8 easy ways to make walking more funny
Make your steps while spending a good time with these expert tips.

Walking is one of the best ways with low impact burn calories While reducing stress. Your walk can be as quiet or as intense as you wish, and it is one of the few exercises that require no special equipment or skills. But the problem of walking can be simplicity and monotony. However, fitness experts say that there are many ways to make walking more fun. Read the rest for their intelligent and easy advice, from creating a large reading list to add a few other exercises.
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1 Change your route.

While some people like their routine, walk on the same path each time can become tiring.
"Exploring new paths and neighborhoods can keep your walks interesting," said James Delacey , coach and consultant at Lift Big Eat Big , who notes that you could be surprised at what you find when you go to a new place.
Walking in different areas is not just a good change of landscape, but it can be good for your body. "Variation of your itinerary defies your body in different ways, because different fields and inclined provide a well -balanced training for various muscle groups", explains Josh York , certified personal trainer and founder / CEO of Gymguyz .
In addition, having more than one route allows a certain flexibility because you can alternate the days you use each.
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2 Listen to a podcast or an audio book.

Podcasts or audio books can take your walk. And depending on the duration of your step, you can even finish an episode of podcast or one to two chapters of An audio book .
"It's like killing two birds with a stone - you can enjoy a great story or learn something new while remaining active," explains Delacey. Choose something that interests, take your headphones and you will be ready.
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3 Create a walking playlist.

Music can stimulate your mood and, in turn, make a promenade more fun. "Create an edifying reading list before your walk," suggests Anna Chabura , Creator of Health means happiness . She recommends choosing songs that make you feel good and evoke positive emotions.
You can also create or find a reading list that has songs set to a BPM (Beats per minute), Doc Waller , founder and creator of Lyfe at home , tell Better life . It will give you an additional challenge and can distract you at all times or remaining distance.
4 Use all your senses.

Walking in nature is ideal for your health and well-being. "It may seem strange, but the experience of your environment with your whole body can make walking more pleasant," said Jennifer Walsh , founder of Walk with walsh .
Instead of putting headphones, Walsh recommends listening to nature. These sounds are known to reduce stress and anxiety without us even realizing it - so it is not surprising that people feel calmer later.
If you have pine or cedars on your route, Walsh suggests giving it a little longer. "These trees release their natural aerosols known as phytoncids (qualities that they must help fight against diseases)," she explains.
According to New York State environmental conservation department , "When people breathe these chemicals, our body reacts by increasing the number and activity of a type of white blood cell called natural or NK killing cells. These cells kill cells infected with a tumor and a virus in our body . "
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5 Wear something that makes you feel good.

A specific training Can do wonders for your self -image and your global state of mind. Confidence is the key after all, so if you look good, you will feel good about your skin in return.
"By carrying an outfit that makes you feel empowered and motivated, you will be more inclined to push you more and take up the challenges of your walk," said York.
The intentional choice of outfit also shows that you are determined to do, and you will probably feel accomplished on the road.
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6 Add other easy exercises.

Waller points to the "Drop and Give 10" method, which adds simple body weight exercises to your walks.
An easy way to do so is to define your phone or monitor periods for eight minutes. "When the timer is triggered, stop and do 10 squats, 10 pumps or base board for 10 seconds," explains Waller. This will give you an additional boost of energy and will keep things fresh.
Tony Horton , Famous fitness trainer and founder of Life of power , mentions that you can also make your walk a little more difficult by wearing a light vest or by finding land with an additional slope. He will get your legs, your lungs and your harder heart, and you will end up with a higher calories burn. AE0FCC31AE342FD3A1346EBB1F342FCB
7 Look for videos at home.

It is easy to apologize not to walk simply because the weather is bad, but it is important to move anyway.
"As human beings, we are designed to move, not sit all day , and walking is really the simplest and best type movement you can do, "says Chabura. Home walking videos make this super easy.
Chabura says that if you are looking for "walking at home" videos on Youtube, there are many options depending on what you have the mood or your physical level. During these training sessions, you can reach between 4,000 and 10,000 stages while remaining dry and comfortable, she says Better life .
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8 Go to a treasure hunt.

Going to a treasure hunt, which you promise yourself solo, with friends, or even with children, is exciting and that you will add pleasure that is well necessary for your walking routine.
"Make a list of things to find during your walk, such as a specific type of flower, a bird or a unique building," suggests Delacey. You can even add points to the mixture and see how much you can get at the end.
With so much to see in the environment, there is no doubt that you will have a long list of new discoveries.