The worst things to write on a vacation card, say the label experts

Spread joy, without making a major misstep.

As vacation approaches, many people send their Greetings of the season in the form of a vacation card or a letter. These photos and updates may seem particularly significant for distant friends or distant parents who do not have many other points of contact with you or your family throughout the year. This is why it is so important to send the right message, say the label experts. In front, they share seven key things that you should never write in your vacation card if you want to keep the exchange happy and shiny.

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Do not write too much.

Hands of young woman holding handwritten love letter
Shutterstock / Janna Golovacheva

Breditity is the soul of the mind, and also the key to a successful vacation card.

JDI RR Smith , founder of Consulting at the Mannersmith label , says that it is best not to overwhelm the recipient with information - after all, most people receive many cards during the holiday season.

"Although we want to know what you have done, we don't need to know all the details," she shares. "If you devote a paragraph per month, it is likely that you started your biography, not a holiday letter."

Don't be a descent.

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There is a time and a place to share the difficult things that happened in your life, but Smith says that you should think long and hard before including difficult news in your vacation card or your letter.

"Life is not fair. Years ago when things did not go as hoped or as planned. If your last year was so lamentable, there is nothing positive to share, it can Be better to send cards and take a year of leave from your letter, "she suggests.

She adds that even if you can certainly note the significant events, it helps to try to end on an optimistic note. For example, you might say: "The death of grandfather was tough, but hearing happy stories about the gramps on near and far helped us to provoke us this time."

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Do not make jokes or insensitive comments.

man writing holiday cards and funny 'out of office' messages in front of his laptop before the holiday break
Zivica Kerkez / Shutterstock

The kind of humor which would be perfectly acceptable in the conversation may seem more pointed or injuring in writing, where your comments lack of context. You can avoid offending your loved ones by being aware of the frequency that jokes can easily get lost in the translation. AE0FCC31AE342FD3A1346EBB1F342FCB

"The light of the personal problems or societal problems of someone can be hurtful at any time, but particularly hurtful during the holidays when people tend to be more sensitive," said Jules Hirst , founder of Label consultant . "Try to stay positive."

Do not grievance air.

A senior woman reading a letter with a distressed look on her face
Fizkes / Shutterstock

Sometimes it is easy to lose sight of how the recipients of your card or letter can react to it, especially when the content is deeply personal. You can make sure that no one is offended while keeping your family grievances for you, explains Smith.

"Journalization is a fabulous way to understand your life. Using your annual holiday letter to drag your dirty laundry, generally taking cheap photos to those who cannot defend themselves, is simply not suitable," advises -Is she.

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Do not boast, do not boast or do not lie.

stack of christmas cards

Experts say it is important to keep your card or letter based on humility and reality. Although nobody takes a look at you by putting your best outfit for the photo of the card, it is important not to be swept away in your desire to keep appearances.

"The creative license in your holiday letter, most often, appears to be a barely veiled cry to get help," said Smith. "As if to deceive the exams, the only one you are wrong is yourself."

Hirst should open the experience of receiving a vacation card. "Do not display your achievements or your material earnings from the previous year," she said, adding that this can "make the uncomfortable or inadequate beneficiary feel.

Do not write generic or impersonal messages.

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Although Hirst says it is "important to maintain the limits of greeting cards", she also says that it is a common error to make greeting cards too generic.

"Generic messages are impersonal and lack a personal touch. Messages must include a personal note or a memory shared with the recipient to make the card more significant," she said.

Laura Windsor , founder of Laura Windsor Liquette & Protocol Academy , should that stock messages can let the recipient feel either. "Greeting cards sent with just a cold and remote signature sound instead of hot and vague," she says Better life.

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Make no mistake the names of the recipients.

white hand putting christmas card through slot in red door
Shutterstock / Lukytoky

It may seem obvious, but making people's names on the envelope is an embarrassing surveillance, warns Windsor. It also happens more often than you think.

The most common error is to wrongly assume that married couples share the same last name. Before sending your cards, it can be a great idea to check social media or the touch base with someone to know to check whether your parent or distant or not friend is always in his young girl's name.

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