The FDA warns that colorectal cancer is increasing - there are 4 ways to reduce your risk

This disease is now developing more and more in young adults.

Colorectal cancer - Otherwise known as the colon or rectum cancer - which was to be something that you only had to worry about once you have reached the second half of your life. This is no longer the case, however. The United States Federal Drug Administration (FDA) reports that Colorectal cancer rate fall in older adults, they actually increase for adults in their forties, or even younger. "Cancer of all types is rare in people under the age of 50, but the figures show that colorectal cancer is no longer just an elderly disease," warns the agency.

The best way to beat colorectal cancer is to be tested, according to the FDA. Testing of colorectal cancer can help catch polyps or other precancerous growths from your rectum or colon, which is generally starts. But there are also ways to start reducing your chances of developing these growths in the first place.

Read the rest to discover the four ways that the FDA says you can reduce your risk of colorectal cancer.

Read this then: Men who eat it are 29% a higher risk of colorectal cancer, discover a new study .

Drink less alcohol.

Young people having fun at home party. Toasting with beer and enjoying the party

The drop in the bottle could help prevent colorectal cancer. According to the FDA, studies have determined that drinking three or more alcoholic drinks can increase your risk of colorectal cancer by 41% amazing.

"Ethanol, the type of alcohol found in drinks commonly consumed such as beer, wine and spirits, acts irritating to the mucous membranes of the gastrointestinal tract, including the mouth, the esophagus, the stomach and The small and the big intestine ". Kyle S. Eldredge , Make, a specialist in general surgery certified to the board of directors working as a colorectal surgeon In Florida, tells Better life . "The alcohol by-product causes damage and stress to cells and can even damage DNA within cells. This can cause abnormal cells and cancer development."

Move your body more.

Woman exercising outside with a group of people.
Floor image / trigger

Research also highlights the potential advantages of increased physical activity. According to the FDA, studies indicate that regular exercise can reduce the risk of colorectal cancer by a person by 24%. "For major health benefits, experts recommend that most days of the week of the week," said the agency. "Exercise may include daily activities such as walking a dog, making chores in the house or using the stairs." AE0FCC31AE342FD3A1346EBB1F342FCB

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Do not smoke.

woman snapping a cigarette in half and quitting smoking, look better after 40

Most people know tobacco affect on lung cancer. But it is not the only disease that smoking can cause. As the FDA explained, studies also show that people who use tobacco also have a risk of colorectal cancer by 18%. "Similar to excessive alcohol consumption, smoking can damage DNA in intestinal walls, increase inflammation and cause altered immunity", "," Soma Mandal , MD, a Internist certified by the commission In Summit Health in New Jersey, explains.

According to Mandal, the use of tobacco can also change your intestinal microbiome and affect your nutrient intake that can help increase your risk of colon cancer. "Smoking can cause nutrient malabsorption, such as calcium and vitamin D deficiency," she says. "These nutrients are important to maintain a healthy colon."

Maintain a healthy weight.

scale with measuring tape
279 Studio / Shutterstock photo

In addition to increased physical activity, it is also important to maintain healthy weight. "" Obesity is linked At an increased risk of colorectal cancer and death by colorectal cancer "," the National Institute of Health's Cancer Institute warns its website. The FDA adds that studies have revealed that in particular, women with obesity have a risk of 45% higher to obtain this disease and die.

"Maintaining healthy weight can help avoid insulin resistance that can develop when you are overweight," said Jill Barat , Pharmd, a registered pharmacist With almost 10 years of experience. "With insulin resistance, the body reacts by making more insulin, which can speed up the signaling of the unwanted growth factor and the growth of cancer cells."

Best Life offers the most recent information from high -level experts, new research and health agencies, but our content is not supposed to be a substitute for professional advice. When it comes to the medication you take or any other health that you have, always consult your health care provider directly.

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