6 things you should add to your morning routine if you are over 50 years old, say the experts

You will start and you will most certainly shine with these tips and tricks.

How your morning is going on is often a fairly precise forecast of the coming day. There is a good chance that you Saippe on sleep Or rush out of the house without breakfast, the rest of your day is not going to go very well. But even if you compose a solid eight hours and enjoy a nutritious smoothie, there are many other habits that can do or break the start of your day, especially as you get older.

"At 50, it is more important than ever that I have a coherent, replicable, durable and longevity morning routine," explains Greg Scheinman , fitness coach, entrepreneur and author of The male of his forties . To find out what Scheinman and other experts recommend you Add to your morning routine if you are over 50, keep reading.

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Make a meditation early in the morning.

Women doing yoga and meditation outdoors.
Fatcamera / Istock

As you get older and having reached retirement age, our days may not be as full as they are - without dropping children in school, no trip to work, no kitchen dinner for the whole family. And for many of us, this additional time may seem overwhelming. To get ahead of these feelings, experts recommend starting the day with mindfulness.

Studies have shown that meditation can be useful both to your mental and physical health. It is soothing (in some cases, meditation also works anxiety medicine ) and good for your brain health , between many other advantages.

Scheinman uses an application to guide it through breathing exercises , which helps him relax and improve his clarity and concentration. "I think meditation is what you do with it, whether it is the" real "meditation or just a few moments of silence to bring your thoughts and your clarity together," he said. "Everything that works best for you."

Hydrate your body.

Middle aged woman working in the office.

"After 7 to 8 hours of sleep, I want to rehydrate my body," says Scheinman, adding that he drinks 20 ounces of water each morning. "It also helps to energize my metabolism and my vigilance." And rehydrates in the morning can indeed have Myriad of advantages , including an increase in energy, improved mental acuity and even better digestion.

This is particularly important after the age of 50: the national aging council reports that "the elderly are experiencing changes in body composition over time that leave them with less water in their bodies to start. ""

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Also hydrate your skin.


Like you hydrate your body when you wake up, you should also hydrate your skin. "As we age, The skin becomes dry . Fine lines and wrinkles appear, "notes the American Academy of Dermatology (AAD)." The moisturizer traps the water in our skin, giving it a younger appearance. ""

For the best moisturizers, the AAD recommends using a facial moisturizer, a body moisturizer and a lip balm. Scheinman says that his morning routine rises his face and follows a moisturizing mist, a moisturizer and a stick under the eyes.

"[Find] the best moisturizer for the face to balance the oil and water content of your skin," advises Erica Suppa , specialist in skin care and founder and Skin care with fresh faces . "It is important to search for water in the first five ingredients of the product label to say if it is water -based." SUPPA adds that a water -based moisturizer "will balance the excess oil that your skin produces".

Apply a sunscreen.

older woman applying lotion to hands
Floor image / trigger

Never underestimate how UV rays of the sun can age and damage your skin. "Sun protection constitutes the foundation of each anti-aging skin care plan," explains the AAD. "We have so much evidence that the sun Announces our skin prematurely that there is in fact a word to describe this effect. This word is "photoaging". AE0FCC31AE342FD3A1346EBB1F342FCB

Of course, as we age, it is even more important to take precautions. "During our advanced years, our skin loses fat and water content and becomes thinner, allowing UV light penetrate , "Explains the skin cancer foundation". Composing the problem, the natural capacity of the body to repair damaged DNA decreases, increasing the probability of abnormal cellular growth which can cause mutations leading to skin cancer. ""

So, even if it is not a beach day or mid-July, after having hydrated your skin, make sure you apply a sunscreen on the parts of your body that will be exposed throughout the day. The AAD says you want to find a formula that has wide spectrum protection, is SPF 30 (or more) and water resistant.

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Boost your mood with a little sun.

Mature woman sitting on a bench in the sun.
Piksel / Istock

Of course not all The sun is bad. Starting the day with fresh air and a dose of sun is a natural way to stimulate your mood. "A study of more than 500,000 people showed that each additional hour outside The chances of becoming depressed in a significant way Psychology today .

A little sun also helps sleep enough. "Going out in the morning for two to ten minutes has proven to be effective in regulating sleep habits," said Kelly Kessler , approved physiotherapist, wellness coach and owner of Optimal you health and well-being , and we know that the rested awakening is the key to start the day on the right.

Start the day with physical activity.

Two senior women walking together outdoors.
Cecilie_arcurs / Istock

For those of you who fear the idea of gym visits early in the morning, start your day with physical activity does not mean iron pumping.

According to a recent study , those who walked at a quick pace (80-100 not per minute) for 30 minutes a day, had "25% chance Lower risk of heart disease or cancer , a risk of dementia at 30%of 30%, and a risk of mortality in all causes lower by 35%, compared to those who walked at a slower average rate, "as Better life Previously reported.

Don't have half an hour every morning? so few Like ten minutes It has been shown that exercise per day improves or maintains cognitive capacities.

Aside from health reasons, "the morning exercise has a Variety of advantages For our mood and energy levels throughout the day, "explains the certified personal coach Caroline Graining . "Studies have shown that only 20 minutes of activity, spread out during your morning routine, can help reduce stress and anxiety levels while improving concentration and clarity." (Grainger stresses that "it is worth investing in an additional time in a full training or stretching session in order to harvest more the awards of physical activity on his mood.")

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