The closest zodiac sign, according to astrologers

Do not be surprised when they cannot understand your point of view.

The quasi-spirit is not a line that most people want. On the one hand, it can point out that someone is firm and confident in their beliefs - And of course, it's an admirable attribute. But on the other hand, it can mean that the person is not willing to learn, grow or widen their horizons - and who wants this? However, you consider this line, one thing is certain: it can be influenced by your horoscope. Here, astrologers tell us the signs of the narrowest zodiac, from somewhat stubborn to terribly resistant. You may want to consider this list before you start a debate.

Read this then: The saddest sign of the zodiac, according to astrologers .


white couple or coworkers arguing
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The quasi-spirit of fish comes from a place of stubbornness. "Zodiac fish may seem cold and easy to work, but under these sparkling scales is a spine , " BRIANA SAUSY , an astrologer at Sacred arts for moving researchers , previously told Better life .

They are intrepid to defend what they believe well. In addition, they may seem narrower than they are because of their desire to play the devil's lawyer. "[They] will swim in the opposite direction just to prove a point," explains Sauss. It can be difficult to decipher when they are narrow and when they simply test you.


Couple mad at one another.
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Represented by crab, cancer is often grouping naturally. "A crab can close certain ideas in their shell to protect themselves from unnecessary and complex emotions," explains Alice Alta , resident astrologer for the Futurio application . "In addition, the lunares tend to get attached to their routine, people and things."

If someone suggests something outside of their comfort zone, cancer often rejects it. "For example, cancer lives with their spouse in the house of their childhood," adds Alta. "Even if the family can win enough to buy a better house, a crab can refuse to do so, as they are very attached in this location. "You will have to make a lot of effort to make them change their minds.

Read this then: The least emotional zodiac sign, according to astrologers .


Adult man working late into the night.
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That regimated panel will not be distracted in his pursuit of success. "Being well organized, they build solid foundations by themselves and are rarely open to the ideas of others," said Coach and astrologer Linda Berry . "Capricorns are strategic geniuses that play their cards near their chest, without showing their strategies to anyone - they play to win."

Whether you are in a personal or commercial relationship with them, you will probably never have access to their real reasons, thoughts and feelings. And once they have had their eye on their price, they will probably not consider your contribution to the question.


Boss working with her teammates wearing a red dress.
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This is another confident sign that sometimes closes the others by default. "The glyph of the Leo lion symbolizes a beast so difficult that nothing can unravel it, including the contribution of others," explains Berry. "They have large and strong egos that have firm opinions."

Just as the lion governs the jungle, Leo governs the zodiac. This can make them little willing to consider the ideas of others. They see each other as The most important And competent in the room - So why widen their horizons?

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Shot of a young couple having an argument at home

No sign is worth the success and obtaining a competitive advantage As much as ram. "Like mythological ram, which is the symbol of this high octave fire sign, they rarely accept or ask the comments and advice from others," explains Berry. "Individuals in Aries have decided firmly and will leave nothing, especially if it involves a position of power."

If you come to them with a creative solution for a problem, they will almost certainly use their idea instead, even if yours is better.


Frustrated entrepreneurs arguing during a business meeting in the office.
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This sign is represented by the Taurus - and like the bull, they will easily buldozer those who have opposite ideas. "Those who have a solar sign in the bull are always affected by money, material possessions, personal resources and would prove to be open to new ideas with regard to their precious goods," explains Berry. "But, because they tend to be stubborn, they hates the change of all kinds - A trait that can contribute to a narrow attitude. ""

In addition, the bullfights tend to have authoritarian and secret personalities, which makes it difficult to engage in significant conversations with them. Do not expect to go far if you raise a subject of debate.

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