The FDA says that Dollar Tree still sells food reminded to buyers

The agency warns consumers to pay attention to what they buy.

Reminders occur all the time, which makes them very difficult to keep. Did you know that Frito-Lay has just recalled Some of his chips due to a packaging mixture? Or that Tyson had to draw 30,000 pounds from chicken nuggets Was metal parts were found inside? For the most part, we trust the retailers we frequent to remove all the products recalled from their inventory so that we do not accidentally buy them. But now, the Food and Drug Administration of the United States (FDA) warns consumers that a well-known company has not done its part. Read more to find out why the FDA says that Dollar Tree still sells food reminded to buyers.

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The FDA first warned consumers of a fruit pocket recall last month.

FDA called WanaBana products

On October 29, the food manufacturer Wanabana USA announced that it voluntarily recalled several lots An FDA alert . Then a little over a week later, the agency shared an update of the company which indicated that it extended the recall.

With the new alert, Wanabana USA said she was recalling all Many of his pockets of cinnamon fruit mash with Wanabana apples. The recalled product was also distributed in the United States as two other private brand brand items: Schnucks cinnamon apples sauce and Weis Cinnamon apple sauce. The prizes of affected schnucks were identified as 05023: 19, 09023: 22 and 09023: 24, while the batch number affected for the Weis is 05023: 28, according to the alert.

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The products have been recalled for high potential lead levels.

Wide view of baby food squeeze pouches for sale inside a Town and Country Market.

This reminder of Wanabana was initiated "due to high lead level reports found in certain units," said the alert. After four people fell ill, the Department of Agriculture and Consumer Services in North Carolina and the Northern Carolina Ministry of Health and Social Services were invited to investigate the sachets, and their analysis determined that there were high concentrations of lead in the now recorded products.

Following these results, Wanabana USA launched his voluntary recall and said that he continued to work closely with the FDA to "investigate the source of contamination", noted the company's announcement.

"Lead is toxic to humans and can affect people of any age or state of health," said the FDA On his website . "The long -term side effects on the health of lead consumption vary depending on the level of food or water, the duration of the exposure, the consumer age and other exposures that are At the same time, either at the head of other sources, or other contaminants or in beneficial nutrients. ""

With regard to adults, the agency says that chronic lead exposure is associated with renal dysfunction, hypertension and neurocognitive effects. But high levels of lead are particularly worrying for children, "due to their smaller body size, their metabolism and their rapid growth," said the agency. Exposure to high quantities of lead as a child can cause learning disabilities, behavioral difficulties and a drop in QI. AE0FCC31AE342FD3A1346EBB1F342FCB

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The agency said Dollar Tree still sells this product to buyers.

Dollar Tree storefront in Houston, TX with parking lot in foreground. Discount variety store in the USA and Canada.

In a " Current update "On the recall of the fruit pocket, the FDA said that it continues to investigate" high blood lead rates in people with an exposure reported to bags of cinnamon fruit puree manufactured apple cinnamon In equator and sold under the brands of Wanabana, Weis and Schnucks. ""

As of November 22, there were 52 reports of adverse events potentially linked to these recalled products, according to the agency.

These fruit sachets were sold nationally in stores, notably Dollar Tree, Schnucks, Eatwell Markets and Weis, and they were also available for online purchase via points of sale such as Amazon. But in the FDA update, the agency said that one of these retailers always sells the products reminded to buyers.

"The FDA is aware that the Cinnamon Pomme de Wanabana puree has recalled is still on the shelves in several trees of trees in one dollar in several states," said the update. "This product should not be available for sale and consumers should not buy or consume this product because it is potentially contaminated by lead, which can be harmful to health, especially for children."

The FDA added that consumers "should not eat, sell or serve" none of the Wanabana, Schnucks or Weis-Brand recalled sachets and throw them away.

"These products have a long shelf life. Consumers should check their homes and throw these products," said the agency. "To properly eliminate the product, consumers and retailers must open the pocket carefully and empty the contents in a trash can before throwing the packaging to prevent others from recovering the product recalled from the trash. Clean any discharge after throwing the Produced, then wash your hands. "

Dollar Tree says he asked stores to remove the bags from the shelves.

Dollar Tree Aisle
Zikg / Shutterstock

When Better life Completed to Dollar Tree regarding the FDA complaints, a company spokesperson assured that the retailer is "attached to the security and integrity of the products" sold in its stores.

"In response to the announcement of a voluntary recall of the cinnamon fruit puree to the potatoes of Wanabana, Dollar Tree locked its registers to prevent sales and asked the stores to remove the product from the shelves," said the door -Sholes. "We are aware of the recent FDA report and worked with our store operations teams to ensure that the Pomme de Pomme de Pomme de Wanabana Pomme Pomme pockets in Wanabana are no longer in our stores and destroyed According to the FDA directives. "

The spokesperson confirmed that Dollar Tree sells other Wanabana products which are not part of the recall, however. But they reiterated that the company's registers are now "programmed not to authorize a sale" of the Wanabana pockets recalled to cross, and that "all the stores have verified that the partners are aware of the recall and the product has been destroy".

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