The 50 best funny memes who are too good to miss
Humor on the internet is not always easily explained, but it is generally quite hilarious.

If it was not for funny memes - you know: jokes and images that exist only for Easy entertainment "Facebook would not be entertaining enough to steal as much of your time." Instagram would also be a little more than selfies and stylized images of food. And Twitter? Don't even get started. In short, the Internet would be an unanswered vacuum of alerts of new constants, dubious research and self-aging publications without some of the funniest memes of the Internet.
Fortunately, it is a nightmare that you do not have to imagine, thanks to the fact that the funny memes are everywhere - and not demoding anytime soon. Here, we have gathered the funniest memes of all time. Don't worry: we have kept everything SFW. Because if there is an internet rule, it is this: never hunt the memes in the wrong part.
In relation: 100 memes of the funniest cats of all time .
The funniest memes of all time
You never know when a meme funny can be useful. Whether you want to shoot a bad day or send a laugh for viral stupidity, the funny photos below will make you laugh, speak and share. Read the continuation for some of the funniest and strangest humor that the Internet has to offer.
1. Cat Avocado
In the middle of the coco-19 cocovid pandemic, many aspects of our life have become virtual. And this included legal proceedings. The danger of leading business on zoom, As this lawyer discovered , it is that it is far too easy to accidentally put a filter on your face that you do not know how to remove. The result? Pure comedy.
2. Bernie Sanders and his mittens
In a typically, the senator Bernie Sanders Dressed practically for the president's inauguration of the president Joe Biden and vice-president Kamala Harris . Internet has instantly fell in love with his posture, his utility coat, and especially his mittens, and the memes factory was again in business. Even stars like Ryan Reynolds I had fun.
3. The Battle of Josh
Call that a meme in person. In April 2021, people of all ages and from all walks of life gathered in Lincoln, Nebraska, to do so (in complete safety), all because they have one thing in common: they are all named Josh. By NPR, the idea of The Josh fight came to the organizer Josh Swain At the start of Lockdown and exploded thanks to social media. The winner? A four -year -old josh who was worn on the shoulders of his name brothers after all.
4. Frodon makes a phone call
Taking care of even minor tasks can identify the same vibrations as Frodon finally ending his mission to destroy the only ring in the the Lord of the Rings Trilogy, as illustrated by this relatable meme.
5. Brains are tremors
Easily one of the best memes in the world. Why is it so easy to remember every detail of our most embarrassing moments compared to our proud? Maybe our brains just have it for us.
6. Everything is cake
There was a period in 2020 when videos like the one above all suspected that even the most uncomplicated objects could secretly be a cake. What is even real ??
The chaotic mascot of the Philadelphia flyers, Gaotic Gritty, took its place in pop culture almost immediately after being revealed by the organization. It has become a symbol not only of the hockey team but also of joyful anarchy in all its forms. Here is for you, grainy.
8. Formal bugs Bunny
Like all the big memes, this meme of formal rabbit of bugs has developed and has changed over time. At the beginning, it was used to wish to wish all the members of certain groups or demographic data "a very pleasant evening", but now, it can be used to say about anything.
9. Michael Jordan takes him personally
THE Michael Jordan documentation The last dance Gave us this incredibly useful screenshot, which can be armed each time someone else strikes a little too close to his home.
10. Dad joke wolf
This wolf of jokes cannot make his gags work with his children, but his peers love them. And isn't that the definition of a daddy's joke?
In relation: 80 food games that are absolutely eggs-spaces .
11. Baby Yoda sipping the soup
Baby Yoda, the unofficial name of growls of Star wars TV show The Mandalorian , has become one of the largest and most cute people of memes of our time. He had a lot of moments worthy of gif, but this adorable image of him by sipping the soup takes the cake.
12. Is it a…?
I'm late with this meme because I haven't had breakfast yet Since R / Mesmes
You don't need to know the animated series that this screenshot was taken to appreciate the same. In the original iteration, the man (who is apparently an Android in the show) confuses a butterfly for a pigeon, so this format works for anyone who has already tried to adapt a square ankle (coffee) in a round hole (a balanced breakfast).
13. "Welp" Tom Hanks
Invest in the face of Tom Hanks Golden Globes. Since R / Sameconomy
Tom Hanks is a national treasure, and its contributions to culture include an almost impeccable model of meme. If you just don't have the words, his reaction to an uncertain joke to the Golden Globes says everything.
14. Confus Winona Ryder
Speaking of memorable prize ceremony, Foreign things star Winona Ryder crossed a trip opposite during the Costar David Harbor's Acceptance speech to SAG Awards. His animated expressions inspired certain talented Internet artists.
15. The woman shouts on a confused cat
"Woman shouting on the cat who eats food" Since R / DANKMEMES
The woman in question is a bravo housewife Taylor Armstrong , and no, she doesn't really have shout on an innocent cat . But Internet Magic was made when someone put this screenshot side by side with a pet named Stain which does not like a vegetarian diet.
Of a cat confused to the one who knows Exactly What he does. Keyboard Abassived the internet with its musical prowess and definitely bursts a few sweet tunes in our memories.
17. Crying Dawson

Years after its first broadcast, a scene of tears of drama for adolescents of the 90s Dawson's Creek has become a vehicle for nostalgic sensations and is generally reacted excessively to things. Even better, the man who made us cry Dawson, actor James Van Der Arborescence , just a good sport on this subject Fake-wept Again To give us an update version for our files even.
18. Dog "it's good"
It's good, edition of toilet paper. Since R / Coronavirusmemes
Sometimes you have to ignore how bad things are going to continue your day. This is the story of the dog "it's good", which is generally seated in a burning and sipping room of coffee (and is from a comic called Firearms exhibition ). It is adaptable to many situations, including the strange circumstances which took place during the pandemic, as seen above.
19. Success Kid
Success Kid - Put 5 dollars in my pocket with ten Since U / Chadmace
Success Kid is to celebrate all these little victories that can give your day a serious elevator. So continue - this little guy encourages you!
20. Yes, it's a dog

This is the phone call that we would all like to get. This puppy is so happy to have you on the line!
In relation: 184 Papa pleasant so bad that they are actually hilarious .
21. Bad eel joke
THE Bad eel joke Specialized in - You guessed it - bad jokes . Like so many great memes, there is really no logical explanation to explain why it is funny. But the bad jokes are even better - or, uh, worse - when they are told by an eel with a wide eyes.
22. Crying Wesley Snipes
It is so difficult to say goodbye to these songs you love.
This screenshot of Wesley Snipes In his 1991 film New Jack City been used in countless memes . This version will resonate the most with anyone who appreciates the art of a large mixtape.
23. The most interesting man in the world
Adapted from a Dos Equis advertising campaign starring this cosmopolitan guy, this format of the same is still in vogue.
24. Ermahgerd
THE Daughter of Ermahgerd is good for each time you need to connect to the most embarrassing days of the start of adolescence. She is enthusiastic about All, And don't you miss this version of you?
25. Business cat
Need to do a work joke? It's business cat with a rescue, assuming that you can tighten A play of word for cats There in one way or another.
26. Masy moment seal
This little guy is the most cute as possible to accompany all the horrible clumsy moments of life. If you want to cring your teeth until you literally involve it, Clumsy moment seal Has your back.
27. DOGE
If you like dogs, you will love the one and only Doge . This meme inspired by Shiba Inno is to celebrate good boys and rare puppets in your life. It is not surprising that it has become viral - who could resist this face?
28. Confus Nick Young
If the guy of this meme seems familiar, it is because it is a professional basketball player Nick Young , more recently Denver Nuggets. Whenever someone says something too absurd for words, you can just send him this meme - they will get the clue.
29. Change my opinion
Political commentator Steven Crowder Sitting at a table with a panel defying people to change your mind, and a new meme was born. If you have an unpopular opinion that you like to defend, this is the same for you.
30. Drakeposting
Duck did not retain the movements of the video of his song " Bling hotline . "And thus, he inadvertently created the perfect meme to express that you like something much better than another.
In relation: 100 funny quotes on work, family and age .
31. If it adapts, I'm sitting
THE If it's okay, I'm sitting Even is ideal for all those who like to look at cat photos in ships that can barely contain them-that is, it's great for everyone. Even the biggest cats, as you can see, are subject to this rule.
32. Same of classical art
The memes of classical art prove that certain human behaviors transcend the borders of time. These venerated artists commented in museums around the world also had a sense of humor, as shown by their work ready for the same.
33. Distracted boyfriend
Distracted boyfriend , alias, the man who looks at another woman, is the result of a ridiculous photo of stock that has taken the internet storm. The same is quite explicit: everything that distracts you - and should not be - is "the other woman" in the photo.
34. Congratulations, you have played yourself
Sometimes the best way to make a meme is to offer the most literal and obvious legend as possible and to present it as if you are brilliant. Example: this DJ Khaled Even, who will forever be a classic.
35. Futurama Fry
Fry , classic lively cult Futurama , is never sure of what is good and what is wrong. But when the joke is also good, the answer is both correct.
36. Wonka condescendant
Wonka condescendant is good to withdraw every time someone becomes a little too big for their bits. It is also good to withdraw every time you want to see Gene Wilder smiling.
37. Spongebob Memes
There are no memes on the internet with the same long -term attraction as Spongebob memes . They are timeless and ageless, just like the guy who lives in a pineapple under the sea.
38. Grumpy cat
The world needs a grumpy cat to be our mascot every Monday , because Garfield does not hate Monday enough for the modern worker.
39. Baby drunk
THE Drunk baby Even is a hilarious reminder that all children are like tiny drunk adults. And they don't even need to be embarrassed the next morning!
40. Arthur's fist
Whenever something drives you crazy, you can use the Arthur's fist Even to express your emotions correctly. Singer John Legend , who was mocked by his own wife for his resemblance to the character of PBS, even recreated this .
In relation: 100 word games to make you scream with laughter .
41. Karate Kyle
Old Karate Kyle Loves his revenge. Fortunately, he looks pretty incapable of taking revenge on any caliber.
42. Chemistry cat
Chemical cat is the equivalent of Cat Business scientist. So if you want to take your word games Outside the office and in the laboratory, it is your kitty.
43. Problems of the first world
Whenever you get angry in Whole Foods because they don't have your favorite unsweetened Iced Yerba Mate, another First world problems The same was born. AE0FCC31AE342FD3A1346EBB1F342FCB
44. Evil Kermit
Each clear side has a dark side, even Kermit, as evidenced by this series of funny memes. Funny fact: Evil Kermit is actually a character called Constantine of the film Most sought after.
45. Baby Insanity Wolf
Real madness Wolf offers extremely violent advice. But Baby Insanity Wolf Do things so small that only the person who creates the meme has an idea that it even happened.
46. Philosoraptor
All the jokes aside, Philosoraptor Ask fairly convincing questions. Maybe the dinosaurs would always be there if all their large existential requests were answered.
47. Wednesday Addams
This photo is practical whenever you can think of a joke that requires a punchline on Wednesday.
48. Kim Kardashian in bed
The Kardashians have spread on the internet, so it is not surprising that they are the source of many hilarious memes. This one, with Kim Kardashian Looking strongly is useful every time you are really not interested in something that someone else wants you to say or do.
49. Am I disconnected?
The temporary moment of Skinner of Skinner is great to have at hand for this friend on Facebook who does not agree with everyone.
50. Hipster dog
Hipster Dog has stopped loving everything you like before you even hear about it. Hipster Dog is still three stages ahead of the dominant current.
We hope you enjoyed our collection of funny memes. That's all for now, but be sure to come back with us soon for even more laughs. You can also Subscribe to our newsletter So you don't miss the next step!

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