6 things that attract butterflies in your closet - and how to get rid of it

Even certain organizational methods can help them prosper, say pest experts.

There is nothing worse than the feeling of sinking that comes when you Notice a pest in your house. If you have expensive clothes, the pest that you fear most is probably butterflies. In their larva stage, these insects eat animal fibers, such as wool, cashmere, silk and fur (you know, all the most taken from your wardrobe!). But the good news is that clothing butterflies are less common than ever due to an increase in dry cleaning and other sanitation measures. However, you will want to take a few steps to make sure you don't attract them to your space. In advance, the exterminators describe the key elements that attract butterflies in your closet and what you can do to avoid them.

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Clothes you never wear

Woman looking in closet

As if you needed another reminder to do this cupboard cleaning, consider this: "Butterflies prefer dark and not disturbed places, so that they generally attack objects that are stored and unused for long periods", generally says Scot Hodges , entomologist and vice-president of Arrow exterminators . "Limiting stored items can be useful, but if you cannot reduce storage, you can thoroughly clean, vacuum cleaner and reduce football in storage areas several times a year." AE0FCC31AE342FD3A1346EBB1F342FCB

In this way, butterflies have fewer places to hide. Add another protective layer by storing your clothes in hermetic bags, suggests Hodges.

Well -wrapped clothes

older woman looking through closet
Anna Zhuk / Shutterstock

Overcrowding can also be a problem. "When the clothes are well wrapped together, the air cannot circulate properly, creating a dark and humid environment that the butterflies find attractive," said Rich Mullins , exterminator and plumber at Plumbing H20 . "This type of environment offers an ideal reproduction ground for butterflies to lay the eggs and thrive."

Hang your things freely that there is a little space between each garment and do not try to pack a ton of items on each shelf. Again, analyze your belongings regularly to see what you wear and what can be given will make a difference to keep the critters away.

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Undovated second -hand items

clothes at a thrift store
Andrea Izzotti / Shutterstock

According to Hodges, butterflies are not a common problem in modern houses, which means that you are more likely to meet an infestation if you accidentally bring the pests home.

"Thus, one of the biggest errors of cleanliness that people make that attract butterfly butterflies in their clothes is simply to wash clothes, furniture, carpets, covers and other items made with textiles as soon as You bring them to your home, "he said. "Make sure you carefully inspect these items - they can be infested with your knowledge - and clean them or clean them dry as soon as possible."

You may notice the butterflies like tiny tracks or see the revealing holes they eat in the articles.

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Dirty laundry

Laundry basket with underwear and socks
Juijaiyen Nattapon / Shutterstock

These bunch of linen over the floor of your closet can act like a buffet for butterflies, just like pet hair, which is another source of food.

"Make sure you regularly clean all clothing or furniture on which your pet can lose," advises Hodges. You will also want to clean the bottom of your basket and crevices of your cupboard, where dust and animal hair can accumulate.

Natural fabrics

Closeup on trendy woman in white sweater and skirt at modern home in sunny winter day sitting near couch checking sweaters for moth larvae or other damage.

Natural fibers such as wool, cashmere, fur and silk are popular with many people - and, finally, butterflies like them too.

"These materials offer butterflies the nutrients they need to prosper during their larval stage," said Mullins. "The textures and the residual oils found in these fabrics make them ideal targets so that the butterfly larvae can feed."

On the other hand, synthetic materials like polyester and nylon are less attractive for pests because they lack nutrients and organic matter. This does not mean that you should completely avoid natural fibers - they are some of the better quality materials for clothing - be sure to keep them clean or store them in waterproof bags, especially during the dead when they may sit intact for months.

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Other pests

Professional exterminator in protective workwear spraying pesticide in apartment kitchen.

If your closet has had other pest problems, then butterflies could find it particularly attractive because they can feed on animal nesting materials and carcasses.

"Take measures to keep the critters out of your home, such as keeping the clean spaces of food waste, sealing possible entry points and minimizing the size in your courtyard," explains Hodges.

If you think you have spotted a butterfly of clothing, you will want to call a pro. "The owners should ensure that an appropriate inspection and identification is made to confirm that the problem is clothing mites and not the beetles, which are common feeders on the same type of fabric and fibers and can be more difficult To be checked, "explains Hodges. "If control efforts fail, it will be advisable to consult a renowned antiparasitic wrestling company." They will be able to put your cupboard back in great shape.

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