17 Powerfoods Stay-Young for your hair, skin and nails

Expert advice for anti-aging life.

It was all the way back on the first season of Mary Tyler Moore Show That Rhoda observed that she should apply a soft snack directly on her hips, so quickly, something sweet affected her size. Weight tends to be our major concern in terms of diet and for a good reason. But today, we know that what we eat can affect much more than the number on the scale - like the mental number that looks at us in the mirror. Yes, food can affect our young appearance. Some, like sugar, can age us prematurely, and others can keep us dynamic and young. We asked experts to give us their favorite food inconvenience. These are 17 stay food for your whole body.


Cooking healthy food. Hands holding champignon mushrooms, flat lay.

"While food in particular will not stop the aging process, certain whole foods rich in nutrients rich in antioxidants with anti-inflammatory properties can help protect the skin and slow down cell damage," explains Maria Emerick, Ms , RDN, LD, a dietitian recorded in Bethlehem, Pennsylvania. Mushrooms are one of its best choices for antioxidant electrical foods. "Considered one of Top anti-inflammatory foods , fungi have been used for centuries in traditional Asian medicine for health promotion purposes, including prevention and treatment of chronic diseases, containing beneficial prebiotics, preventing the growth of amyloid proteins linked to dementia, while being A natural source of vitamin D. "Its favorites are the wooden ear, the lion mane and the pigs.


strawberries healthy berries cancer aging

"The berries are rich in several vitamins and minerals and are antioxidant powers," explains Emerick. "The anti-inflammatory, anti-tumoral and vasoprotective effects have combined protect Against heart disease, diabetes, cancers and Alzheimer's disease. Each of these aspects has implications in several fields of healthy aging. "High levels of vitamin C and anthocyan bays can help protect the skin from oxidative stress and maintain its young look, explains Meaghan Greenwood, RD, a dietitian recorded with Hourglass .

Sweet potatoes

Carrots and Sweet Potatoes

"The beta-carotene of sweet potatoes turns into vitamin A for a good view and radiant skin," explains Dr. Saya Nagori, ophthalmologist and founder of Ocular facts . Beta-carotene can contribute to a healthy complexion by reducing redness and promoting a uniform complexion, explains Greenwood.


thyroid foods Raw salmon

"Salmon is considered to be a superfood which contains high quantities of omega-3 fatty acids, vitamins, minerals and proteins," explains dietitian and personal trainer registered Jesse Feder, RDN, CPT . "These fatty acids are perfect for reducing your LDL or your poor cholesterol levels, maintaining healthy blood pressure, reduction in inflammation throughout the body and improving brain health. The high content in Salmon proteins is ideal for supporting lean muscle tissue, skin health and overall energy levels too. "


raw almonds on gray surface

The almonds are loaded with poly and healthy mononous fats, fibers and protein. "Healthy fats are particularly good for reducing blood cholesterol, blood pressure and blood sugar control," said Feder. "This can help you reduce or prevent you from developing common chronic health problems that can affect your energy level and your appearance."

Green tea

Bearded man drinking green tea from a mug

"It has been shown that the catechins contained in green tea stimulate the regeneration of skin cells and stimulate the production of collagen," explains Reda Elmandi, RD, CPT, dietitian and owner of Activity At New York. "They also contain anti -cancer properties and prevent skin deterioration In the elderly and those who have skin conditions such as eczema. Not only do these properties benefit from the skin on the surface, but green tea can also help protect the underlying tissues from damage over time. "" AE0FCC31AE342FD3A1346EBB1F342FCB


turmeric curcumin

"Turcuma is one of the oldest herbs known for its anti-inflammatory properties and its ability to promote traffic," explains Elmandi. "It is also one of the rare herbs that has been demonstrated to increase the production of collagen that fights against age -related gaps Like wrinkles and lightened hungers. ""

Leafy greens

Bowl of Spinach

"Spinach, kale and other green leafy vegetables are rich in vitamins A, C and E, as well as antioxidants, which can protect your skin from sun damage and maintain a young glow," explains Greenwood.


stay sharp cherry tomatoes improve memory

Natural lycopene in tomatoes can protect the skin from sunlight and eyes from damage linked to light, explains Nagori.


avocado health tweaks over 40

Healthy fats in avocados hydrate the skin, reduce swelling and protect the retina from the eye, explains Nagori.

Nuts and seeds

winter superfoods, Best Foods for Maximizing Your Energy Levels

"Almonds, nuts, flax seeds and chia seeds are excellent sources of healthy fats, vitamins and minerals that support skin elasticity and reduce the appearance of fine lines," explains Greenwood.

Beans, chickpeas and lenses

Green, black, and red lentils in piles on a wood table.
Monticello / Shutterstock

Also known as impulses, these are rich in fiber, proteins, complex carbohydrates-and anti-aging advantages. "Including pulses in daily consumption can prevent Diabetes, heart problems, obesity, certain types of cancers and the lower values of cholesterol ", explains Emerick." Replacing half or even all the meat consumed by pulses is an excellent way to eat less unhealthy saturated fats, which contributes to increased longevity. "She recommends lupini beans, chickpeas and lenses.


broccoli on a plate

Broccoli is another food rich in antioxidants with anti-aging properties. Here, lutein and zeaxanthine are essential to stop the rupture of the macula, the part of the retina of the eye that treats what you see, explains Nagori.

Dark chocolate

Gourmet and appetizing dark chocolate bar with cocoa beans. Healthy food.

"Dark chocolate has flavonoids that can support health and skin health by fighting UV damage," said Nagori. "They can also improve vision by optimizing blood flow to the brain and the retina."


watermelon with black seeds on a table
Prostock-Studio / Shutterstock

"In addition to being a good source of vitamin C, watermelon is also an excellent source of water," explains Catherine Rall, dietitian recorded with Happy v . "Hydration is essential for healthy skin."

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Granada seeds

pomegranates on wooden table, rosh hashanah facts
Shutterstock / Goncharukmaks

"Another great source of vitamin C, these small red seeds help protect the body from damage to radicals free to keep your skin young and without wrinkles," explains the therapist of weight loss Dr Candice Seti .


bowl of oatmeal

"Oat flour and other whole grains such as brown rice and quinoa can fight inflammation and provide a good amount of B vitamins, which is ideal for skin," said Seti.

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