A new "exciting" study finds that daily multivitamin can keep your brain young

Researchers say that a supplement can slow cognitive aging up to two years.

Vitamin is one of the easiest additions to your morning routine - it can even be a little sweet if you opt for a gum. Maybe you've already done this, taking a Magnesium supplement for digestion or a vitamin C tablet for Strengthen your immune system in winter. But now, a recent study has revealed that there is a multivitamin which can have an even more "exciting" effect, keeping your brain young and your memory sharp.

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Published in The American Journal of Clinical Nutrition This week, the study Evaluated American adults Aged 60 and over, examining the effects of multivitamine-mineral supplements on late cognitive function. Research, which is part of the greater study of cocoa supplement and multivitamin results (Cosmos), included 573 participants who took a multivitamin or a placebo, then finished cognitive evaluations in person.

More than two years, those who have taken daily multivitamin have obtained a higher score on these evaluations and memory tests than those who received a placebo, revealed researchers.

"The cognitive decline is one of the main health problems for most elderly people, and a daily supplement of multivitamins has the potential as an attractive and accessible approach to slow cognitive aging", first author Chirag Vyas , MBBS, MPH, investigator in investigation in the Massachusetts general hospital psychiatry department (MGH), in a Press release .

According to the press release, taking a multivitamin had a "modest advantage" on cognition compared to placebo, but it had a "significant advantage" of change in episodic memory. According to the Dictionary of Psychology of the American Psychological Association (APA), episodic memory is "the ability to remember personally experienced events associated with a particular moment and place".

There was no statistically significant advantage in multivitamin supplementation on executive function or attention.

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The study authors also compared the results with two other studies in the largest COSMOS study - and the three "have shown solid evidence of advantages for global cognition and episodic memory," the press release said. In the three studies, the researchers estimated that daily multivitamin reduced cognitive aging of approximately two years compared to placebo.

As Vyas said The New York Times , this means that, in theory, these people also tested like someone two years younger than them.

"The meta-analysis of three distinct cognitive studies provides solid and coherent evidence that taking daily multivitamin, containing more than 20 essential micronutrients, helps prevent memory loss and slow down cognitive aging," said Vyas in the press release.

Joann Manson , MD, DRPH, co-author of the report and chief of the Division of Preventive Medicine of Brigham and Women's Hospital (BWH), said that the slowdown in cognitive aging in three distinct studies is an "exciting" observation, supporting more "promise Multivitamins as a safe, accessible and affordable approach to protect cognitive health in the elderly. " AE0FCC31AE342FD3A1346EBB1F342FCB

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However, while the researchers involved in the study praised the potential of the results, others said that the results should be taken with a grain of salt.

"I would put it in the field of promise, but I would not go to the bank with" " Married Butler , an aggregate professor of public health at the University of Minnesota, told the Nyt .

Other health professionals have challenged the assertion that multivitamins could make a two -year slowdown in cognitive aging. The researchers arrived at this conclusion by comparing the results of the multivitamin group with average test scores by age. Hussein Yassine , MD, an associate professor of neurology at the Keck School of Medicine of the University of Southern California, told the Nyt that the interpretation is "misleading".

Experts not affiliated with the study added that more research is necessary to include different socioeconomic classes, ethnic groups and races (this study was mainly composed of white participants), as well as to determine people who benefit from supplements and why.

"Instead of concluding that everyone should take a multivitamin, I think we should possibly try to understand who takes advantage of taking multivitamin," said Yassine Nyt .

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Best Life offers the most up -to -date information for high -level experts, new research and health agencies, but our content is not supposed to replace professional advice. Regarding the medication you take or any other health issue you have, always consult your health care provider directly.

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