8 ways of slowing biological aging of 6 years, according to scientists

Researchers say that the rest of these habits can improve longevity.

If you want to slow organic aging, there are scientifically proven things you can do, according to the researchers. After analyzing more than 6,500 adults, a new study found a clear link between high cardiovascular health - as measured by the The life of the life of the American Heart Association 8 Controllist - and slower organic aging. The study revealed that adults with strong cardiovascular health were approximately six years biologically than their chronological age. "We have found that higher cardiovascular health is associated with decelerated organic aging, as measured by phenotypic age. We have also found a dose -dependent association - as heart health increases, biological aging" decreases. said the main author of the Nour Makarem study, Ph.D.D., Deputy Professor of Epidemiology at Mailman School of Public Health by Columbia University Irving Medical Center in New York , said in a press release. "Phenotypic age is a practical tool to assess the process of organic aging of our body and a strong predictor of the future risk of disease and death." They also found that eight habits, nicknamed Essential 8 of Life, can help you live longer.

Eat a healthy diet

Fresh vegetables in the market.

It is not surprising that eating a healthy diet promotes longevity. Several studies have found links between poor diet and an increase in heart disease.

Be more active

senior couple enjoying a run

Another obviousness: to move more is good for your health and can improve your chances of living more years. AE0FCC31AE342FD3A1346EBB1F342FCB

Stop smoking

Person smoking a cigarette.
Zhang Rong / Istock

Smoking is one of the best culprits behind avoidable cancer. Researchers say that quitting smoking can help improve your chances of living longer.

Sleep in good

Top view of happy african American man sleeping in comfortable white bed seeing good pleasant dreams, calm biracial male feel fatigue resting napping in cozy bedroom under linen bedding sheets
Istock / Fizkes

Sleep more and live longer, say the researchers. According to Sleep Foundation , get Enough Z is a mood booster, promotes heart health, regulates blood sugar, improves mental function, restores your immune system, helps relieve stress and helps weight loss.

Maintain a healthy weight

Shot of an unrecognizable woman weighing herself at home

Maintaining a healthy weight, which generally implies a good diet and the exercise (both on the list) will also improve longevity.

Check cholesterol

Cholesterol Test
Innovative creation / Shutterstock

If you want to live longer, control your cholesterol, say the researchers. Again, this may involve improving your diet.

Look at blood sugar

Checking sugar for Diabetes
Proxima Studio / Shutterstock

Another way linked to the diet, can you live longer? Pay attention to your blood sugar, ensuring that it is stable.

In relation: 2 alternatives which are just as beneficial as walking 10,000 steps

Manage blood pressure

Woman getting her blood pressure taken.
CHOMPOO SURIYO / Shutterstock

Finally and above all, the researchers recommend managing blood pressure. If your blood pressure is too high or too low, it can cause fatal health problems.

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