People who live at 100 have these 3 things in common, new research shows
These health markers could help predict a long life.

There can be no greater gift than Long and healthy life , and more and more people reach mature old age. Although the nation has recorded an average lifespan reduced in 2020 and 2021 - a statistic which reflects the heavy price of the pandemic - adults now live about 10 years more on average than in 1950. If you hope to live at 100, A new study published in the journal Geroscience said there are three key things that the centenarians are likely to have in common. Read the continuation to find out which three health markers can mean that you are in a life longer than the average - and how you can influence things in your favor, whatever these results.
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People who live at 100 have these three things in common.

According to this new research , there are three biomarkers more commonly in blood tests of people who live up to 100 years, compared to those who do not.
"Those who arrived at their hundredth birthday had tended to have lower levels of glucose, creatinine and uric acid from sixty, " Modig Karin , MD, an associate professor at the Swedish Institute of Karolinska and co-author of the study, wrote in The conversation . "Very few centenarians had a level of glucose above 6.5 earlier in life, or a creatinine level above 125."
The study included data from 44,000 elderly people in Sweden, which underwent medical tests between 64 and 99 years old.
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Here's how experts explain it.

Having high levels of these compounds can indicate existing health problems, which is why these blood test results can sometimes precede a shortened lifespan. In particular, high levels of creatinine can indicate kidney or cardiovascular problems, high levels of uric acid are associated with inflammation and high levels of blood glucose (also known as blood sugar) can be driver . AE0FCC31AE342FD3A1346EBB1F342FCB
"These three factors are markers of substitution for metabolic dysfunction and tissues which reflect cellular changes linked to the aging process. They are not the cause, but the result of a cellular dysfunction", explains Jose R. Rojas-Solano , MD, a doctor working with The Institute of Regenerative Medicine (RMI), a medical group that focuses on longevity and cell aging. "These are late markers of organs dysfunction and therefore predictive of a reduced lifespan."
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They were not the only significant biomarkers identified by the study.

In addition to looking at creatine, uric acid and blood sugar, researchers have also noted a correlation between cholesterol and iron levels and longevity. However, these have proven to be less statistically significant than the three key compounds they highlighted.
"People in the lower groups out of five for total cholesterol and iron levels had a lower chance of reaching 100 years compared to those with higher levels," Modig wrote.
Your lifestyle can have a major impact on longevity.

With the right lifestyle, Longevity is a goal at hand , say experts from the National Institutes of Health (NIH). In fact, they note that although many people are discouraged by the belief that genetics predetermine your lifespan, "genes are only part of the equation."
Actually, Thomas PERLS , MD, aging expert and director of the Centenarian study of New England at the Boston University School of Medicine, shared via NIH that "common sense and healthy habits" can have a deep impact on longevity and quality of life. The doctor stresses that genes represent less than a third of your chances of surviving at 85 years - rest comes down to our health habits.
"Our genes could bring most of us closer to the remarkable 90 -year -old age if we were leading a healthy lifestyle," writes Perls.
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Here is what to do.

The researchers behind the study prevented normative advice, but said that lifestyle interventions are likely to have a positive influence on the biomarkers they have deemed significant.
"It is reasonable to think that factors such as nutrition and alcohol consumption play a role," wrote Modig. "Keeping a trace of your renal and hepatic values, as well as glucose and uric acid as they get older, is probably not a bad idea."
Rojas-Solan is suitable that these factors could promote long-term health and longevity: "People with a healthy lifestyle as well as certain drugs and supplements that help improve and maintain cell and organic function will have better measures. ""
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