Which really happens to you if you directly look a solar eclipse
Here's how to see April's solar eclipse safely, says NASA.

On April 8, 2024, a Rare celestial event is ready to take place: a total solar eclipse. This happens when the moon passes between the earth and the sun, throwing the shadow of the moon on the earth and blocking sunlight. If you are located in the path of the totality - the area in which the total solar eclipse is visible - this can be quite the show. However, experts say that it is essential that you do not directly look at the eclipse, as it can have a harmful effect on your sight. I wonder what's going on if you TO DO Look directly with a total solar eclipse? Here is why you should never try it, according to NASA and other astronomical experts.
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What happens if you look at a solar eclipse
Can a solar eclipse blind you?

You may have heard the statement that a solar eclipse directly can blind can blind you - and unfortunately, the experts confirm that it is true. According to National Administration of Space and Aeronautics (NASA), looking at the sun during a solar eclipse can seriously damage the retinas. AE0FCC31AE342FD3A1346EBB1F342FCB
"Except during the brief total phase of a total solar eclipse, when the moon completely blocks the shiny face of the sun, it is not sure to look directly at the sun without specialized eye protection for solar visualization", indicates the agency government. "See any part of the bright sun through a camera lens, binoculars or a solar filter without special use for special use fixed on the front of the optics will instantly cause a serious eye injury."
Regular sunglasses will not protect your eyes.

If you plan to attend in person, it is important to know how to see a solar eclipse safely. You can do this by planning in advance and finding protective protective glasses.
"The eclipse glasses are not regular sunglasses; regular sunglasses, so dark, are not safe to see the sun," said NASA. "Safety solar viewers are thousands of times darker and should comply with the ISO 12312-2 international standard."
THE American astronomical company warns that during the last total solar eclipse in August 2017, "the market was flooded by counterfeit eclipse glasses which were labeled as in conformity with ISO when in fact they had not been properly tested and shown in safety. "
They now recommend buying Eclipse viewers from prevalent suppliers listed on their Suppliers of Safety Filters and SOLAR STOPS page.
NASA adds that if your glasses are "torn, striped or otherwise damaged," you should replace them with an unmistakable pair. "Always supervise children using solar viewers," they add.
In relation: Southwest says you can see the total solar eclipse on these 8 flights .
Even a briefly unprotected look on the sun can damage your eyes.

You may be wondering-can you take a look at a solar eclipse quickly without undergoing retinal damage? Experts say you should not take the opportunity, as sun rays can cause eye injury almost immediately.
When the sun causes a retinal burn, killing the cells of your retina, it is unlikely that you will feel pain. This can take several hours or days before the installation of symptoms, and at this stage, it is possible to have a permanent vision loss.
There are several ways to look at the eclipse without glasses.

There are a handful of ways to look at the total solar eclipse without protective glasses. The first is to look through a portable solar viewer, a camera or a telescope - but they should be protected by a special filtering lens.
"If you do not have eclipse glasses or a portable solar viewer, you can use an indirect visualization method, which does not imply looking directly at the sun," notes NASA. "A way is to use a hole projector see the projected image. Do not look at the sun through the pin hole!"
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