If you want your skin to remain fresh and radiant in the summer, and the makeup stayed longer, the ice cube is the best answer to all your worries!

If you want your skin to remain fresh and radiant in the summer, and the makeup stayed longer, the ice cube is the best answer to all your worries! This is a secret beauty weapon for many makeup artists around the world. From riding bags under the eyes to giving the skin of a healthy radiance-these are 8 main ways to use ice cubes in a beauty rut.

1. Tones the skin

Wrap ice cubes with a towel or napkin, and then wipe the skin. Although you can apply ice directly to the face. However, experts recommend avoiding this. Due to the improvement of blood circulation, the skin gets rid of toxins and becomes more elastic, the contour of the face is tightened.

2. Gives the radiance

We all dream of shining skin. To do this, we use many expensive products, but we hardly get the desired results. The use of ice improves blood flow and, as a result, increases the level of oxygen in the skin, which ensures the rapid delivery of nutrients and vitamins. Everything, it turns out, is very simple.

3. Classes pores

If the pores are expanded, dirt quickly accumulates in them. This causes acne formation. And it looks unattractive. Wiping the face with ice after washing, helps to narrow the pores and keep the face clean and fresh longer.

4. eliminates edema under the eyes

Glated eyes are a problem familiar to many women. The most common causes of this ailment are lack of sleep and constant work at the computer. The ice has the ability to reduce swelling. Apply it to the affected areas, and your beautiful eyes will again gain a radiant look. You can add a little black coffee to your ice cube. Then you will notice a powerful effect after the first use.

5. Passes dead cells

Ice is the best natural exfoliator. Regularly wipe your face with cubes of milk ice, and the result will not be long in coming. What is the secret? In lactic acid, which helps cleanse the skin from dead cells. Due to this, it acquires a natural radiance.

6. Relieves inflammation

Are you worried about an angry pimple? Application of ice can help reduce inflammation by narrowing of blood vessels. It is even better to use frozen ice cubes with aloe. In addition, such therapy helps to reduce excess sebum production. Which, as you know, is the main culprit of acne.

7. Reduces the appearance of wrinkles

Small wrinkles can quickly spoil the mood of any woman. Of course, you cannot turn back the aging, but you can control it. Regular wiping the skin with ice cubes is a great way to reduce and prevent the first signs of aging.

8. "fixes" makeup

Ice therapy facilitates the application of makeup and prolongs its resistance. Hurrying? In the morning there is not enough time for beauty processes? Wipe your face with an ice cube. This will give the skin a beautiful glow even without the use of expensive powder or serum.

Categories: Beauty
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