Four -day work weeks occur in the United States - there are advantages and risks

Do you think there are no drawbacks at a three-day weekend? Experts say the opposite.

Compared to workers from other countries , namely those of Europe, the inhabitants of the United States tend to Work longer hours And take fewer vacation days. But a new trend in companies implementing four -day work weeks could soon even even the rules of the game.

"A four -day work week is a huge sign of confidence. Laura Mills , head of ideas at the start of his career at Feed . "In addition, a four -day work week can improve employee satisfaction because it offers employees a better balance between professional and private life."

To put this in perspective, the Washington Post recently published A calculator of the four -day work week. If a current 35 -year -old company was to adopt this calendar, he would obtain 12,064 hours - or 502 days - retired (assuming that you work a day of eight hours).

And with large companies like Kickstarter in transition to this model, the apparently scenario of dreams is not so eccentric. But is it as simple as enjoying a three-day weekend all year round? We have consulted sales experts to find out. Read the rest for their reflections on the risks and advantages of a four -day work week.

Read this then: 31 best work hacks to do it faster .

The quality of life can improve considerably.


A large study of the four -day work week was carried out by the non -profit organization Global of the 4 -day week In collaboration with the Boston College, the University College Dublin and the Cambridge University. The study was made up of 61 companies in the United Kingdom and around 2,900 employees and took place from June to December 2022.

All employees received their complete compensation and each company designed its own policy, which varied from the traditional "Friday off" model to staggered days.

Of the 61 companies, 56 continue with the four -day work week and 18 of them implement it as a permanent change.

The report underlines the well-being of employees as perhaps the biggest point to remember. "" "Before and after" the data show that 39% of employees were less stressed, and 71% had reduced the levels of professional exhaustion at the end of the test. Likewise, the levels of anxiety, fatigue and Sleep have decreased, while mental and physical health both improved, "the researchers wrote in the executive summary.

The summary also noted a positive change in the balance between professional and private life. "For 54%, it was easier to balance work with household jobs - and employees were also more satisfied with the finances of their households, relationships and how their time was managed."

Fewer working days can be equal to more productivity.

A young woman with long brown hair wearing blue glasses and a beige sweater is working on her laptop smiling.
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"We all know how much we feel to refresh and recharge after a three-day weekend," notes Mills. "This renewed feeling can result in greater productivity if three-day weekends are the norm."

Fern Diaz , founder of Brand Consultancy Library , transferred his team to a four -day work week. Speaking from personal experience, she explains that "the calendar eliminates procrastination and unnecessary meetings, two major enemies of productivity".

In addition, when employees have three-day weekends, they probably take fewer personal days and vacation, says Mills, which means that you will have more people at the office at the same time.

British study data also supports it, because participating companies have found that their income increased during the average trial period by 35% compared to the same period in previous years.

Read this then: 5 things you should never lie on your CV .

But a shorter work week can also mean more pressure.

Workaholic Man Who's Up Late
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If a manager is not fully on board with the advantages of a four -day work week, he can simply try to tighten 40 hours of work in 32 hours. This is particularly true in the industries where a standard working day from nine to five is not the norm. AE0FCC31AE342FD3A1346EBB1F342FCB

A 2021 study Published in Relations with employees On the move of New Zealand in a four-day work week, noted that "not only The work has intensified After the change, but the managerial pressures also concerning the measurement, monitoring and productivity of performance, " Harvard Business review reported.

It can be unfair for self -employed workers.

Bored Woman at Work
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For those who are paid every hour or who are entrepreneurs, a four -day work week could mean a very important breach in their pay checks and their benefits. This is why California rep. Mark Takano Recently reintroduces legislation to make 32 -hour work week a national standard, reported the Washington Post .

The main thing it would be to start compensation for overtime at 32 hours instead of 40. But Takano said in an interview with the Job We should think about how hourly workers make up the difference in remuneration. "How is it that we will find a salary or compensation balance which allows 32 hours of work to be equivalent to the 40-hour remuneration that has been worked?"

What about billable hours?

Coworkers Problem Solving
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Many industries still operate on the principle of billable hours, mainly accounting firms, law firms and consultants, which could be difficult with a four -day week.

However, Joe O'Connor , director and co-founder of Toronto Center for Excellence for Reduction of Working Time , told BBC that even these companies were making adjustments in some cases.

"Were Start to see examples Lawyers' offices moving to four days from invoicing by the time to invoicing project value, or by reducing their non -billable general costs so that their teams are more focused on customer work, "said -Ali said.

Four -day rotating weeks of rotating work could be common ground.

Young Woman Working Alone
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A year after taking control of public relations and social networks Kel & Partners As CEO in 2021, Julia McGovern conducted a trial of a program which she called "Summer Thrededays".

The program gave employees of three-day weekends every two weeks on a rotating basis. The calendar gave everyone more than two weeks of additional leave each year, but he assured customers always access to the staff on a weekday.

After questioning his employees about the program, says McGovern Better life that she found 100% of them satisfied. Eighty percent said they felt more refreshed and no one said their productivity has suffered.

So what is the next step?

group of coworkers standing around and making small talk
Shutterstock / Robert Kneschke

If the way flexible policies and home work have come up after the pandemic are an indication, the four-day work week could soon start to be a realistic option for many American workers.

As mentioned, Kickstarter - A company based in Brooklyn, based in New York which is a digital platform for crowdfunding campaigns - has already gone to a four -day work week.

"The consensus is that Four -day work week We all allowed us to live brighter and more complete lives and allowed us to go back to cool work - every Monday brings excellent new stories on projects and experiences that our staff members have finally had time to continue " , share the company on their website. "In addition to taking it individually, the four -day work week has also paid for the company as a whole, thanks to productivity gains that resulted in the search for ways smarter to work. "

According to a Published article In Diario like In March 2023, others who adopted a four-day work week included the Tampon Social Media Software Company and the Fin-Tech Bolt company.

Categories: Smarter Living
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