This simple tip will keep you more hydrated throughout the day

It is much easier to increase your water consumption than you think.

It's easy to sip coffee When you need energy or take a can of soda To go with your lunch, but drink enough water throughout the day can often be a reflection afterwards. In fact, a recent study revealed that the average American drinks only five glasses of water per day, compared to the eight recommended glasses. Fortunately, this also found that a simple tip can help you drink more water. Read the rest to find out more about the hack, as well as other easy ways to make sure you remain hydrated.

Read this then: 6 panels that you do not drink enough water, according to the doctors .

People were drinking more water if it had a better taste, reveals the investigation.

hint water on grocery shelf
Sheila Fitzgerald / Shutterstock

The study, conducted by OnePoll in the name of My muse , questioned 2,000 Americans to reach their conclusions. Among the respondents, 26 percent do not believe they drink enough water throughout the day, while 71% "want soda or juice to have the same advantages as water" Speaker news .

Therefore, it is logical that 70% of respondents said they would drink more water if it had better. At this stage, 82% "show creativity by adding infusions like flavors and fruits to their water".

"The market is filled with flavored water options filled with rich sugars and calories," said Megan Robles , Marketing Director of Mymuse. "Consumers want drinks not only delicious and practical, but options that they can feel good with natural ingredients and additional advantages for support for immunity, all without sacrificing taste and flavor."

Read this then: What happens to your body if you do not drink water all day, according to the doctors .

Bilberry is the most popular flavor.

Glasses of Water with Blueberries and Strawberries
Arina P Habich / Shutterstock

As for the flavor of the waters that people prefer, Blueberry received 35% of the votes. Amanda Sauceda , dietitian registered in Intestine of conscience , agrees and says that Son Go-To is frozen blueberries: "They are natural ice cubes, then, while they melt, I break them with a spoon for water with blueberry flavor."

The lime arrived second with 31% of the votes, followed by the strawberry and lemon with 29%.

Shauna Davis , recorded dietitian and founder of Vegetal , note that you can also use cucumber or herbs such as mint and basil to infuse your water. Prepare a few different flavors in advance and leave them in your refrigerator to absorb the fruity taste.

Do not forget your electrolytes.

liquid iv for sale
Image party / Shutterstock

Electrolyte are an important part of the hydrated stay. If you don't get enough in regular drinking water, you may want to think about adding I.V liquid , Mio drops, or any other alternative that will make the taste of water better while providing key nutrients.

"Not only do flavors make water more attractive, but it will also help you replace the electrolytes you lose by sweating," said Rebecca Stewart , PPSC, specialist in pain -free performance and mobility and Issa Elite certified personal coach FX LLC movement . AE0FCC31AE342FD3A1346EBB1F342FCB

Another funny way to incorporate the flavor is to offer themed consumption days. For example, recorded dietitian Yaa Boayke Suggests "Menthe of Mint", when you add fresh mint to your water, or "Wednesday of watermelon", when you add fresh melon or a watermelon packet to electrolytic flavor. It is a creative and easy solution when you get bored with water.

In addition to adding flavor to your water, experts recommend other simple tips to stay hydrated.

Read this then: What happens if you drink the same glass of water for a week, according to the doctors .

Invest in a fun water bottle.

Array of Reusable Water Bottles
New Africa / Shutterstock

If you have looked at a nice new bottle of water, it may be time to invest.

"The trend of bottles of emotional support water may seem silly to some, but having a bottle of reusable water in your favorite color or decorating it with stickers, can make it more attractive to you (and more respectful of The environment!), "Said Stewart.

Many reusable bottles of water keep cold drinks for prolonged periods, and some even come with reminders at the time you should drink as well as motivation quotes to interest you.

Ellen Thompson , CPT, chief personal trainer at Flashing fitness , Recommends a bottle of water with a straw: "It can help you take larger sips, or simply drink water."

Set goals throughout the day.

Woman writing down her goals in a notebook

"The most important moments to hydrate are when you wake up for an energy boost, before going to bed and before meals, but sipping throughout the day is also useful," said Josh York , certified personal trainer and founder / CEO of Gymguyz .

To achieve these objectives, Thompson suggests set time reminders on your phone, watch or calendar to drink water. "These soft boost can help you remember to hydrate!" she says.

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