Higher stretching for stress relief and mental clarity
Stretching is good for body and mind.

Stretching before and after exercise is an important part of the prevention of physical injuries. However, according to Kien Vuu , MD, anti-aging doctor, founder of Vuu MD Longevity & Performance Clinic, and author of Thrive State, practice is also an important element of your mental health. "Stretching them during stress to help maintain mental clarity and physical well-being," he said Better life . "Do not forget, taking care of your body is an essential part of the realization of your dream lifestyle." Here are five easy stretches to help relieve stress and mental clarity.
1 Neck

Dr. VUU regularly recommends you to stretch your neck. "Gently tilt your head on one side, bringing one ear to your shoulder and hold it for 15-30 seconds. Repeat on the other side," he said. "It helps relieve tensions in the neck and shoulders, promoting mental relaxation."
2 Cat cow section

Another excellent exercise. "Start by being on your hands and your knees. Inspire when you bring an arch in your back, when you get your head and coccyx, the pose of cow. Then exhale while you turn behind your back, sliding your chin , the laying of the cat. Repeat this movement flow several times to release the tension along your spine, "he said.
3 Children's installation

Another popular yoga spark Pose-Slash? Post of the child. "Start in a kneeling position, then lower the upper body forward, extending your arms in front of you. Rest on the forehead on the ground and keep 30 seconds to 1 minute," said Dr. Vuu. "This sweet section relaxes its back and calms the mind." AE0FCC31AE342FD3A1346EBB1F342FCB
4 Hang forward

He also recommends the shot turn. "Sit with your two legs extended in front of you-keeping your hips to reach your toes or your ankles," he said. "Hold 30 seconds while breathing deeply." This section promotes relaxation and can help erase the mind.
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5 Legs on the wall

The last section he recommends is legs on the wall. "Lie on your back, legs extended on a robust wall or surface," he said. "This restorative installation improves traffic, reduces swelling in the legs and calms the nervous system, promoting mental clarity and stress relief."

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