trail mixture: roasted cashews with low TJ are recalled on potential Salmonella contamination.
In relation: The Kroger chicken salad sold in 12 states is recalled .
On March 18, Wenders LLC issued a recall of a trader JOES NUTS - 50% less roasted and salted sodium cashews, which can be in contact with Salmonella ,, by advice Posted by US Food & Drug Administration (FDA). More than 15 states have been affected by the recall, in particular those of the Western regions.
According to the press release, Wenders LLC was informed of the problem of contamination after routine tests of the FDA which revealed "at least one of the lots recalled tested positive for the presence of Salmonella "When importing.
"" Salmonella [is] an organization that can cause serious and sometimes fatal infections in young children, fragile people or the elderly, and others with weakened immune systems, "the company warned in the press release.
More precisely, Salmonella Target the intestinal tract, which is why those who have the infection can feel diarrhea, fever, nausea and stomach cramps, explains the Mayo clinic . In healthy people, symptoms generally occur within eight to 72 hours depending on exposure and resolve themselves without medical treatment. However, medical assistance may be necessary if the person is seriously dehydrated and produces bloody stool, or if the symptoms seem to worsen, according to the Mayo clinic.
To date, there has been no disease report.
And Trader Joe's is not the only company whose cashews have recently been removed from the shelves. On March 13, roasted cashews with Walmart honey have been voluntarily recalled On allergens that are poorly labeled with milk and unknown coconut. In other recall news, the joe's steamed chicken soup dumplings were Removed from the freezer alleys Earlier this month after customers have found plastic bits in their food.

As for the most recent recall, the large Wenders LLC distributor says that customers can check whether their TJ cashew nuts are assigned by the recall by noting the number of the actions conservation unit (SKU) - "37884" - or the "lot no". - "T12139 ,," "T12140", "T12141", or "T12142"- which is located on the "rear panel of the plastic bags".
In addition, customers can reference the "best before the corresponding date" of the LOT code, which can also indicate whether your package has been affected. The Lot code "T12139" has an expiration date of "February 21, 2025" "While" T12140 "has one of the" Mar 01, 2025 "and the code" T12141 "To one of the" Mar 08 , 2025. "The Lot code" T12142 "has an expiration date of" March 10, 2025 ".
The cashew nuts little sodiums and roasted were distributed to the locations of Trader Joe in 16 different states: Alabama, Arkansas, Arizona, California, Colorado, Idaho, Kansas, Louisiane, New Mexico, Nevada, Oklahoma, Oregon, Tennesee, Texas , Utah and Utah and Washington.
Wenders LLC urges customers to return all the plans that can be contaminated to their nearest trader Joe for a full refund. Consumers can contact the company to [Protected by e-mail] With all questions.