7 things your bladder wants you to stop doing, according to the experts

For better overall health, listen to what your body tells you.

An important part of the urinary system , your bladder works with your kidneys to remove waste from your blood. Although you can take your bladder health for acquired in your youth, aging can increase your risk of related conditions, including bladder control problems, urinary retention, urinary tract infections (UTI) and the bladder cancer.

This is why it is so important to understand what habits help and hamper the health of your bladder - and why experts highlight the errors that could be harmful. Read the rest to find out more about seven things that your bladder wants you to stop doing, to eat certain foods with a simple error that you could make after a romantic interlude.

Read this then: If you notice this in the bathroom, check the diabetes, the experts say .

Eat spicy foods.

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Paying attention to your diet can be extremely useful for maintaining the health of your bladder. Indeed, certain foods and drinks are known to irritate the bladder and cause uncomfortable symptoms.

"Caffeinated drinks, alcohol and acidic or spicy foods can all trigger bladder irritation," said note K. Mitchell Naficy , MD, certified family doctor from the board of directors and president and medical director of Gameday Men's Health . "Other foods such as artificial sweeteners, chocolate and citrus fruits can also increase the symptoms of the bladder," he adds.

According to Urology Care Foundation , there are also several foods that can benefit your bladder. These include pears, bananas, winter squash, lean proteins, whole grains, nuts, eggs and more. AE0FCC31AE342FD3A1346EBB1F342FCB

Read this then: Men who eat it are 29% a higher risk of colorectal cancer, discover a new study .

Do exercises with high impact.

woman jumping while she exercises outside
BGSTOCK72 / Shutterstock

Obtaining regular physical activity can help prevent bladder problems By strengthening your pelvic muscles. However, if you already suffer from a condition of the bladder, certain high impact exercises can exacerbate your discomfort, says Naficy.

"Exercises with high impact such as race, jump and aerobic can put excessive pressure on the bladder, leading to urinary incontinence and other painful symptoms. Exercises with low impact such as walking and swimming can be useful for the bladder, "he says.

Smoke and drink.

Friends sitting outside drinking beer
See separate / Shutterstock

The use of tobacco and drinking alcohol is known to worsen several conditions of the bladder, including interstitial cystitis, urinary incontinence, hyperactive bladder (OAB), and more. In addition, Naficy notes that smoking and alcohol consumption "can cause bladder irritation and can also increase your risk of developing bladder cancer".

In fact, according to a 2015 study, smoking triplets Your risk of Development of bladder cancer , compared to the risk of non-smokers. "Each puff of smoke exposes the body to around sixty different carcinogens, and many of them are identifiable in samples of smokers' urine," said the study. "Smoking is the major and modifiable risk factor for the development of bladder cancer in men and women," the research team wrote.

Let yourself be dehydrated.

dehydrated lifestyle habits

Although some people who experience urinary leaks try to control their condition by limiting their water consumption, Jennifer Self Spencer , PT, DPT, a physiotherapist specializing in pelvic health and the owner of Physical therapy of the magic city , warn that this is a major error. Being adequately hydrated is crucial to the health of the bladder, she says Better life .

"Do not limit your overall cash intake. Most people think that if they drink more liquids, they will urinate and flee more. The problem with this is that the decrease in fluids will make your urine more concentrated, which will irritate the mucous membrane of the bladder lining and make you feel more emergency and potentially experience more Leak, "she explains.

"The general rule to be followed is to try to consume at least 50% of your body weight in liquid ounces of liquid daily. Yellow; a darker yellow urine color means that you should hydrate more," says Spencer.

Go to the bathroom too often - or not often enough.

person opening bathroom door
Suriyachan / Shutterstock

According to the Cleveland Clinic, the average person urinates roughly Seven times a day . If you urine less frequently, you may be more at risk of developing an ultimate, bladder or renal pain, urinary incontinence or a weakening of the pelvic floor.

That said, there is also a risk associated with going too frequently. "Don't empty your bladder" just because "" explains Spencer. "When people have problems with urinary leaks, they often start to go to the toilet more often to ensure that their bladder is always empty. This practice can unfortunately lead to a greater urgency of the bladder, at the frequency and Potentially more leaks, "she explains.

Wipe forward.

white man holding toilet paper
Shutterstock / Lazy_bear

Practicing good hygiene is also essential to the health of your bladder. That is why Kim Langdon , MD, an OB-GYN and a medical advisor to Blue Aba Indiana Stresses that women must always wipe back and forth after using the toilet.

"The wiping at the front introduces bacteria from the rectum to the vagina and the urethra and can cause yeast infections," she explains.

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Do not pee after sex.

couple cuddling in bed
Shutterstock / Torwatudio

Likewise, Langdon says it is important to always urinate after having sex, especially if you have known bladder conditions. "If you are subject to urinary tract infections, be sure to urinate right after intercourse.

While men and women should adopt this hygiene habit, women benefit the most. "Women are more subject to nurses That men simply because of their anatomy, "explains the Cleveland Clinic." In women, the urethra - the tube where urine comes out - is shorter and closer to the anus than in males. This allows germs to reach your urethra and travel in your bladder more easily, ”write their experts.

Categories: Health
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