How do you know if you like a girl? 12 signs that say she is interested

Flirt with a new romance? Be on the lookout for these subtle signs that she loves you.

How do you know if she loves you? In a perfect world, she would tell you. But we do not live in a perfect world. We live in a place where feelings are buried or at least obscuring. When they make the surface, it is often too little or not enough; Too late or totally premature. But before we start feeling sorry for ourselves, it is important to remember that even if we cannot get the kind of confirmation that we want, we can Collect the clues left behind. Below, we are talking about How to know if a girl loves you . Read the rest to discover the signs to look for.

Read this then: How to complete a guy: tips, tips and things to say .

12 signs that she loves you

People express admiration and affection of all kinds of ways, and many of them are non -verbal. Below, we dissect certain actions and invite experts to weigh on what can be considered significant and why.

1. She can't wait to spend quality time with you.

couple chatting while drinking coffee at a cafe
Shutterstock / Casting of thousands

There is time, and then there is Really hang out. The difference is not so subtle. A scenario implies a group of people, and the other is limited to you and to it. If it continues to push time with you and only you, then you can leave with some confidence in what it feels for you.

"When someone has a romantic and sexual interest in you, he will want to spend time alone with you," said Tara Suwinyatticaporn , PHD, award -winning researcher and Sex and relationship coach .

"Communicating that you want to spend time head-on with your romantic interest and date planning is a powerful way to develop a stronger link and relationship," she adds.

2. It initiates contact and physical contact.

woman with her hand resting on her boyfriend's chest
Shutterstock / View apart

Open body language remains one of the most obvious signs she is interested in you. "When you like someone, you tend to touch them often in order to degenerate the level of intimacy in this relationship," explains SuwinyatthaIporn ,, Who also goes by Dr. Tara.

And she is not the only one there with this opinion. In a 2015 study published in the Non -verbal behavior journal , the researchers turned to certain indices of body language - like palmer and leaning forward by speaking - to confirm a romantic attraction among the participants.

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3. It establishes and keeps visual contact.

woman smiling looking at her boyfriend
Shutterstock / XIXINXING

Of course, physical touch is not the only way that women could express their interest. The study authors also pointed out that different people have different flirting styles. While some individuals rely on physicality to express their feelings, others prefer a more subtle approach.

Ready contact remains a popular choice for people who are not completely comfortable being more "practical". And the more it takes place, the more likely it is that it tries to get things to get things to the next level.

"Prolonged visual contact generally communicates your desire to further develop the relationship with this person," said Dr. Tara.

4. It often reaches out and quickly responds to the texts.

woman smiling looking at her phone
Shutterstock / Dean Drobot

This is quite black and white. "If they have left you in reading for a few days without a good reason ... So they are not in you and that is not worth your time," explains Dr. Tara.

Someone who East Interested will make the way they react to your efforts. Dr. Tara says that a person in this position will meet both in a timely and affectionately manner.

"Their text messages would express care and interest as indicating that they are thinking of you or asking How was your day , "she says." They would respond to telephone calls with enthusiasm. ""

That said, it is important to take into account different personalities here. Some people do better in person than on the phone. This does not mean that they are not interested, it simply means that you have two of the different communication styles.

If you want to know more by phone, ask it. "The communication of your desires authentically can do wonders," explains Dr. Tara.

5. She wants you to meet her friends.

group of friends embracing
Shutterstock / Davidangelini

If she wants you to meet her other friends, it is likely that she will tell them about you with a certain frequency - and it is always a good sign.

"Presentation of your date to your social networks is an important step in the development of a romantic relationship," explains Dr. Tara.

For those who can be worried about the implications of being introduced into a more platonic space, let's rest easily. According to Dr. Tara, women generally bring potential partners Around their friends More often than men.

If you are looking for a certain assurance that it is really in you, then pay attention to the other non -verbal indices that it could launch. Does it touch you a lot? Holding your hand? Maintain visual contact? If so, consider it a good sign.

6. She is interested in the things you love.

man teaching a woman how to play guitar
Shutterstock / Andy Dean Photography

Either she is bored and desperate for the new hobbies, or she really tries to take an interest in the things that you are passionate about. And if this is the case, then it is a fairly good indicator that she feels a kind in a way on your subject.

"People generally do not make this kind of effort unless they really want to go out with you," said Dr. Tara. However, she suggests taking the time to see if it is a real decision. Smart efforts could be a sign of manipulation.

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7. She knows things about you that you haven't told her.

couple chatting on the couch
Shutterstock / Fizkes

With the things that were moving more and more online, it is difficult to believe that there was a time when we could not just on Google someone we wanted to know more, especially if this person is be a romantic interest.

If she took the time to see what information she can collect about your online subject, then consider her as a form of flattery. In reason, of course. We are talking about things like a birthday party or this trip to Mexico - not your social security information or other things that should remain deprived.

8. She remembers the things you have said in previous conversations.

woman holding a cup of coffee looking at he date
Shutterstock / Fizkes

They say that these are the little things that matter, and it could be true. Finish the information shared during intimate conversations - even things that you may have forgotten - it makes an effort. And according to Dr. Tara, it is "definitely" a sign that it is in you.

"It is also a high quality in a romantic partner," she adds.

9. She even laughs at your most stupid jokes.

older couple sitting on a couch laughing
Shutterstock / Floor Image

Whether she laughs To your most stupid jokes, consider her his way of trying to make you feel good about your skin, which is great to see in someone you think of continuing in a romantic way. And if the jokes are Really Bad and she always laughs, then yes. It's official: it flirts with you.

10. She gives you her individual attention.

couple holding hands across the table
Shutterstock / Michaelpuche

Passing attention to someone is not always as easy as it may seem. With the number of distractions around us, it can be difficult to stay focused on something, even if this one is you. If it demonstrates a desire to maintain it together, consider it as a good sign. According to Dr. Tara, this indicates an "intentional romantic interest".

11. She wants to know your life of meetings.

woman sitting on a bench looking at her date
Shutterstock / Adriaticfoto

Asking questions about the status of your relationship is not always an indication of the attraction, but it could be significant if it is associated with some of the other signs on this list. Wanting to know if you are available is a valid first step to take. If you are actively pursuing other girls, you should probably let him know before things go further. There is no point in wasting anyone from anyone. AE0FCC31AE342FD3A1346EBB1F342FCB

12. She throws the idea of being a couple.

POV shot of girl holding hands with her boyfriend and spinning around
Shutterstock / Ryna Inshyna

We all have ways to feel things, and it may be his. Tacking the idea of being a couple is a fun way to let you know that it is open to the possibility. It is also a low risk means for it to assess your interest for the idea. If you try to develop a romantic relationship with this person, then be aware of the way you react. It could have an impact on how things are progressing between both of you.

Read this then: 21 questions for a new relationship .

Why the context is important

The actions described above are generally good attraction indicators, especially when carried out together. But it is important to remember that it is not always the case.

People are expressed in different ways. Some people appreciate physical touch, even platonically. Others simply like to maintain visual contact. Paying attention to the context and intention is an important part of deciphering, if a girl really loves you or not.

If you take clues that could be interested but you still don't know about things, it is probably better to talk about things. The presumptions can turn fairly quickly in these situations. And you don't want to put one of you in a position where you feel uncomfortable or dangerous.


How can you know if a girl loves you or is just Good?

It is easy to blur the lines between being friendly and interested. Although things like physical touch and frequent communication can indicate a romantic attraction, this is not always the case. Take a step back and see if these actions are associated with other signs that she loves you, as being interested in your personal life or wanting to spend time together.

How can you flirt without being grumpy?

Flirt should not be painful. If you want to communicate your interest in a woman without giving her teeth, try to be somewhat subtle. Give him compliments that seem authentic and do not do too much. Establish a little physical contact, while respecting your personal space. Be careful, but do not ignore everything else around you.


This is all for our advice on how a girl loves you, but be sure to come back with us soon for more advice on relationships! You can also Subscribe to our newsletter To enjoy similar content, as well as health, entertainment and travel parts.

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