Duration of your personality through face shape

The scientific basis behind each face shape will really make you impressed.

The actual face shape can speak more or less about your personality and lifestyle. But don't worry, there is no face shape that is necessarily to apply to this bad or badness, but there seems to have some scientific bases behind facial guessing. Jean Haner, a book writer and an expert to watch generals (Well, see the general), even wrote a book called "The Wisdom of Your Face" (Translation: The Mystery Behind Your Face) . The scientific basis behind each face shape will really make you impressed.

Oval face
Many famous figures like Olivia Munn, Beyonce and Jessica Alba own a violin face. People with a violin face are often a sociable and friendly person (an interesting fact that fever-oriented celebrities often have this face!). They make others feel comfortable with their presence, but they are also very conscious and interested in what people think of themselves (the fruit is very interesting to nothing).

Diamond face / pear shape
This face shape is known as a shuttle face with a wide cheekbone and stands out while the forehead and the chin tends to narrow. The boys who possess this face are often illegal! With a healthy jaw contour, it speaks that those who own diamond-shaped face are super stiggers, always insisting on holding their opinions. In the positive side, they are able to pay attention to very good details, a very valuable skill in all roads of life.

Heart-shaped face
OH. Who doesn't like a face shaped like Emoji? Owners who own a wide forehead, away with a small, small chin, said they could be very stubborn, like those with diamond faces. But the heart-shaped face also implies with the power with the stubbornness, and an abundant energy. They may be a little thing to follow, but also very delicate, so sometimes let them lead everything a good one.

People often compare this face with the moon or call it mischievous as a child face, because it is understandable when people with this face are not interested in it. Fortunately, the owner of the circular face is often kind and generous people, but the left side is that they may tend to be a tricky. Be confident, the brothers and sisters are round!

Square face
The text is a powerful face, and corresponds to the personality. A word-filled face usually has a large chin jaw bone, angled, forming lines that seem to be perpendicular. The person who owns this face is usually those with ambition and determination and perseverance. They are very jealous but in fact - there's nothing wrong with a strollen spirit of rising!

It looks strange, but this is a real face form, which is characterized by a long face with the chin and a square-square forehead. Those who own this face often think too carefully, but besides, they often have a very good logic ability! They like planning, planning and plans, and they can hide their feelings very well.

Finally, we are sure that your face shape does not necessarily determine you must be this person or that, but it can explain some personality characteristics that you are wondering and bring Give us a little interesting knowledge!

Categories: Life style
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