Email Costco with these 4 words could steal information from your credit card, warn managers

A buyer recently shared his experience with this growing Costco scam.

While Costco may have alienated some buyers Membership repression , the wholesale retailer still has many faithful fans. But this continuous fidelity could put you in a compromising position thanks to a new conceived affecting the customers of the company. Officials are now warning of a Costco email scam designed to steal information from your credit card after a buyer has shared their alarming experience.

In relation: Buyers abandon Costco for Sam's Club for new membership rules .

In a January 10 interview With Kytv affiliated with NBC in Springfield, Missouri, Costco Client Michael Brown said he had made a double grip when he saw an email in his reception box saying that his Costco subscription had expired.

"It looked so real," he told the media.

Despite an automatic renewal subscription, Brown - which has been a member of the wholesale retailer for a decade - said that the email has stuck its curiosity. The message told him that he could extend his Costco account for 90 days at no cost.

"When I clicked on it, they wanted all kinds of information. My bank card number, my address, my phone number," he said. "This is where I said no."

Brown said he had ended up calling Costco and he was told that his subscription was not expired.

"They were as friendly as they could be and assured me that I was on the right track," he told Kytv.

In relation: Costco deploys new controversial caddings: "I hate them."

It seems that Brown is not the only one to have received this type of email recently. The district prosecutor's office in the county of Sonoma, California, expressed an alert On February 15, warning the buyers that if they receive a message indicating that their Costco subscription expired, "this is probably a scam".

"This email has circulated," said officials in the alert. "Check with your Costco Local store or contact Costco via its customer service on its website if you are concerned about the state of your membership."

Costco has also updated the " Currently known scams "The section of its website on February 15 to include information on this potentially increasing scheme. The retailer provided two examples of photos of e-mails expired by fraudulent membership that buyers could find in their box .

At the top of the two messages, there are four words that should trigger alarms for customers: "Your subscription / account has expired!"

Costco scam email examples for expired memberships

According to Costco, if you receive an email with this warning, you must assume that you are dealing with a scam designed to steal information from your credit card. AE0FCC31AE342FD3A1346EBB1F342FCB

"These offers do not come from Costco Wholesale," said the retailer on his website. "You should not visit any link provided in messages like these, and you should not provide the personal information sender."

Costco will never ask for credit card information through "unlined electronic communications", according to the Retailer website .

"If you receive a communication that seems to be Costco, check who sent it," advises the retailer. "Be aware of typing mistakes and spelling mistakes and, in particular, return addresses and contact ties that do not end with a simple" @ ". The sender of all communication by E -Mail de Costco would come from a domain. If in doubt, do not answer. "

KyTV spoke at the Better Business Office (BBB) to get more advice for Costco buyers who could meet these false adhesion emails expired.

"The best thing to do is access your account on the application or the website", regional director of BBB Pamela Hernandez said at the news station. "If you have a membership like a Costco or Amazon Prime account, you can connect to your account and go directly to the website. If there is a problem, there will be something about your expired subscription or a sort of notification in your account with business. "

Categories: Smarter Living
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