The meteor shower will make "shiny fireballs" in the sky on Friday - here is how to see it

Scientists say that this year's display could feel a "significant explosion".

For some people, the return of hot weather every spring is enough to start taking time to look at the night sky. Even those who do not Learn a lot about the stars Usually, find a little pleasure in adopting constellations, the moon and the planets - even if there is no special event as a comet who passes or a lunar eclipse. But if you are looking to have an overview of something special, you may want to book a little time to take a shower of meteors that will make "fireballs" appear in the sky from later this week. Read the rest to find out how you can see the dazzling natural spectacle yourself.

Read this then: The next total solar eclipse will be the last until 2044, NASA says .

The shower of ETA aquarian meteors is underway and will reach a culmination later this week.

A person standing outside their tent looking up at shooting starts during a meteor shower

Even if April has just seen his just part of astronomical excitation , there is still a lot to come in the coming days. Eta Aquarid Meteor shower has started and will put a night show Until he culminates later this week, according to

Although the "stars shoots" are an annual event in May, they were in fact born from the dust track of the famous Halley comet, which only ends every 76 years. When the tiny rock particles collide with the earth's atmosphere while our planet passes each year, it brings them to burn shiny As they fall into the sky towards the ground, according to NASA.

This year's shower could see twice as many meteors visible falling.

Two people looking at moon through telescope
Astrostar / Shutterstock

For most years, annual ETA aquarids generate a dazzling spectacle with around 10 to 30 meteors that cross the sky per hour during the summit. The shower is also famous for the speed at which its objects move, which creates brilliant "trains" in their wake which can last "several seconds to a few minutes", by NASA.

But this year, the show could be Even more memorable . "They should have a significant explosion in the night of May 4 [and] 5", " Bill Cooke , the head of the NASA meteoroid environmental office at Marshall Space Flight Center in NASA in Alabama, told. He explains that the overvoltage "will be caused by ejected particles from Comète Halley back in 390 [Before our era], and the rates should be more than twice the norm".

The increase in frequency will be a boost for an annual event already known to "exhibit the meteors / shiny fire balls, so it could be a fairly decent show," said Cooke.

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You may need to stand late at night to get the most out of the ETA aquarids.

A family camping in a tent while looking up at the Milky Way and night sky
Istock / Anatoliy_Gleb

If you plan to catch the ETA aquarids during their peak later this week, you may want to change your sleep schedule or plan to sleep late the next day. This is because the radiant source of the shower - or apparent - is in the cancellation of the Aquarius. The stars are higher general costs in the southern hemisphere in the spring and take more time in the night to become visible in the northern sky, according to NASA.

"ETES are not a shower that you can go out after sunset because the radiant will not stand," Cooke told Instead, he suggests going out around 2 a.m. and looking at the horizon as the activity increases towards dawn.

You will have a better chance of seeing meteors if you follow certain basic Stargazing guidelines.

meteor streak during purseid meteor shower

Although the peak of this year coincides with the brightness of the full moon, you can always prepare for what could be a memorable show by considering some expert advice. As always, it is preferable to move away from light pollution by finding the The darkest location possible , ideally far from brilliant lampposts or illuminated houses, according to Earth Sky. You should also become comfortable by providing a warm cover or chair that will allow you to extend and tilt yourself. AE0FCC31AE342FD3A1346EBB1F342FCB

Since it is preferable to obtain a breathtaking view of as many night sky as possible, you can leave your telescope or your binoculars - unless you plan to determine other stationary objects, explains You will need about 30 minutes so that your eyes adapt to darkness, which understands to avoid looking at your phone. If you are afraid of groping in the dark, remember to bring a flashlight with a parameter of red light to help reduce reflections.

You can also pack a thermos from a hot drink and dress warmly to make sure you stay comfortable during late hours. But overall, patience can be the most essential part to enjoy the spectacle of nature.

"Meteor observation looks very much like fishing: sometimes you catch a good number, and sometimes you don't," writes Earth Sky.

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Tags: News / Science
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