6 new shows to watch on Netflix this weekend
From a totally unique design show, to a post-war crime drama, a timely whodunit.

Whether it's pumpkin pumpkin, spice slats are back at Starbucks or putting children on the bus bus every morning, the signs that summer moves away. But that does not mean that your days off should change. If you are looking to spend the weekend checking some shows, look no further than this list ofNEWS Netflix arrived. There are reality shows (from the improvement of dwelling and sports variety), a real devastating crime, a satire of cropping canceled, etc. Read on to find out what is recently hit the service.
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1 Titletown Top

As the many television programs and films on fictitious school football teams prove, there are few sports that generate as much drama or have higher issues. NEW NEW DOCUERES NETFLIXTitletown Top Interested in Georgia High School of Valdosta, which boastsThe winning team of thecountry. (No pressure, no?) Add to a new head coach, who has been at the center of some scandals in other schools, as well as the personal life of staff and players, and you have a commented sports story that Also finds completely true.
2 The chair

KillandThe Gray AnatomyStarSandra OhheadsThe chair,A satire approved by a college on a woman who takes over the English department of a university in the middle of a free crisis on campus.AtlanticCalled the series - which co-starsDentiller,Holland Taylor, andBob Balaban- "almost perfect. "
3 Motel Makeover

There are pandemic hobbies, then there is what the stars of the new show of the conception of NetflixMotel Makeoverdecided to do. FriendsBrown andSarah Sklash makes the choice ofto buyA Motel Rundown (wholesaleCreek de SchittVibes) and renovate it completely, transform the twisted space and dated into a boho-chic destination. Discover the series to see how they left.
4 Clicking

EntourageStarAdrian Grenier The stars like Nick Brewer, a husband and a father who kidnapped and kept captive for an audience on the internet. As the authorities and his family seek him, his kidnappers force him to confess crimes in their viral videos - if these crimes are real or imaginary are part of the mystery. Who has Nick and why? You will want to continue to click on "Next Episode" to know it.
5 John of God: the crimes of a spiritual healer

ThisDocuSerres de crime really Details The fall of the grace of the Brazilian environmentJoão Teixeira de Faria, who came considered a saint through the "psychic surgeries"He offered his followers. Although many stated that he" shone "" cure "serious illnesses and injuries - sometimes performing his own proceedings without anesthesia - he was finally dishonored when hundreds of women are presented with accusations of sexual abuse.
6 The vanquished

Friday night lightsalumTaylor KitschPlay a cop of the city of New York that is sent to Berlin in the aftermath of the Second World War to help a German police from the German police fight a rash of a violent crime. Only he knows that his missing brother (Logan Marshall-Green), who is seen as an angel vengente, is part of the problem. There is also a local doctor (Sebastian Koch) Who manipulates desperate women it helps to kill for him, and an American intelligence, but American Shifty played byMichael C. Hall. If you are in incident corners of history, this post-war drama is for you.
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