≡ 6 tips and care to avoid a stroke》 Her Beauty

Do you worry about your health in the future and the possibility of having a stroke? Here are some tips for preventing a stroke.

Stroke (stroke), also popularly known as a stroke, is a condition in which the nerve cells of a brain region die due to the alteration of blood flow to the brain. Stroke can occur due to the obstruction of blood vessels (ischemic stroke), or by the breakup of a vessel (hemorrhagic stroke).

Although there are immutable risk factors for the development of this condition, such as aging, there are some care that can be taken to avoid stroke. Next, check out 6 measures that can help reduce the chances of having a stroke.

1. Control the blood pressure

According to Harvard Health Publishing, one of the main care anyone can take to reduce the risk of a stroke is to reduce blood pressure. If not controlled, high blood pressure can increase the risks of a stroke, being the main risk factor of the condition for men and women.

Ideally, blood pressure should be less than 120/80, but there are situations where your doctor or doctor may prefer to be just above that - for example, up to 140/90. To reduce your blood pressure, it is recommended to reduce salt consumption, avoid high cholesterol foods and increase fiber consumption.

2. Abandon the cigarette

It's common sense that smoking is bad for your health, but did you know that cigarette, besides being harmful to lungs, teeth and mouth, can also increase the formation of blood clots?

These clots may eventually move to the brain region and cause a stroke, as smoking also increases the accumulation of signs in the arteries. Thus, avoiding cigarette or quitting smoking is one of the main decisions that can help you significantly reduce the risk of a stroke.

3. Maintain a healthy weight

People with overweight and obesity often have complications related to the exaggerated accumulation of fat in the body, such as high blood pressure and diabetes. All of this can increase the chances of a stroke, so that a way to avoid this disease can be losing weight. Even a small weight reduction can help greatly reduce the risks of stroke.

4. Decrease alcohol intake

Like cigarette, exaggerated alcohol consumption can greatly increase the risk of stroke. Thus, it is recommended to avoid alcoholic beverages - if you don't want to stop drinking, you can reduce the amount ingested, limiting consumption to one glass a day.

5. Exercise more

Exercise can help in various stroke risk factors, such as obesity and high blood pressure. If you want to introduce more physical activity in your life, you can start training at a gym or simply do more frequent walks. To measure the level of exercise, a tip is to exercise at a level where you are a little panting, but still can talk.

6. Do regular medical examinations

Prevention of cerebral vascular accidents also implies monitoring of pre-existing conditions-and for this, it is important to do medical checkups periodically. In addition to cholesterol and blood pressure levels, other tests can also help your doctor diagnose heart disease and diabetes, for example, which are also stroke risk factors that should be controlled.

People with high blood sugar levels, such as those who suffer from diabetes, can have their damaged blood vessels over time, making clots form more easily. Individuals with cardiac conditions, such as arrhythmias and coronary artery disease, are also more likely to the formation of clots. By identifying these conditions, you can treat them and avoid the likelihood that they bring a stroke.

Categories: Lifestyle
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