40 inspiring quotes on the books each reader will like

You will certainly want to hit the library after reading these.

We read for all kinds of reasons: expand our horizons, learn new things, walk a mile in someone else's shoes (and, hey, sometimes even spending a few minutes at the doctor's office). And while you already know whyyou I love reading, it can be inspiring to discover why others like to read - especially when these other people understand some of the greatest authors in history. Here we have rounded some of the bestQuotes on books by all your favorite writers and authors. That you are looking forpoetic dreams tastes of John Green or Pithy Pugs of Jane Austen,These quotes About books will encourage you to hit your local library looking for your next reading.

"The books are mirrors: you only see in them what you already have inside you."

-Carlos Ruiz Zafón,The shadow of the wind

"Sometimes you read a book and it fills you with this odd zeal evangelical, and you become convinced that the broken world will never be given unless and until all living humans read the book."

-John green,The fault in our stars

"The person, whether it's my gentleman or lady, who has no pleasure in a good novel, must be intolerably stupid."

-Jane Austen,Nortanger Abbey

"Books do not change people; paragraphs sometimes even make sentences."

-John Piper,A LIFE OF GOD

"The books that the world call immoral are books that show the world its own shame."

-Secar Wilde,The photo of Dorian Gray

"It is better to know a book intimately than one hundred superficially."

-Donna Tartt,Secret story

"Nature and books belong to the eyes that see them."

-Ralph Waldo Emerson,Tests: second series

"Fairy tales are more than real: not because they tell us that dragons exist, but because they tell us that the dragons can be beaten."

-Neil gaiman,Coralin

"Let us remember: a book, a pen, a child and a teacher can change the world."

-Malala YOUSAFZAI, inA start speech

"An excellent book should leave you with many experiences and slightly exhausted at the end. You live several lives reading."

-William Styrron,Conversations with William Styron

"The best reading moments are when you encounter something - a thought, a feeling, a way to look at things - that you had thought special and especially especially to you. Now it's here, is placed by someone d Another, a person you have never met, someone even died for a long time. And it's as if a hand is out and took yours. "

-Alan Bennett,History boys

"The test of the literature is that I guess we live more intensely for reading."

-Lizabeth Drew,The modern novel

The more you read, the more you know about things. The more you learn, the more places you are.

-Dr. Heaven,I can read with my eyes closed

"The books are a unique and mobile magic."

-Stephen King,In writing

"If you only read the books that everyone reads, you can only think what everyone thinks."

-Haruki Murakami,Norwegian Forest

"Without words, without writing and without books, there would be no history, there could be no concept of humanity."

-Hermann hesse,My conviction

"America that I like still exists at the offices before our public libraries."

-Kurt Vonnegut,A man without a country

"It's the thing about books. They let you travel without moving your feet."

-JHUMPA Lahiri,The name of the name

"A reader lives a thousand lives before he dies," said Jojen. The man who never reads the life of one. "

-George R.R. Martin,A dance with dragons

"It was books that told me that the things that are most tormented to me were the things that are related to all the people who were alive, who had already been alive."

-James Baldwin, as indicated inLIFE

"You do not have to burn books to destroy a culture. Ask people to stop reading them."

-Ray bradbury,Fahrenheit 451

"Maybe that's why we read and why, in the dark moments, we return to books: find words for what we already know."

-Alberto mangawr,A Reading Log

"Never trust anyone who did not bring a book with them."

-Lemony SNICKET,Horseradish

"To acquire the habit of reading is to build for oneself a refuge of almost all the miseries of life."

-W. Somerset Maugham,Books and you

"A look in a book and you hear another person's voice, maybe someone from death for 1,000 years. Read is to travel through time."

-Carl Sagan,Cosmos

"What strikes me really is a book that, when you have all finished reading, you want the author to write that it was a great friend to you and that you could call him on the phone each times that you felt it. It's not 'T comes a lot, however. "

-J.d. Salinger,The receiver in the rye

"Only very low refusal of mind to be influenced by literature and poetry."

-Cassandra Clare,Mechanical Angel

"A good book is a good friend. It will speak to you when you want him to speak, and he will remain motionless when you want him to stay - and there are not many friends who know enough for that . "

-Lyman abbott,New perspectives

"The books are my friends, my companions. They make me laugh and cry and find a meaning in life."

-Christophor Paolini,Ergon

"Reading is this fruitful miracle of communication in the middle of solitude."

-Marcel Proust,Read

"A home without books is like a room without a window."

-Horace mann,LifeandWorks of Horace Mann

"We are getting lost in what we read, only to come back to ourselves, transformed and part of a broader world."

-Judith butler, inA start speech

"I like libraries. It makes me feel comfortable and secure to have words of words, beautiful and wise, all around me. I always feel better when I can see that there is some thing to remember the shadows. "

-Roger Zelazny,Nine princes in amber

"That's what I like when I like reading: a tiny thing will interest you in a book and that the tiny thing will take you to another book, and another a little one will take you on a third book. C is geometrically progressive - all without the end, and without further reason than enjoyment. "

-Mary Ann Shaffer,The Literary Pie and Plush Society Guernsey

"Just the knowledge that a good book awaits a good book at the end of a long day made that day happier."

-Kathleen Thompson Norris, hands full of life

"The books are the most wonderful friends in the world. When you meet them and pick them up, they are always ready to give you some ideas. When you get them angry, they never become angry; when you take them again again They seem to enrich you all the more. "

-Fulton J. Sheen,Life is worth living

"It was good to walk in a library again; it smelled at home."

-Lizabeth Kostova,The historian

"A book is a device to ignite the imagination."

-Alan Bennett,The rare reader

"The books, they offer hope - that a whole universe could open between covers and fall into this universe, we are saved."

-A rice,Blackwood Farm

"The problem with books is that they end."

-Caroline Kepnes,You

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Tags: books / Quotes
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