10 healthy ways to channel your anger and be happier

Do not just ignore your anger - use it, say mental health experts.

Anger is a normal and healthy response to many unfavorable circumstances , but it is not a particularly accepted emotion in our society. It is partly because so many bad people manage their anger, take it from bad people or express it in an unhealthy way. However, mental health experts say that in some cases, anger is not only normal but also necessary. The key, they say, is to know how you channel your anger so that you can treat it and let it go in your own terms, rather than project it on others or stuff it at the bottom of the interior, where She can cause even more harm.

"Don't look at anger like an obstacle to jump on it," Michael Laauwe , a certified life coach and host of the podcast Positive thought of mind , tell Better life . "Seeing this as a bridge - a bridge which, when crossed with conscience and intention, can lead to growth, understanding and perhaps, a happier and more fulfilled life."

Wondering how you can start managing your anger for a healthier perspective and a happier life? Read the rest to learn 10 sleepy experts from experts to channel your anger from now on.

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Train in your training.

man at gym
Creativity NDAB / Shutterstock

Almost all of the mental health experts we have spoken of highlighted the importance of physical exercise as a means of channeling anger.

"There are a kind of motion catharsis," said R.Y. Langham , PHD, psychologist with Impulsive therapy . "Whether it is a quick walk, swimming or a more intense training session, these activities help not only to dispel the rise of adrenaline which accompanies anger but also to release the endorphins, natural mood elevators in our body. "

Louise Hateley , physiotherapist and director of In Stride Health Clinic , said that she recommends this approach to many customers. "You can browse free fitness videos online or you can do your own thing, but if you are looking for a way to release your anger, make sure you challenge yourself and give everything when you work. Even while you This can make you feel stupid, shout or growl when you exercise has really been demonstrated to help you exercise more energy. "

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Try breathing and meditation.

Older Couple Doing Meditation
4 p.m. Production / Shutterstock

Another way to channel your anger and become happier is through Breathing and meditation . "I cannot sufficiently emphasize the importance of deep breathing and meditation," said Langham. "The act of focusing on breathing, to blend in in the present moment, can often suppress the storm of emotions that rage inside. Over time, it creates a stamp, allowing us to gain perspective And to react more thoughtful rather than impulsively. " AE0FCC31AE342FD3A1346EBB1F342FCB

Pauline Yeghnazar Peck , MMFT, PHD, A approved psychologist and certified yoga teacher focused on trauma, recommends some breathing exercises in particular: square breathing, double -inspired breathing or breathing. If you need more advice, you can also follow one of the many Guided breathing exercises focused on anger Available online.

In relation: 10 ways to feel calm and happy (this is not meditation) .

Express your anger in a creative way.

man and woman attending a painting workshop together for their first date
Dab Creativity / Shutterstock

Expressing your anger through creative outlets can also help you cure. "I observed that many find comfort to channel their anger through creative expression. The canvas of art, the rhythm of music or the depth of written prose can be mirrors reflecting our most intimate feelings , allowing us to sometimes articulate them words fail, "explains Langham.

The psychologist says that journalization can be a particularly powerful creative outlet for those who fight with feelings of anger. "Journalization offers an intimate space for reflection, allowing us to dissect the nuances of our emotions, which sometimes leads to deep achievements on their deep causes," she says.

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Let it trigger a conversation.

young man talking to his senior father while spending time at home together

Sometimes anger is a sign that something should change or be better understood - and none is generally done in isolation. This is why Langham suggests channel your anger in a productive conversation that will help you explore your feelings and decide on the next steps.

"While introspection has its merits, sometimes the balm we need is communication. Talking about what bothers us to a confidence friend, a family member or even a therapist can often highlight our challenges. When you discuss your feelings, try to approach conversation with an intention to understand and understand. Better life.

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Use it to dig deeply.

Young Man Thinking About Solutions
Fizkes / Shutterstock

Shylah Blatt , LMFT, therapist with East bay counselling , said it is also important to become curious about your anger. "As strange as it may seem, the approach of your anger with curiosity and openness can greatly contribute to anger. All feelings want to be seen and recognized, and anger is no exception. Anger can often tell us when some thing is not correct or [if there is a certain injustice in progress, and it is only by curiously wondering where the anger comes from that we can understand what he is trying to say to ourselves ", she says Better life.

Langham agrees that this type of reflection can transform your relationship with anger. "I encourage you to immerse yourself Cognitive restructuring , a therapeutic technique where we transform our models of reflection on anger. It is a question of moving from a place of responsiveness to that of reflection, and even if it may seem complicated, it is often these small affirmations and reframing that we say in heated moments, "she says.

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Do everything that does good in the moment (within reasonable limits).

boxing duo

Sometimes anger is an ephemeral feeling, and it is normal to appease it by doing everything that does good in the moment. Peck says it could include strong singing in the car, a pillow, taking a boxing class or throwing stones in a pond, for example.

Of course, if you are subject to unhealthy outlets - excessive alcohol consumption, drugs or select impulsive fighting with your loved ones, to name only a few - it is better to avoid this method.

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Become a defender.

woman leading peaceful protest
Rawpixel.com / shutterstock

Anger can be a powerful tool for change of change, which is why Peck says that you have to channel these negative feelings, so uncomfortable, to become a defender of others. Use this ardent feeling to defend the things that matter most, she says.

This is particularly relevant for people whose anger stems from macro or political problems. Rather than becoming frustrated and helpless, be active and connect with other people passionate about your cause.

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Use it to examine your limits.

Mid age man talks with a female counselor at home. One on one meeting

Blatt says that when you feel angry, you have to ask yourself if there is a particular border that has been crossed. If the answer is yes, you can then determine if you should restore this border as a farm or re -examine it.

"Often, when anger appears, it is the way our body and mind tell us that someone or something has crossed a border that we have fixed, or a new border must be established. See anger like a Useful overview helps channel it in a productive and useful way, "she says.

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Heal the feelings below the surface.

Beautiful young woman sitting on the sofa in the living room and crying.
Istock / Urbazon

Anger is only very rarely the main emotion, which is why Blatt recommends trying to understand the deep causes of your anger and take care of all the feelings below the surface.

"Anger is what we call a secondary emotion, and often, under anger, more soft emotions like wound or fear," she explains. "Rather than seeing your anger as part of yourself that you have to close, you can start to see the wound and fear under anger and start worrying and feeding it."

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Use music to contact your feelings.

Man Laying Back with Headphones On
Dejan Dundjerski / Shutterstock

Music is also a great way to channel these feelings of anger, says TARA MOYLE , LPC, a New Jersey -based advisor .

"Strong music with angry words or beating beats can also help someone feel that they are not alone in their intense feelings. Anger is part of the person, and try to get rid of it completely does not generally succeed. To become aware and ideally, we become more and more competent to manage our anger, "she explains.

Start with the music you meet where you are emotionally, then try to gradually reduce the intensity of your playlist to help you change your state of mind.

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