The sign of the zodiac that you should never call a crisis, say astrologers

They will bother you rather than helping you if necessary.

You probably know what people in your life You would turn to In a crisis - and you also know who you will better avoid. Those of this last group panic, will become very emotional and will be too distracted in the face of an emergency. Maybe they have never learned what to do in these situations-or maybe their horoscope is to blame. Continue to read to hear astrologers on the signs of the zodiac that you should never call a crisis, of those who are a little unleashed to the people who will certainly be disastrous.

In relation: The most positive zodiac sign, according to astrologers .


Tired man sleeping on the couch at home
Romantic studio / trigger

The bull is generally Cool, calm and collected , which makes them seem excellent for a crisis, but they are too slow to be useful.

Stina Garbis , astrologer and owner of Psychic stina , said they are not the type to jump and help you in your need. Quick planning makes all the difference, and someone else could do the work while Taurus is still sitting at home.

According to the problem, Garbis suggests asking these terrestrial panels to simply Vendo or making calls in the comfort of their sofa.


Young lady sharing her problem with friend. female in depression. Woman omforting hes sad friend sitting on a couch in the living room at home
Dragana991 / Istock

Cancer is the sign you would call if you need to be supported , not the sign that you should call in crisis. They will not have many solutions when life puts you in a difficult situation, Ryan Marquardt , astrologer and founder of Ryan's astrology , recount Better life .

They want to be useful but can go crazy if you don't follow their advice. They are also passive-aggressive and can cause more problems than solutions if their emotions become uncontrollable. AE0FCC31AE342FD3A1346EBB1F342FCB

"Cancer is incredibly protective towards the people they like the most, so they will be your best ally in crisis, but they will not be strategic game players to help you cross," said Marquardt.

In relation: The most irrational zodiac sign, according to astrologers .


Man judging his date

Aquarians are generally avant-garde thinkers, but they can also be trapped in their heads. Garbis describes them as absent and blur.

If a crisis occurs, they will probably try to give you advice. But as a highly intellectual and offbeat sign, there is a good chance that it is not relevant to what you are really dealing with, explains Garbis.

So, even if they would like to help, you can save time by jumping the phone call to Aquarius when you need one hand.


A couple on the couch arguing; the man is talking and the woman has her head in her hands.
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"The leos are theater queens And they normally have their own business, it is obviously more important than yours, "says Garbis.

These signs of fire are all about the ego and the way they can be at the center and the center all the time. There is a good chance that if you call them in crisis, they will eventually return the story and talk about their problems.

"They are excellent to keep their cool when the pressure is on, and they know how to find the light at the end of a dark tunnel, but they will generally only look for in this process," says Marquardt.

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Clueless Middle Aged Man

Sagittarians have Enough optimism For 20 people. They will be shown in you so that you can get out of any sticky situation, but when it comes to offering useful help, they will probably fail.

Garbis says it's because they don't take anything seriously. In addition, they have trouble with commitment.

Their flying and locked behavior will not help you when you need to plan things and think them. And sometimes, their approach to silver lining of life is too much - and you will need someone more pragmatic and reliable in times of crisis.


Woman Having a Panic Attack
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Fish can be quite undecided and Too emotional When pushed in situations of uncertainty. They are easily enlarged, so it is obvious that they are the sign of the zodiac that you should Never Call a crisis.

"It is essential to act quickly and to follow a clear and concise plan - none of which are the costume of the fish," explains Marquardt. They also find it difficult to separate their personal feelings and objectively look at situations.

As a non -conflictual sign, they are essentially ineffective when it comes to dealing with a crisis head on. They have a soft shoulder on which to cry when you cross something, but they will not offer many others to help you get out, adds Marquardt.

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