You can catch Covid here even if it's 80% empty, the study says
This research is a bad news for anyone else to cheer their favorite sports team at the stadium.

One of the lasting effects of pandemic coronavirus has been theCancellation of great gatherings, especially sports events and concerts. Now, massive arenas that usually house tens of thousands of cheering fans are closely silent as professional games are played at mainly empty stages. But according to a new study, it is for a very good reason, as it appearsYou can alwayscatch Covid in a sports arena or even though it is 80% empty.
Research, which was conducted by scientists from U.K. and published in the newspaperCOVID ECONOMICS, watched the professional football matches played in almost empty stages just before the lock-ads came into effect. The results revealed thatAreas that hosted such events have seen a tip In cases of coronaviruses in the following weeks, with about six cases per 100,000 people. Even more importantly, researchers have discovered a very limited crowd have attracted the same point in cases as attendance at matches.
"Even when the stages are only partially filled, fans tend to pack together in groups"James Read, PhD, a sports economist at the reading university and the primary author of the study, said in a statement. "They also mix in bar areas, toilets and waiting lines, as well as in pubs, shops and restaurants outside the field. They travel long distances across the country to attend matches. , often in a group and by public transport. This behavior presents an effective way for air viruses to propagate and is no less widespread with smaller crowds. "

However, Reade also admitted thatCurrent public health guidelines Can affect future numbers - and that leagues should use caution when welcoming back fans. "Although it is difficult to compare the data before and after the locking, the behavior and the rules of the population have changed transport and in stores, for example, our results suggest that pilot events will be essential for planning. theSecure yield of crowds to sports events"," Said Read.
While some states such asTexas reopened 25% capacity, others like Massachusetts say they will not reopen until a vaccine is released.
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The sports industry, which has resumed the lack of income generated by internal fans, is already struggling to plan the future of living sport events. "The teams must start thinking in the long run on the technologies they can implement from cleaning staff, fans, to players entering the building", "Irwin Raij, the co-chair of the international law firm O'Melveny Sports Industry Division, said CNBC. "The teams will have to find substitute or a generation of income apart from havingPersonal gatherings in arenas and stages. "
For starters, however, Ready says simple steps, such as one-way crowd traffic and contactless refreshboats, can help keep fans safer. And for more information on how coronaviruses affects our lives, checkThis major city has just canceled Halloween due to Covid.

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