America's oldest woman attributes 2 easy habits to reach 116

Add it to your daily anti-aging routine should not be too large.

It is quite impressive to have any record, but being the oldest person in America is certainly a person to write at home. Today, this title belongs to Edith "Edie" Ceccarelli , who was 116 years old on February 5. THE supercintenary is celebrated and loved in her hometown, and she believes that her longevity comes down to two simple habits.

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According to Ceccarelli, living as long as she has is a credit to what she drinks and the way she leads her life. When questioned Its secrets , she told others that they should, "have a few fingers of red wine with your dinner and worry about your own business", by The New York Times .

Although there is probably no scientific evidence to support its point of view on consumption, studies have linked red wine to longevity. In a February 2021 study published in the journal Antioxidants , the researchers discovered that Moderate red wine consumption has increased the expression of "key genes linked to longevity" and improved metabolic health in humans.

A 2018 study published in the journal Diseases also reinforced this assertion, connecting one to two glasses of red wine with " Human health promotion , prevention of diseases and prognosis of diseases. "(However, it should be noted that other studies have had different results during the study Alcohol and longevity .)

But beyond the personal advice of Ceccarelli, those of his life believe that other factors may have had an impact on its longevity. As indicated by The Press Democrat , Ceccarelli is optimistic when it comes to her Perspective on life - And she has always kept things in moderation and has remained active.

The point of sale noted that Ceccarelli was a passionate dancer who liked to make long walks in her hometown. THE Nyt Also reported that Ceccarelli, who was born from Italian immigrants, played basketball and tennis - and took the saxophone when his mother saved to buy the instrument.

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"Edie embodies well-being, she has her whole life," Suzanne Pipetti-Johnson , the coordinator of the parade at the wheel who celebrates Ceccarelli, says The Press Democrat .

WILLITY VILLE CRAIR Delores Pedersen Also said at the exit: "When I started in the city almost 20 years ago, she walked from her house to the town hall to pay her water bill. She was so impeccably dressed. Hat and gloves. And she has always been so kind. The whole community loves her. " AE0FCC31AE342FD3A1346EBB1F342FCB

Ceccarelli has since survived all of his immediate family, including six younger brothers and sisters, her high school sweetheart and her first husband, her second husband, her daughter adopted and her three granddaughters. Ceccarelli is also the oldest second in the world: Maria Branyas Morera , who lives in Spain, has 11 more months, according to the Nyt .

While Willitus continues to celebrate Ceccarelli, she suffers from dementia, which has recently progressed. Fortunately, she was always able to enjoy a bite of carrot cake during her birthday party this year, the Nyt Reported, and she had the chance to watch the residents pass, shake and sing to wish her a happy 116th.

"It's a local icon," Pupetti-Johnson said to Nyt . "It has still not been a total pleasure, and we are delighted to celebrate it one more year."

Best Life offers the most up -to -date information for high -level experts, new research and health agencies, but our content is not supposed to replace professional advice. Regarding the medication you take or any other health issue you have, always consult your health care provider directly.

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