7 The most insinical work habits of the house

For many of us, having to work at home is out of our control, but our health does not have to be.

Remember when we all dreamed of working at home? Now it's a reality for42% of the American labor force. And although there are advantages for not having to enter inside an office (like not having to wear a tie or heels), there are disadvantages - and some of them can Take off your health.

When the line between your work and your domestic life is blurred, we risk working more than we have never had before. It is not surprising that it has negative consequences. According to a study in the newspaperPreventive medecine, those of us who have put more than 40 hours a week are more likely to gain weight than those who work less. Working longer hours is not the only habit that may have changed when you changed WFH life. There are some additional lifestyle changes that you have turned into habits while working from home that can have serious repercussions on your health if you do not identify them immediately. We gathered a list of the 7 most insinted habits you should discuss as soon as possible to protect your health. Read on and for more weight on how to lose weight, you will not want to missThe best ways to lose belly fat for good, say that doctors.


You work late

young girl sits in the dark at night, enthusiastically watches TV series on laptop

When working at home, it's hard to define borders. Especially when the rest of your family is also at home. If possible, set a break time when you disconnect from work - just as you would if you were in the office. In this way, you can book your evenings for time with family and dinner at a reasonable time. When you work later, you also dine later, which both leads to unwanted books. A study in the newspaperNutrients have found that those whose last meal was closest to bedtime has taken more calories throughout the day. If this corresponds to your schedule, consider moving your hours a bit to log in early in the day. You will have more with less impact on your belly, especially if you practice a fast morning like the FAST 16-8, where you only eat during an 8-hour window, starting usually around 1 p. For more, read about7 Benefits of intermittent fasting.

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You no longer take public transport

working from home

You may have forgotten the impact of your morning trip to your health. People who take public transport to get to work weigh, on average, less than those who take a car, according to a study of theBritish medical newspaper. The involvement being that those who take a bus or train were thinner than those who led because they still had to walk on one or two tips from their path. And when you work at home, the only walk you make is getting out of your room in another room (if you even have a separate space).


You stay stuck at your seat

Woman working at desk

We only spend about seven hours a day standing and moving. And our sedentary jobs now bring us to burn 100 calories less a day that we had not done 50 years ago. This alone can result in additional weight gain of 10 pounds of weight per year. Instead, do that! Get up and walk for two minutes every hour. A study in theClinical Journal of the American Society of Nephrology suggests that the practice can compensate for the effects of too seated. By the way, go aheadWhat happens to your body when you sit all day.


You draw the blinds

closing blinds

Does your home office have a window? Remove the shades and move your desktop near it. Employees with windows near their offices receive 173% more exposure to white light during working hours and 46 additional minutes of sleep per night that employees who have no exposure to natural light. Instead, do that! If you do not work near a window, try shooting the maximum sunlight before working as you can.Studies have shown This sun exposure between 8 o'clock in the morning and noon is linked to an increase in the combustion of higher fats and lower BMIs, regardless of the consumption of calories, exercise or even age.


You snack all day

Work space with laptop, candies and woman hands

This is called the diet to see the food you see is the food you eat. Whether you are posted right next to your pantry and watching food in your kitchen all day or if you need to eat at your "desk", there are many more food triggers at home than in an office . While the snack is a healthy habit, it is possible to do too much.Research Show that if you start adding snacks to your diet, or just eat more frequently all day, without diminishing your calories elsewhere, these extra meals will contribute to excess calories and can cause weight gain. Keep your hungry levels at a minimum, read these19 healthiest foods to stop your desires, according to RDS.


Drink coffee all day

coffee pot pouring into two mugs

When your coffee pan is inside the arms, instead of a few floors and around the block, it is almost inevitable that your caffeine intake increases when you are at home. But you should be aware that there is such a thing thatDrink too much coffee. And it's not good for your health.Research shows that the consumption of 500 to 600 milligrams of caffeine (four to seven coffee cups) and more can pose a health risk. Drinking more than four cups of coffee every day can lead to a condition known as "caffeinism", which can cause agitation, anxiety, irritability, insomnia, headaches and cardiovascular symptoms. When the 3 m. Slump strikes, go for a walk or do weight exercises to get your energy.

For more, discover7 warning panels that you drink too much coffee.


You give stress at work

stressed woman

A study in theAmerican newspaper of epidemiology have found that people with high job stress levels are 26% more likely to be inactive during their downtime than those with low stress jobs. If you feel overwhelmed at work, consider talking to your manager to see if you can offer a more manageable workload. If you do not have much flexibility with your exit, it may be worth looking for other means of destress, such as meditation, yoga, exercise, reading or even taking "mini- mini- Holidays ", where you treat a weekend day as a vacation! Completely unplug! Or try10 ways to relax so healthy feeding works.

Categories: Healthy Eating
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