13 secrets to prolong your healthy years, supported by science

You must focus on the extension of your healthy life, say the experts.

A person who should live up to 79 years is likely to feel their first serious illness at 63, American scientist recently reported . This person can live more than a decade in poor health and with a decrease in quality of life. This is why medical experts work on how Americans can extend their health time - the number of healthy years appreciated, not just the total of the years lived. "We now say that we should focus on the extension of healthy life rather than the duration of life and the slowdown in aging is the tool to do so," said Jay Olshansky, expert in the longevity of 'University of Illinois in Chicago. Néveillante spoke with experts who gave us key secrets to prolong your healthy years, supported by science.

Continue to challenge yourself physically

lose 10 pounds

"In my in -depth research on aging and longevity, I was particularly attracted by the principle of" the horm ". It is the fascinating idea that small stress controlled exhibitions can be beneficial, improving our health and our resilience, "explains Dr. Marios Kyriazis, gerontologist and contributor to For age -free . "Physical activity is an area where the hormse comes into play. It is not only a question of doing routine exercise, but of pushing us occasionally beyond our comfort zones. 'Act of a new sport, to increase the intensity of our training sessions, or even to simply take the stairs more often, these physical challenges can stimulate the adaptive responses of our body, which makes us more fit and more resilient. "

Keep your brain


"On the mental front, a brain challenge is just as important," said Kyriazis. "Attack a complex puzzle, learn a new language, or even engage in activities that test our memory and our cognitive skills can serve as" mental training sessions ". These tasks could initially seem intimidating, but they are crucial for Keep our minds lively and agile. "

Stay social

Friends cheering for football team together
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"Loneliness can play an important factor in our overall health, even beyond our mental health. Make plans with a friend, even for a video chat, can stimulate his mood and improve overall health," explains Dr. Katie Hill, certified of the Board of Directors Psychiatrist and CMO of Nudj Health .

Cut down processed foods

Woman eating small bowl of healthy food

"Eat a whole diet, where you prepare most of your own meals, will give you a good basis for health," explains Dan Gallagher, dietitian recorded with Nutrition AEGLE .

Add a strength training

Couple Lifting Weights, look better after 40
Shutterstock / Kzenon

"Add a kind of strength resistance or training at least three days a week," advises Gallagher. "The more you stay active as you get older, the more you can keep the level of physical shape, which will help prevent any type of structural accidents, such as broken bones."

Maintain a healthy weight

woman measuring waist while standing on scale
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"Maintaining healthy weight is essential" for healthy aging, says Steve Theunissen , an ISSA / IFPA certified trainer. "Obesity is linked to many health problems, therefore working on a sustainable and long -term approach to weight management is essential. Do not forget, it is not only a question of appearing; it is acts to feel good and to have long term. "

Learn to manage stress

Stressed Man at Work
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"We live in a hyper fractured, multitasking, fans, relentlessly, from which it becomes more and more difficult to disconnect -both metaphorically and physical. -Linked diseases, from cancer to heart disease to the heart disease diabetes, "explains Darnell Cox , a healthy management and aging coach. If you want to live longer, you should start to prioritize a stress reduction protocol as part of your healthy aging lifestyle. ""


Top view of a happy woman wearing a funny pink sleeping mask enjoying morning lying in comfortable bed
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"Sleep is essential for each bodily process," says Cox. "Take seven to nine hours of sleep reduces your risk of many diseases and disorders such as heart disease, dementia, brain vascular accidents and obesity.

Try intermittent fasting

ways to stick to a diet

"Intermittent fasting can be a great way to increase your healthy years," said Trista Best , a dietitian recorded with balance one supplements. "The approach of intermittent fasting is usually done in a 16 -hour fasting window with an 8 -hour window to eat and drink." Weight loss is attributed to the decrease in food while immune benefits come from specific cellular processes that occur. The damaged cells are more easily removed from the body during this period because the digestive tract can focus alone on this process, and the immune system is essentially reinitialized. ""

Maintain oral health

Woman at dentist

“There is a clear and well -established link between periodontal diseases and diabetes. Alzheimer's, "said Dr Jordan Weber , a dentist in Burlington, Kansas. “Beyond periodontal disease, poor oral health often manifests itself in stewed-a sophisticated term for the loss of teeth. The average quality of life for a person with teeth is significantly different from the average quality of life for a person of the same age without teeth. ""

Keep your blood sugar stable

doctor checking blood sugar levels
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"The high levels of blood sugar contribute to metabolic disorders, which will not only shorte your life, it will also decrease the quality of this life," explains Cox. "Type 2 diabetes is at a record level, and it is not surprising that the ultra-attractive American diet and responsible for sugar. Learning to stabilize your blood sugar can prevent serious health problems such as heart disease, the Dementia and the kidney kidneys. In addition, healthy blood sugar levels improve mood, reduce sugar desires and starch food, increase energy levels and help healthy weight management. " AE0FCC31AE342FD3A1346EBB1F342FCB

Be aware of the exams

Doctor checking blood pressure

"A way to extend Healthspan is preventive interview without surprise", " American scientist reported. "Experts recommend controls, hand American Journal of Clinical Nutrition For the percentage of body fat, lean body mass and bone density. ""

In relation: 11 Easy things you can do to slow down aging

Start early

Young woman eating healthy food sitting in the beautiful interior with green flowers on the background

"According to Science, there is no key or secret to prolong our healthy years. It is rather a combination of genetic, environmental, behavioral and psychological factors that interact in a complex way to shape our aging trajectories" , explains Dr. Alex Foxman, president and founder of Associates of mobile doctors . "The challenge for researchers is to better understand these factors and to develop personalized strategies that can optimize Healthspan for each individual. The challenge for society is to create policies and environments that support healthy aging for all. Healthy aging is not a sprint - it is a marathon that should start as soon as possible in adulthood. "

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