50 amazing facts that we learned in 2018

The craziest discoveries and discover from the year that was.

If you are the type of person who reads allSingle Newspaper page, you know there are seriously strange things discovering every day. For example, in 2018, we learned that some Australian birds intentionally broadcast forest fires (impolis!) And that the actual color of the universe is beige (let's say what?!). We have discovered tens of thousands of new species (cool!) And we realized that naked mole rates never age (EW).

And because many of this kind of thing have never done new news from the front page, we decided to round off ourselves. Read more about fascinating facts that we have just learned this year.

The cheese farm in the world is 3,200 years

american customs offensive in other countries

Whilesuperstitious people question of the wisdom to continue to open Egyptian graves, a recent discovery in an Egyptian archaeological digger informed historiansHumans have made cheese For at least three millennia now. Made from goat or cow's milk, he probably would like nothing to taste a modern cheese, however, and she could even be hosted at a deadly bacterial infection called brucellosis. Nevertheless, some internet commentators of doubtful wisdom expressed the desire to eat it and discover.

Rats of naked tabes do not get older

mole rat animal facts

If you have already seen a picture ofone of these little strange creaturesyou will remember it. Surprisingly, they are as extraordinary they are strange. In addition to being immunized against cancer, naked molar rats do not seem to go through a kind of aging process. In other words, their mortality rate does not increase as they get older. They do, of course, die at some point, usually after about six years in a laboratory, but aTamoire naked 30 years It is no more likely to die than a 2-year-old mole rat.

Climate change can make your sleep worse

Tired Business Man

When temperatures rise higher in the world and that individual heat waves result in new record temperatures, it seems that global warming (only one part of a changing climate) has an unexpected effect - it doesThe quality of our worst sleep. In a sense, it's not really a surprise because people tend to sleep badly when they are hot.

However,A recent study Proven that this happens also on a larger scale. The elderly and persons with lower incomes, both more likely to hurt than those of other groups, have been touched the most strongly.

The largest underwater caves in the world are full of old artifacts

Yucatan Peninsula cave facts 2018
Image via YouTube

He took 10-month divers to map the 216 kilometers of caverns under the banks of the Yucatan Peninsula in Mexico and, along the way, they made remarkable discoveries. Ceramics, tombs and human remains of the former Mayan civilization are scattered throughout theActun Cave bag system. The project manager compared dives to travel on time, as if you had been transported from 10,000 to 12,000 years in the past. When divers do more results and cartographic connections between caves, the giant cave system could continue to "grow". And for more fantastic destinations, here is the30 most magical islands on the planet.

The big pizza is the best deal

Let's say you and a friend finds both that you're hungry enough, but you also want to maximize your pizza-pizza ratio. Do you have two average pizzas of 14 inches for $ 12 each or a large 18-inch for $ 18? Although two mediums look like a lot more pizza, it's only a little bit more for much more money. One biggest is as important as 1.7 mediums, but in this example costs less $ 6. The reason has to do with the place of the radius of the pizza, but the important lesson here isAlways order the big.

The average color of the universe is beige

universe facts 2018

We perceive different colorsBecause the light that brings them to different wavelengths. This means that you can express each color as a number and, if you can do it, it is possible on average. And if it is possible, the scientists will try it, then the astronomers gathered, have an average of an average wavelength of all the colored stars we can see, and that you are offered ... beige. Although beige does not ring very exciting, the concept itself is rather cool and they even had a contest to find a better name, ending with "cosmic lath. "

Facebook can predict your personality better than your friends can

Facebook friend request

The "Like" button Facebook is more than just a tool to communicate the approval. Two psychologists have created a Facebook application called Mypersonality who have asked respondents to complete a personality test, at the same time as scientists give access to their Facebook data. They ran all these tastes, messages and comments through a personality preaching algorithm, and then compared the results to each user.Self-declared test results. Both corresponding to a surprising degree; On average, they were 15% more accurate than tests filled with friends and a user's family.

Scientists have discovered thousands of new species

rhynchocyon stuhlmanni facts 2018

Although the totals for this year are not yet counted, it is likely that the number ofNew species discovered in 2018 will be in tens of thousands; 2016, for example, brought 18,000 new species to light. This year, some of the new animals include leopard eel, the African central crocodile, the African crocodile, the engineer's dog dog andThree (Ah!) New spiders. Surprisingly, experts say that 90% of soil species are probably uncovering. This is another reason to work to preserve the biodiversity of the Earth.

The turkeys have doubled in size since 1960

turkey craziest emotional support animal

Although we can not pause to consider turkeys beforeThanksgivingThe reproduction of Turkey is a large-scale industry. Like other farms, the turkeys are high to increase their desirable aspects - in this case, the pure amount of their meat. The breeders obtained an average gain of about 0.25 pounds a year, which means that over the last five decades,the weight of an average turkey grew up 15.1 to 31.1 pounds. Contemporary turkeys are so genetically different from the 1960s turkeys (whose genetic strains still exist) which even nourished the same food, the turkeys of today will grow twice as fast.

Blood clots can take the form of lungs

blood clot heart attack angioplasty

A 36-year-old man entered the emergency room with heart failure, doctors so connected to a blood circulation pump. It saved his life. But one of the complications of the procedure is the formation of blood clots, which can enter the lungs and must be affected. Indeed, the patient has couched a clot shaped asA miniature tree. The clot had actually formed in the form of the blood vessels of the lungs, and it is beautifully macabria. The doctors are amazed by the man couged in one piece!

The paper cuts hurt because they barely bleed

Person with Paper Cut facts 2018

The scourge of many office workers, paper cuts seem to hurt much more than they should for such a small injury. However, the small size of the cut is precisely what makes it sting so badly. With a larger cut, your red blood cells jumped into action, coagulating to stop bleeding and start forming a protective tank that also covers your sensitive nerve endings. However, sincePaper cuts do not bleed a lotYour blood does not care to form a tank, leaving these unprotected and free nerve purposes to shout in pain.

George Washington is still the highest person in the US Army ranking

Portrait of George Washington
Image via Wikimedia Commons

During his time in the revolutionary war, Founder George Washington was only a major general (two stars); He was promoted after his presidency to the rank of lieutenant (three stars). It was not until the Second World War that the rank of Four Star General was created to honor General John J. Pershing, and the highest rank was hit up to five stars during the Second World War.

However, during the Bicentenna celebrations of the country of 1976, it was officially decreed that no officer can have rank senior to President Washington, which effectively makes the only six-star general.

Some Australian birds intentionally spread forest fires

Black Kite bird facts 2018

The birds called the black kite, the whistling kite, and the brown hawk may seem quite tamed compared to, say, the spider of Sydney Web Forel. However, scientists are now discovering something that Aboriginal Rangers have experienced for centuries - these birds will actually pick up fristers from the front of a forest fire and hand it up to one kilometer before dropping it down ,effectively spread the fire. Although the reason for this behavior is uncertain, it's a clear problem for firefighters. These birds can spread a soaring from natural barriers and firearm fires.

Banana Candy tastes as bananas pre-1960s

Banana candy facts 2018

If you have already eaten something withAromatization of artificial banana, you may have noticed that justtype oftastes like bananas. It's probably because artificial aromatization was based on a different banana species from the one we find in grocery stores today. Today's bananas are mainly the Variety Cavendish, but the flavor of the banana is based on the big Michel, a softer strain of the fruit that is not cultivated in bulk today because it is likely to A fungus called Panama's disease. The Cavendish is much more resistant to diseases, so on, our bananas only know our banana candies.

President Coolidge had a pet raccoon

50 funniest facts
Everett Collection / Shutterstock

It might be more accurate to say that the first lady Grace Coolidge had a pet raccoon, named Rebecca, but anyway, there wasA raccoon in the White House In the 1920s. For photos, Ms. Coolidge would be rocking Bradle Rebecca in his arms as if she was a kitten, but it did not seem like a strange view at that time, when families have kept all kinds of wild animals Like pets. It might even seemed to be tamed from the White House since the previous president, Theodore Roosevelt, was known to keep the snakes, a badger and even a baby bear.

There is a proof of intergalactic planets

planets in space in the future

It is difficult enough to spot the planets outside our own solar system. It is therefore quite surprising that we can finally see far enough to confirm the existence of planets outside our galactic personal address, the milky galaxy. Using a technique calledGravitational microlensing This measures the way the light looks at very distant stars, astronomers have spotted disorders that could only be caused by planet size objects orbit these stars. At 3.8 billion years of lighting, we can not see these exoplanets directly, but we can now say with certainty that at least 53 of them exist.

Hippopotamuses can not swim

If you have never seen a video of a massive hippopotamus of cut quickly through the water, do it a favor and Google. We will wait. Pretty incredible something so big can swim so fast, right?

Well, get this: it does not swim. As it turns out, a"swim" the feet of hippo Almost always remaining in contact with the river or the lake bed. Their movement would be better described as running or galloping, helped by the perfect balance of bone density and buoyancy. This makes their speed even more impressive than if they do in fact, you try to run through the shoulder water!

German chocolate cake is not Germany

German Chocolate Cake facts 2018

From the dessert name, you could assume that the Germans just worship coco-pecan glazing on their chocolate cakes. However, the cake is not named for his country of origin, but rather a chocolatier named Sam German. He invented a sweet cooking garment called German chocolate and in 1957, a Texas newspaper impressed a recipe from a local woman who used it in his cake. The recipe for "German chocolate cake"Removed, and somewhere on the line, the apostrophe dropped. This means that the German chocolate cake is actually all American.

The most dangerous creature on the earth is mosquito

Mosquito Bug-Bite

Although you are forgiven to think that sharks or tigers or humans are the most deadly species of the Earth,This title goes to the humble mosquito. Humans kill only 475,000 humans every year, whileMosquitoes kill more than 725,000. Their death rate comes from the fact that they spread an illness - about 83% of these annual deaths are due to malaria alone. If it is not Icky enough, it turns out that, during their peak seasons, there are more mosquitoes on earth than any other animal than other animals except for termites and ants.

The "Golden State Killer" was an old cop

lit-up police siren at night

The police throughout the state of California hunts a notorious rapist and a murderer nicknamed the "golden killer" for years and, in April 2018, they finally had their break. DNA tests returned that 72 yearsJoseph Deangelo Murdered at least 8 women and assaulted many others in the 1970s and 80s, some while working as a police officer. Although it took decades to identify it, the survivors of his attacks and his families of the victims finally have a chance to see the justice served.

Hydrox cookies were invented before Oréos

Hydrox cookies facts 2018
Image via Wikimedia Commons

Since they are cheaper and less well known, you could naturally assume that hydrox cookies, with their black chocolate pads and vanilla creams, are knocks from Nabisco oréo cookies. However, the truth is the opposite: Hydrox arrived in 1908, but Oreos did not hit the shelves before 1912. It wasHydrox Name-Meant to evoke purity, but seeming more like a cleaning product - which was probably its failure. Hydrox blocked, however, in part because they were kosher from the beginning, while Oréos did not become kosher until 1998.

Viagra can keep cut flowers to wither


Viagra, which has been originally designed to combat heart disease, still has another unexpected application in flowers. In a "why did they even do that?" Experience, researchers found that 1 mg of Viagra was sufficient to keep two vases ofFlowers standing straight to lending For a week longer than they would otherwise. The drug stops some chemicals in the flowers of decomposing, which slows down the wilting process. I hope it could improve our pre-package of fresh products, but really, scientists are probably trying to try it because they could.

The chainsaw was originally a surgical instrument

Chainsaw facts 2018
Shutterstock / Parilov

The precursor of the modern chain saw was actually a medical tool used to eliminate sick bones and help delivery. Invented by a pair of Scottish doctors in the 1790s, the device had all parts of the familiar chainsaw: a chain ofInclined cutting teeth Which turned around a central tree, although (fortunately), it was broken by hand and not an engine. In a remarkable way, it was a real progress at that time because it required a smaller incision than other surgical methods. It has not been adapted to the cutting of trees before more than a century later.

The last letter of the English alphabet is J

alphabet 2020 predictions

That is to say, I was the last letter added to the whole of 26 which now constitute our alphabet song. I was actually used interchangeably for centuries-reminderthis set upIndiana Jones and the last crusadeUntil 1524, when an Italian grammar enthusiast used a J to distinguishThe sound sweet-j As found at the beginning of "Jesus" (IESUS in Greek andYESHUA in Hebrew). Before that, a writer had just been a letter embellished I.

Television makes us dream of color

Woman watching tv in bed christmas depression

Some people dream in black and whiteBut others dream of color and the division line seems to involve the advent of color television. A study of the 1940s College Students reported that 70.1% rarely or never dreamed of color, while a 2001 study showed that the number fell to 17.7%. In fact, another study concluded that it could be impossible to trulyDream in black and white Unless you had an "significant black and white media experience".

The Planet Uranus was initially named George

Uranus planet facts 2018
Image via Wikimedia Commons

In 1781, an amateur English astronomer discovered that a shiny object in the night sky, first thought of being a star, moved like aplanet. Indeed, he had discovered the seventh planet of the sun and honor the English king who had then hired at the Royal Astronomer, he appointed herGeorgium Sidus, or "Planet George". Astronomers elsewhere in Europe did not like the name Anglo-centered. So they gave him a name of classic mythology. "Ouranos" was anglicized in "Uranus" and a thousand juvenile jokes were born.

The rats have not spread the black plague


For years, our understanding of the black plague - a disease that has suffered millions of people around the fourteenth century - was that the disease has spread when negotiating ships transported from patients to new places. The theory was that the chips that lived on these rats would pick up the infection and transfer it to humans. However, new epidemiological models show that we could have framed the rats. Given historical infection and mortality rates, it is much more likely than theplague spread by Europe and Africa Through humans infested with flea and personal methods to the person like cough.

Languages ​​have more names for red than blue

color facts

On the color spectrum, pink, red, orange and yellow are often called "hot" colors, while green, blue, purple and gray are "fresh" colors. In languages ​​all over the world, people haveMore names for warm colors than those cool. This means that it is easier to describe a warm color than a cool in more than 110 languages. Our ability to communicate on warm colors may have been important for the collection of first humans, after all, many ripe fruits and vegetables are red.

Wombat Poop is cube-shaped

wombat animal facts

Another wonderful Australian Marsupial, the wombat looks more like a plush bear than a real bear. One of their many quirks is their ability to excrete the coca as a cube. They have a long intestinal tract associated with a slow digestion rate, so that the food of the food they eat are shaped by the edges of their large intestine. However, it does not have enough water content to reshape at the exit door, to speak.Square coca May also have an evolutionary advantage because cube-shaped territory markers are unlikely to move from their original location.

The murderer of Rasputin is the reason why films have the non-responsibility

Rasputin facts 2018

You surely saw the blur in cinema credits that says, "It's a work of fiction. Any similarity ... "Bla, Bla, Bla, Bla. This is where, in 1933, MGM decided to make a movie onRasputin's death and the fall of the Romanov reign. What is, one of the men who had helped Kill Rasputin was not only alive, but also to gain money from a brief who has pooked on his part in the murder of Mad Monk. Even if the character has been renamed, the assassin has been able to successfully pursue the defamation studio.

Toilet seat covers do not do much

Paper toilet seat cover facts 2018

Many public toilet users can feel very uncomfortable leaving their skin naked touching the toilet seat, so they use paper blankets or "end-to-end" strategy still popular. However, according to experts in public health, there are very few germs that can cause a simply touching skin infection, so that paper lids are essentially useless and all thieves make splashing PIPI. It is far, much more important than you wash your hands after using toilets because most diseases are transmitted by the "Fecal Oral Route".

Carl Sagan's laughter laughs in space

Carl_Sagan, Pharrell Williams

In 1977, NASA created and launched the Travel Probe, a unmanned profession designed to travel well beyond our solar system and serve as a greeting card on behalf of humanity. On board wasGold recording, a collection of music plus a 12-minute audio test that includes a variety of sounds heard on Earth. One of them, barely barely audible in degraded copies of the file, was a laughing person and for years, no official record identified that person. After a lot of sleep sleep, a journalist finally opened laughter as other than Carl Sagan.

Melbourne, Australia, was "Batmanie"

melbourne australia facts 2018

In 1835, John Batman deliciously led an exploration in the southeastern region of Australia, we now call Melbourne. He "bought" a land ground of eight Aboriginal and camping on the north shore of the Yarra River, appointing the colony after itself. Alas, it would only be two years before renamed the British Prime Minister and the second Vicomte de Melbourne, and another century before the capitalized fanzine on the popularity of Adam West's black knight.

We are used to sleep twice a night

Girl Sleeping Next to Phone Social Media

There is rising evidence that, before the industrial revolution, humans were used forSleep in two-quarters of work every night, awakening for an hour or two between the two. Without a regulated work schedule that required a certain hour of bed, people go to bed when they finished their day - about an hour after sleeping for three to four hours, waking up, sleeping for three to four hours In addition, and then gets up for good at dawn. Some insomniacs whoare currently experiencing trouble sleeping all night Perhaps better adapted to this split sleep schedule.

Scientists can produce particles with a negative mass

Subatomic particles facts 2018

The smaller you get, the more physics rules are the rules of physics. When you come down at the subatomic level, they can be difficult to imagine. For example, earlier this year, scientists have created an apparatus that can generate tiny particles, half of the light and half of the material, which behave as ifThey have a negative mass. In non-scientific terms, it's like pushing an object away, but the object gets closer to you. Physicists call them "polaritons" and think they could help us find ways to generate lasers using much less energy.

The third largest city of Nebraska is a football stadium

University of Nebraska Huskers Memorial Stadium facts 2018

Clearly, Nebraska is known for its waves of grain amber, rather than its metropolitan areas, but it has two important cities in Omaha (population: 450 364) and Lincoln (population: 287,870). However, the third largest "city" exists only when theUniversity of Nebraska HuskersThe football team plays a party at its home stadium, which has a capacity of 86 047. The stadium does not even need to be or with a close capacity to count, from the fourth city of Nebraska, Bellevue has only 54,223 residents.

A cat once co-writes a published physics article

In 1975, Physicist Jack H. Hetherington had a brilliant paper ready to be published in a renowned scientific newspaper, but there was a problem: throughout the paper, he used the Royal "we" during the description of his actions. The policy of the journal was to use only plural pronouns if there was more than one author, then Hetherington had the choice: completely postpone the paper (on a typewriterOr add the name of a colleague, separating benefits and credit. Instead, he added a feline "co-author" "F.D. Willard, who was standing forFelix domesticus, Chester-Hetherington's Pet Chat. And for more pets who have totally done things, here's here15 animals with impressive titles.

Music is the taste of different wine

Mother's Day individual wine decanters gift

A recent study has shown that listening to different types ofMusic by drinking wine changed the perceived taste of the drink. When the participants listened to an intense opera music, they were more likely to describe a wine like "heavy and powerful". Meanwhile, participants who listened to "Waltz flowers" ofNutcracker were more likely to describe the same wine as "subtle and refined". The effects were stronger for red wine. Interestingly, if the participants liked music had no effect on if they liked wine.

Be subjooided by Paris can make you sick

Paris tourist eiffel tower

Psychologists call it "Paris syndrome" and happens to some people who visit the city of the lights and find it so different from their expectations causing real psychological symptoms. People with illusions, hallucinations, paranoia or even vertigo, perspiration and nausea. It seems to have an impact on Japanese tourists more than others, but only at the rate of about 20 a year. Nobody is quite sure of what causes it, but the media and the Japanese culture, more than those of other countries, represent Paris as full of models than models and fashion stores top of range.

Russian scientists resurrect woolly mammoth

Wooly Mammoth Sculpture Predictions About the Future

In a straight story on a novel Michael Crichton, Nikita Zimov tries to transform a plot of 50 square miles into Siberia in "Pleistocene Park. "His goal, however, is not tourism, but preservation - he wants to keep the permafrost of melting by planting the foliage of ice age as widely as possible. It is even associated with a geneticist in bioengine a new A kind of asian elephant mammmothing endangered. Although one of these neo-mammoths futures is always years to come, Zimov continues to store his park with cold plants and animals.

The "she" who "sells shells at the seaside" was a real person

Mary Anning facts 2018
Image via Wikimedia Commons

Beginning of the nineteenth centurypaleontologist Mary Aning Learned the trade of his father, with whom she would explode "the Jurassic Coast" of England near Dorset looking for fossils. At the age of 12, she and her brother have unearthed the first full skeleton of an ichthyosaurus and she spent the rest of her life discovering old animals. However, as she was a woman, the scientific community avoided her (while taking credit for her work). His only source of income was therefore a small support she created at which selling fossils, many of whom were ammonite shells. .

Have a black belt does not make you an expert in martial arts

Beautiful black belt martial artist on a mountain top.

Although we have come to associate a "black belt" with an extremely high mastery, in fact, it is only a brand of basic competence in all areas of a particular martial art. Although it usually takes three to six years to win, it is the equivalent of a bachelor's degree - certainly an achievement, but not the end - all the learning process. The Japanese word for a first degree black belt isshodan, which literally means "first step". Although the martial arts differ in the degrees above the black belt, the highest in Japanese is the highestJuudan, or "tenth step".

There is no wolf "alpha"

kid inventions

Although a painful number of people (men, including) seem to have founded their understanding of society on the structure of a wolf pack, all we think we know we know about this structure came from wolf studies in captivity. In the wild, wolves act simply as families - the oldest members act as leaders. The "Alpha Pair" are simply parents. There is no fighting the hierarchy and the pack is not divided into leaders and adepts. As Cubs are getting older, they just start and start packing their own packages.

It is possible that two female mice have a baby

Mouse brain crazy news 2018

Of course, they need genetic scientists to get there. Chinese geneticists used stem cells and a gene editing process to create mice using theDNA of same-sex parents. The mice with two male parents lived for a few days, but the mice with two women women lived in adulthood and normally reproduced. Unfortunately for same-sex human couples, the process would not work for human embryos, but the fact that it is possible in mammals at all is an exciting discovery.

Ancient Greek sculptures have been painted bright colors

Ancient Greek sculptures facts 2018

Take a moment to imagine a classic Greek sculpture. What probably comes to mind is a white image largely monochrome, perhaps with a little marbled beige. As it turns out, they do not look like this now because bright painting has worked over the years. Between the use of special ultraviolet lamps and some passages of choice in Greek literature referring to colorful statues, it is now clear that Greek artists paints their sculptures inAudacious primary hues. It might seem bad for our modern eyes, but it was a rage in ancient Greece.

It took 10,000 pancals of pork to make an insulin book

Pig brain crazy news 2018

Nowadays, insulin is manufactured in a microbes laboratory specially designed for the purpose, but before this is possible, medical insulin has been harvested with animals, especially pigs. In the 1920s, the Eli Lilly drug manufacturer purchased slaughterhouse waste by the load charged truck, grittingThousands of porkancards for small amounts of insulin they contained. It took huge amounts - at a ratio of 10,000 to 1 - but the company was able to produce drugs that saved the lives of many diabetic children.

Antarctica has an ATM

Antarctica Planet Earth Facts

Even antarctic researchers already need cash, so Wells Fargo provided these intrepid souls with the only ATM of the continent. It lies inMcMurdo StationWhere most researchers also live (there are 250 to 1,000 inhabitants at the station at a time). Although there are actually two ATMs, only one is operational, while the other exists to provide all the necessary spare parts. Unfortunately, if it breaks, a maintenance person only comes for service every two years.

You do not really swallow spiders in your sleep

Man is afraid of spiders

sometimesUrban legends that break are disappointingBut other times, it's a relief. If you have heard something like "the average swallow personeight spiders a year In their sleep, "Relax: This is not true. Your bed offers spider no prey in the first place, and even if it gets closer to the mouth, you always breathe and maybe even snoring, which is a warning to the spider to stay away. Although it is not impossible for a spider crawling on your face, you are very likely to wake up if this happens, and it's certainly not a common event.

Medieval Europeans had rap battles

Medieval Flyting facts 2018
Image via Wikimedia Commons

Although you may be tempted to think that the exchange of insults in the poetic speaking verse has only a few decades, it goes back to the 15th century in England and Scotland. This form of "abusive poetry " was called Flying, and he was often realized for the fun of the king. Although the general verbal jolting has probably been around since the beginning of the language, this poetic and ritualized form appears in cultures of Japan in Nigeria.

Dogs (probably) dream of their owners

Siberian Husky Dog Animal Stories 2018

According to an evolving psychologist of Harvard,dogs probably dream of their daily experiences and it greatly means the view, the sound andodor of their owner. Although there are no way to say with certainty, because you make up a large part of your dog's awakening day, you probably present yourself strongly in their dreams. However, the same thing does not apply to cat owners - apparently, cats most probably predatory behaviors like the hunting mouse. And for more on why dogs are exactly the best, here's 25 photos proving that dogs are the best colleagues.

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Tags: Facts / Fun Facts / Trivia
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