Solar Flare brings northern lights to the United States this week - where to see them
Current forecasts show that people in the higher latitude states may have an overview of the dawn.

Even if 2024 is just beginning, there is already a lot to be excited with regard to special natural events. Amateur astronomers probably make plans Quadrantidid meteor shower This will soon reach what many experts consider one of the best shows of the year. But in addition to "shooting stars", you might have another reason to look up at night because the Northern Lights could brighten up the sky in the United States this week.
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According to the National Oceano Space Météorological Prediction Center (NOAA) hours before the end of the year the 31st of December. Coronal mass ejection (or CME) was measured like an X5.0 , X denoting the highest group on the scale used to classify sunscreen, according to NASA. It is also the strongest push detected by the agency since a X8.2 CME was recorded on September 10, 2017.
In an article of X (formerly known as Twitter) on January 1, SWPC said that he had "determined the Possibility of shock influences Near the earth early on January 2 "and placed a" Minor Geomagnétic Storm Watch "in force for Tuesday. The agency added that if the storms of this size are relatively common," Aurora can become visible along the Horizon of the North level and the far north Upper Midwest declares "tonight.
The activity on the sun has increased in recent months due to the current calendar of Solar cycle 25 . The period refers to a section of about 11 years between the ups and downs in the solar activity that occur when the magnetic poles of our star eventually reverse, according to NASA. But while the original estimates had Plan the expected peak To land in 2025, other evidence suggest that solar maximum could actually be Arrive earlier After an increase in solar spots and more intense sunscreen was observed, lively science reported. AE0FCC31AE342FD3A1346EBB1F342FCB
Although atypically large CMEs can create dazzling Aurora displays, they always affect the earth in other respects. According to NASA, radiation "can have an impact on radio communications, electrical networks, navigation signals and the risks for spacecrafts and astronauts". However, in the case of the last X5.0 rocket, the NOAA declared that only high frequency radio could undergo interference or a loss of signaling and that "the general public does not need to be concerned".
Even if many people who are not used to seeing the northern lights can have their chance tonight, it will probably not be the only time The coming months When they appear in different places. While the sun continues to approach its solar maximum, events like the last solar eruption will probably continue to push the Aurora far beyond their typical arctic areas and make them visible more south than usual, Forbes reports.
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