4 perfumes that attract snakes to your courtyard, say the experts

Get out of these things to ensure a snake-free space.

Nobody wants to enter their court and come face to face with a sliding reptile . But without the knowledge of many, there are certain perfumes that could attract snakes. Whether they are looking for food, shelter or water (or all of the above), they give what they need.

"Snakes" feel "their environment through a process called Firecection", notes A.H. David , a serpent and founder expert of Control of weekly pests . He explains that they cannot feel humans do with a nose and use in place a specialized organ called the Jacobson organ, or the vomeronasal organ. "This is linked to their mouths, and when they trigger the language, they collect air particles which are then treated through this organ." In the end, they can find Chemical or "odors" indices in their environment.

Addressing David and other pest experts, we discovered what perfumes attract snakes so that you can get rid of your courtyard. Continue to read to discover the smells that will bring out these unwelcome guests.

Read this then: 8 plants that will keep snakes out of your court, according to pest experts .

Rodent excrement

Rat Crawling Around
Carlos Aranguiz / Shutterstock

Snakes are not necessarily interested in your food sources such as waste or leftovers, but their prey is. And if you attract rodents, it is likely that the snakes are not far behind. They are one of their biggest food sources after all.

"The scent of rodents like rats , mice or hamsters can attract many species of snakes, in particular larger species such as pythons, BOA constricitors and many types of rat snakes, "explains David.

Garcia notes that if your court has a lot of rodent smells like excrement or urine, it could also draw the attention of snakes, even if the rodent itself is no longer present.


Multiple Snakes in the Grass
Keifer Wagener / Shutterstock

It is not surprising that snake perfumes attract more snakes. "Snakes can detect pheromones, which are special chemicals released by animals of the same species," said David.

Although they do not feed on others in their species, they will be more absent. Pheromones can point out a lot, especially by being ready to find a companion, says David Better life . Male snakes can be looking for female snakes, especially during the love season.

According Snake guard , perfumes must be fresh to adopt a feeding response or curiosity. When they lose a perfume, they will migrate elsewhere to find a companion or more food.

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Bird and bird nests excrement

Bird Feeder in Front Yard
Jaclyn Vernace / Shutterstock

"Snakes follow the smell of their prey, and as most snakes are" ambush "predators, they have settled in these areas that have left the scent of their prey," said Nichols.

For example, David says that rat snakes feed on bird eggs, therefore "the smell of birds, their excrement or their nests could potentially attract these species".

Bird baths can be very attractive because they are filled with water and often fresh, which is exactly what snakes need to hydrate and survive.

Amphibians and fish

Little Brown Frog on Rocks
Romie Kalenian / Shutterstock

Snakes are known to be opportunistic feeders. Essentially, they crawl until they encounter a fresh perfume or a movement - which then becomes their source of food. AE0FCC31AE342FD3A1346EBB1F342FCB

"For water or semi-aquatic snakes such as water snakes or certain types of garter snakes, the smell of amphibians such as frogs or toads, as well as fish, can be attractive," explains David .

As mentioned above, snakes are also attracted to water, it is therefore essential to chase one of these creatures so that snakes are not residences either.

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