≡ What your type of body fat says of your health》 its beauty

People are trying to avoid fats in all their lives and see it as an unwanted addition to our body. But fat is not a bad word.

People are trying to avoid fats in all their lives and see it as an unwanted addition to our body. But fat is not a bad word. In fact, it is incredibly important for our body and plays an important role. Adipose tissue influences insulin sensitivity and releases hormones that regulate appetite and metabolism. Despite this, the consumption of too many calories can cause the development and multiplication of fatty cells, leading to chronic inflammation and unhealthy metabolism. Here are all the little -known secrets on fats and what it can tell you about your health.

Why is body fat important

Body fat is actually healthy, and this is why: not only does it release hormones that regulate appetite and metabolism, but fat also affects sensitivity to insulin. Although you do not like appearance on your thighs and your belly, the adipose tissues house the immune cells that affect inflammation and potentially soothe it.

That being said, it can also cause inflammation if too much fat is consumed. Eating too many calories can produce an excess of fatty cells, which leads to chronic inflammation and disrupts a healthy metabolism. This is why the maintenance of a balanced diet is the key. Here are all the different types of fat and what it says about your body.

Big belly

Belly fat, otherwise known as visceral fat, is one of the most common types of body fat. It is internal and is packed around the vital organs of our body, but it begins to become visible when you eat an excess of calories and you do not do enough exercise. Too much belly fat can mean hormonal imbalance or low metabolism.

The body of women changes as they age because the body changes where it stores fat over time. Post-menopause, muscles naturally decrease and fat increases. For this reason, additional fats can be stored around the abdominal area. Even if a woman does not gain additional weight elsewhere, visceral fat in the stomach area is quite common.

Upper arm

If you have noticed that fat begins to meditate in your arms in a disproportionate way (the term slang not if Nice is often "bingo wings"), hormones can be the culprit. Hormonal drugs or any other reason for fluctuating hormone levels can increase in fat production in the top of the arms. Women develop arm fats more often than men, especially menopausal women who experience a drop in testosterone.

Sides and hips

Although hip fat is responsible for succulent curves, many people see them as "love handles". The main reason for the accumulation of hip and lateral fat is genetics, milk and gluten. Not enough physical activity can lead to storage of more fats in these areas, as well as estrogen -based drugs such as the contraception.

Happy young woman who looks in the mirror while standing in the living room, measuring the smile of her hip size is satisfied. Diet concept, slimming, weight loss

Size and lower back

If you have the lower back and the size of the size, it may be due to a low protein diet. The overconsumption of refined carbohydrates, sugary drinks and processed foods, combined with a lack of exercise, can cause excess fat to be stored in the waist and lower back. This type of fat affects men and women. Bloating can also create the appearance of a larger stomach, but it can be managed with certain techniques, offering you a flatter size.

Categories: Beauty
Tags: body / / weight loss
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