The most political sign of the zodiac, according to astrologers

They are passionate about their causes and know how to get things done.

You always know a politician of natural origin when you see one. They stand with balance and confidence, speak with intelligence And curiosity, and shake hands with a firm handle and a smile. Whether or not you agree with their opinions, you must admit that there is a reason for which they have entered - and have succeeded - their field chosen. Of course, there are non -political people who are also extremely political - people who always fight for the greatest good and work to make the world better. Astrologers say that the two groups can fall under some signs of specific stars. Read more to learn the most political members of the zodiac, from those who present themselves at the occasional rally to the presidents among us.

In relation: The most reliable zodiac sign, according to astrologers .


Financial Planning Meeting
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A bull Lenderer for stubbornness And elegance could be the first thing that comes to mind when you think about it, but they can also be quite political. AE0FCC31AE342FD3A1346EBB1F342FCB

"They go there in a very pragmatic and anchored way, and their political interests often revolve around questions of stability and material security," explains Raquel Rodriguez , astrologer at Nomadrs . "Although they are not as vocal as the other signs, their votes and their support generally go to policies that ensure a stable society."

Expect to see them in local town halls, hearing all parties with regard to subjects such as budget, accommodation and taxes.



Aries treats politics with the same intensity that it treats everything else.

"As the firstborn of the zodiac and the ram of the astrological herd, the ram is considered a leader that a politician", which allows them to make their voices heard in diplomacy, says Gahl Sasson ,, astrologer and author of Astrology of 2024 . "Aries contains great confidence And the ability to make rapid decisions which, in return, provide a political meaning in management positions. ""

They often find this muscle to be flexed as members of the board of directors of companies with enormous political influence.

In relation: The most unpopular zodiac sign, according to astrologers .


political protester with their fist up

This sign wants to make the world a better and fairer place. And if they need to get involved in politics, local and federal, to do so, then they will.

"Renowned for their humanitarianism And the avant-garde state of mind, they are motivated by the desire to improve society, "said Abigail Parker , astrologer at Terrestrial soul . "We often see them defending reforms."

Catch them during a local rally or protest - they will be there with a creative sign and tons of passion.



This sign is the group researcher .

"Their nature of investigation, the natural tendency to dive deep into the questions and the passion for transformation make them incredibly motivated in the political arena," explains Rodriguez. "Scorpios are not only concerned about surface policies, but are also interested in the mechanics of power and how it shapes society."

They will immerse themselves on the way politicians have become as they are and what forces are really at stake.

In relation: The most demanding zodiac sign, according to astrologers .



This sign is represented by the scales and always tries to find Peace and compromise .

"This is the sign that begins on the equinox, the day the light and the day are equal, and therefore the Libras have a way to see the truth in the opposite sides and to be able to connect the extremes," explains Sasson. "Some would say that they are the most comfortable sign to wear a mask, which can smile and befriend people they don't like, allowing them to reach the aisle."

If there were more power in power, we would undoubtedly be much more productive.


The south lawn of the White House

This sign is not only political; He has serious presidential chops. According to Sasson, Capricorn is the archetype of structure, hierarchy, strategy, maturity and patience.

"Traditional, conservative and calculative, the panel occupies the coldest period of the year between January and February and is therefore fresh and calm in the face of challenges," explains Sasson. "Capricorn is also a sign of planning and responsibility, and they can use Their practical approach So that the life of others takes place better. ""

They know their facts, and their working nature allows them to get things done.

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