8 Best ways to make aging easy and funny

Experts recommend easy ways to rationalize the aging process.

So many people fear aging. However, you can make it easier and more fun. After talking about a handful of experts, one thing has become clear: if you want to rationalize the aging process, personal care is crucial. Taking care of your health will allow you to be the best version of yourself and avoid unnecessary trips to the doctor. Here are 8 ways to make aging easy and fun, according to experts.

"You take the proof" of your house

Portrait of a hungry man looking for food in refrigerator. Eating and diet concept - confused middle-aged man looking for food in empty fridge at kitchen.

When you have had children, you have probably been in the baby. As you get older, you should consider the "yourself", encourages Cassandra Happe, Wallethub analyst, like DIY tips to alleviate daily tasks and stimulate security. "These intelligent advice, the organization of refrigerator with remote controls of Susan lazy to simplify televisions, make life more manageable," she says. "Improve safety with bed assistance rails and key turners and improve visibility with night lights sensitive to light." \

Plan the exercise

Senior couple exercise together at home health care with dumbbells close-up
Viktoria Hnatiuk / Shutterstock

Keri Glassman, MS, DR, CDN, famous nutritionist and CEO of Nutritious life , recommends planning the exercise "like appointments or meetings with the doctor," she said. "Look at your week and add to your calendar exactly when, where and how you exercise. In this way, it's part of your day and there is less room to jump it." In addition, this allows you to see your exercise mixture. For example, you train on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays, do a spin lesson on Tuesday and play tennis on Thursdays.

Do social exercise

white woman and black woman dancing together at an exercise class

She also suggests using the exercise as an excuse to be social, instead of eating and drinking. "This one is a double victory," she said. You will probably cut calories or alcohol, while obtaining a training session. "Often in the fifties and beyond, our schedules are such that we have the freedom to ensure that these exercise activities occur. Pickleball anyone?"

Know your figures

Modern Senior woman doing Diabetes blood test at home

Bonnie Taub-Dix, RDN, media dietitian and creator of Betterthandieting.com , And author of Read it before you eat it - take you from one label to another, suggests educating yourself on your body. "For example, obtain regular blood A1C blood tests, knowledge of your blood pressure and verification of cholesterol levels can give you essential information on how you may need to carry out health problems of Squelch Who can be hidden, "she said.

Eat healthy

Cheerful senior couple eating salad standing together with healthy food on the kitchen at home
Rosshelen / Shutterstock

Do you want to make your life easier and more fun? Keep as much health problems as possible by eating as if your life depended on it, encourages Taub-Dix. "We cannot push the break on our life clocks, but we can help slow the aging process by bringing us closer Look at what we put in our body , not just about them. As with the most important things in life, balance is essential, so do not jump meals and do not avoid whole food groups. Be selective on what you read and who write it and beware of disinformation. ""

Do everything now

Senior couple drinking coffee at cafe
Shutterstock / Jacob Lund

"Stop saving these tasks for" Someday "and start to put these photos in albums, giving these clothes that you will never wear, giving the dishes that you never use and evolve," suggests Taub-Dix. "Make a walk visit to your own neighborhood (and it's also a good exercise), go to a local museum or have coffee with a friend you haven't seen for ages."

Be yourself

Happy senior couple road tripping
Biascioli Istock / Alessandro

Be confident, be yourself, be authentic, says Taub-Dix. "Instead of feeling that we have come to a secure place, some of us feel less confident as we age. If you are on social networks, the fire of self -doubt could become warmer by putting in Obviously those who seem to look younger, thinner, richer, more popular and more vibrant. More happy and more vibrant, "she explains. "Simply keep in mind that you partially see a coil of reflections organized instead of his real life. Count your blessings instead of your subscribers and read a good book instead. If you are lucky to be in Good health at any age, it is particularly important to be proactive and to perpetuate good health that to take good fortune will continue without your help. "

In relation: 2 alternatives which are just as beneficial as walking 10,000 steps

Change your exercise routine


Vital senior couple exercising in the gym.
Stocklite / Shutterstock

If you do not exercise regularly regularly, you should get a serious routine. "Maintenance increases as you age, it never drops," said Jason Kozma , Certified fitness coach, Mr. America, who recommends a fitness routine which takes at least one hour 6 days a week. He suggests a combination of cardio and weightlifting, and even yoga "for flexibility, aid to minor back ills and relaxation," he said. "If you start yoga and are over 50 years old, stay with soft yoga and not hot yoga or electric yoga. You can move forward later."

Tags: aging / News / wellness
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