Harmful side effects of intermittent fasting

If you plan to try an intermittent fast, experts want you to be aware of the potentially harmful results.

Intermittent fast had a boom in 2020. According toa survey by the International Food Information Council, in 2020, it exceeded "clean"As the most popular diet, with about 10% of Americans aged 18 to 880 using it. And in 2021, intermittent fasting is always a method of very popular weight loss and fashionable.

According toAuda Wilson, MS, Rd, CSOWM, LDN, bariatric dietitian recorded at theSurgical Weight Loss Center of North West Medicine Medicine at Delnor Hospital, There are two main drawings of intermittent fasting (if) for most people.

"Many people prefer black and white rules when it comes to following a diet, preferring to be told exactly what or in this case when they can eat without gray areas. The structure is useful for most people of the life in general! " she says. "In addition, there are generally no constraints on foods that can be chosen with if, in my opinion, which uses many people who believe that the plan is equivalent to deprivation."

However, like any diet, if may have disadvantages.

"Intermittent fasting is a very restrictive way to eat and force people to ignore the indices of hunger and fullness instead instead of the day," says Dietian registeredSarah Schlichter, MPH, RDN ofTummy bucket listand author ofHow to get in touch with hunger and fullness: a guide for intuitive eating. "Although weight loss can occur, what I see more often is that people are tarnishing any relationship with the food they have. They do not eat for pleasure, pleasure or hunger, but rather because the clock tells them. When they take up their normal situation patterns to eat, they are usuallyearn weight. "

If you plan to try an intermittent fast, some people should certainly jump or consult their doctor.

"Intermittent fasting is certainly not for everyone; pregnant people, have a diabetes or have had disorderly dining do not have to follow a lifestyle with intermittent fasting," saysKristen Smith, MS, RDN, A dietician and a spokesman registered for the Academy of Nutrition and Dietary. "As with most diets and lifestyle changes, it's important to choose something you can stick for intermittent long-haul fast, can be difficult for some people to follow for long periods."

Here are 10 possible side effects of intermittent fasting. Read on and for more than one healthy diet, do not missSimple ways to start losing weight immediately, according to science.


Brain fog and other cognitive side effects.

brain fog

"The brain and the body must adjust to avoid having a consistent fuel every 2-3 hours, as a normal person would eat," says Schlichter. "It can lead to blood glucose swings, mood changes, headaches and even blurred thinking."

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Feelings of frustration or failure.

upset woman

"For most people, it is not natural to have five hours or more without eating, presenting a significant challenge for those who are committed if. Hearing certain IFERS who makes it a fast brings them clarity and concentration of capabilities "and resulted in strong weight loss can be defeated afterwards, for those who struggle with practice," says Wilson. "Any healthy change will be just that: a change, but that should be a change that can exist as part of your current lifestyle. Feel frustrated by the demanding structure of if could lead to eat between meals followed by feelings of guilt and disappointment. "


You can experience hypoglycemia.

pink alarm clock on blue background

"When you go long periods without eating or you are in a state of fasting, your body could undergo hypoglycemia, which means that your blood sugars are at a low level. The symptoms of hypoglycemia may include the fragment , irritability, fatigue, anxiety or irregular heartbeat, "said Blacksmith." For people with diabetes, this could lead to a dangerous blood sugar, which can have serious side effects. " For more, seeWhat happens to your body on the intermittent fasting system.


This can remove the pleasure associated with food.

upset while eating

Become hyper obsessive on the food removes the pleasure associated with eating. "And if you go out for a social event and that the time you go out does not fall into your designated restoration time? Are you supposed just do not eat while everyone around you eat? And if you feel hungry ? " Notes Schlichter. "Following the strict rules, such as those imposed if, can bring you too obsessive food and eat, which can act as stressor on the body. In addition, it removes everything and any pleasure associated with eating food when There is intense or hyperfocus pressure on it. "


This can lead to eating too much during restoration periods.

woman eating dessert

"With all hungry hints, the collapses are sometimes too dying during their feeding times. It's very understandable as being, even if with time, you may not feel hungry because of conditioning of Your body that the signals are not an effective motivator to eat, as soon as possible you take this first bite the real hunger is awake and can feel like a bottom-up pit, "explains Wilson." As your body explains. Attempts to compensate for all the energy missed during the fast, you can end up ingesting greater portions than you have in the past. This can lead to a lack of calorie deficit and a lack of weight loss. Human bodies. Are perfect for storing excess energy as fat, then miss a few large meals in the day will result in weight gain over time. Not the goal of if! "There are more things behind your superbable in addition if:17 reasons why you are looking for (and how to stop!)


You can meet nutritional deficiencies.

fasting diet

"When you consume fewer meals and snacks throughout the week, it's more difficult to consume adequate amounts of macro and micronutrients that your body needs," says Smith. "The inadequate intake of certain nutrients can lead to nutritional gaps, which could lead to a variety of health problems, including digestive problems, bone diseases, skin disorders or neurological symptoms. Make sure you take a daily multivitamin. If you follow an intermittent plan of fasting. "For more, seeWhat takes a multivitamin every day made to your body.


Can lead to disordered diet and manual trends.

Woman pushing plate of vegetables away from herself because she is skipping a meal

"Only eat between certain windows of time can limit many possibilities to eat and then drive to the subpiece of food and calories. Some people can develop dietary disorders or messy trends due to stress and hyperfocus on food and calories, "says Schlichter. "In addition, having someone eating more just because it's" the time to eat "can cause supercharging and interruption in the designated restore window and ignore all corporeal markers of fullness. They can begin to display food as important and restructured, and perhaps consciously or unconsciously, underpieces for the needs of their body, leading to physical, emotional and hormonal side effects, such as loss of menstruation, hair loss and blood sugars dysregulated. "


Fasting can be prejudicial to some with underlying conditions.

Hungry woman skipping meal

"People with diabetes or those who take medications for heart conditions can find a fast to be dangerous. It is important to check with your primary care doctor before moving forward with diet changes drastic and lifestyle, "says Wilson. "The IFERS you are following on social media probably do not discuss this potential problem. You must therefore be a consumer informed of social media and ensure that it is a safe company on which to embark its personal health background."


You can experience lethargy and low energy levels.

tired man

"In the first weeks of starting an intermittent fast plan, you can feel softly and tired because your body does not get the same amount of fuel (through food), it is used to," says Smith.


It can be difficult to maintain.

intermittent fasting

"Keeping with this strict sense of eating is difficult, mainly because our bodies are not wired to eat small intervals in our society today. With many social events occurring at night and often in unmodified restoration times many people are numerous. Is not able to stay at these restrictive guidelines for eating, "says Schlichter." In addition, they feel hungry throughout the day when they did not eat and are not able to hinder all their calories during designated times. Once a person resumes his way of eating normally, they will generally gain weight, but even more, you have to work on the reconstruction of their relationship with food and learn to trust his body again to give them Signs of hunger to eat and do not feel fullness. "Build a better relationship with food, you might consider trying these11 hacks of full awareness of eating less, according to experts.

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