More than half of the Americans say it's their biggest concern about the pandemic

Health concerns take retention on this issue, that many Americans say even more.

AsCases of coronaviruses continue to increase throughout the United StatesPublic health is at the forefront of the minds of many people. However, new research suggests that mostly Americans, it is still a concern for another pandemic-stimulated concern: the recovery of the US economy.

Depending on the results of the Harris Covid-19 tracker survey for the week ending on July 4th,88% of Americans stated that they were mainly concerned about the US economy Following the coronavirus pandemic, compared to 84% who reported being worried about the health of the American people in general.

black or african-american man using a calculator to make a bill payment
Shutterstock / Daxiao Productions

It is not surprising that the economic concerns are so pressing for the moment: according to a report of April 21 of the PEW Research Center,43% of Americans said they or someone in their household had lost a job or taken a salary reduction during the pandemic; This number jumped 52% among low-income households. What is worse, only 23% of lower-income households and 48% of middle-income households have reported enough money saving to cover their expenses for three months. As of May 20, 2020, more than 20.5 million Americans were unemployed, with aTotal unemployment rate of 13%-Signifying higher than the10.6% unemployment rate during the top of the Great Recession.

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However, it is not only the personal financial impact of the economic downturn that could cause such concerns about the economy-expert, also say an emotional component.

"That's why people are more concerned about the economy at the moment; the salary, inflation, debt and the limits of activities are all problems that may be concretely felt by the average person" , ExplainPatricia Celan, MD, a resident of psychiatry at Dalhousie University. "On the other hand, health problems such as coronavirus may seem more abstract if someone is not affected directly."

Surprisingly, more surveys of Harris said they were worried about the economy that their personal health - something only 77% of those who expressed their concern.

"YesCoronavirus takes up to two weeks to show symptoms, people do not worry about it as much as theirInability to pay their bills At present, "explains Celan." People tend to believe that they are invincible and are unlikely to suffer a particular health problem - until this happens. "And if you want to protect yourself,These are the places where you are most likely to catch coronavirus, doctors say.

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